4.8 News Item


Related references

Note: Only part of the references are listed.
Article Multidisciplinary Sciences

Evolution of antibody immunity to SARS-CoV-2

Christian Gaebler et al.

Summary: After infection with SARS-CoV-2, antibody levels against the spike protein decrease significantly, but the number of memory B cells remain unchanged, indicating an evolving humoral response at 6.2 months after infection.

NATURE (2021)

Editorial Material Medicine, General & Internal

Will COVID-19 Lead to Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

Anthony L. Komaroff et al.


Article Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Attributes and predictors of long COVID

Carole H. Sudre et al.

Summary: Reports on long-lasting COVID-19 symptoms, known as 'long COVID', are increasing. Analysis of data from over 4,000 COVID-19 cases revealed that long COVID is more common in older individuals, those with higher body mass index, and females. Experiencing more than five symptoms in the first week of illness was associated with long COVID. A simple model showed promise in distinguishing between short and long COVID cases early in the disease.


Article Cell Biology

Characterization and Biomarker Analyses of Post-COVID-19 Complications and Neurological Manifestations

Bing Sun et al.

Summary: A study showed increased levels of plasma cytokines and nEV proteins in individuals recovering from COVID-19, potentially leading to neuronal dysfunction, especially in patients with neurological issues and those recovering from the infection. Longitudinal studies are needed to monitor these biomarkers to assess neural damage and systemic effects.

CELLS (2021)

Article Pediatrics

Preliminary evidence on long COVID in children

Danilo Buonsenso et al.


Review Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Post-acute COVID-19 syndrome

Ani Nalbandian et al.

Summary: SARS-CoV-2 is responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic, causing global healthcare crises. Recovery from COVID-19 may lead to persistent symptoms and long-term complications, prompting the need for multidisciplinary care and follow-up for survivors.