4.8 News Item


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Article Green & Sustainable Science & Technology

Circular economy strategies for electric vehicle batteries reduce reliance on raw materials

Joris Baars et al.

Summary: New battery chemistry can reduce reliance on cobalt for electric vehicles, but circular economy strategies are needed to prevent burden shifting to other resources. The adoption of lithium-ion batteries in electric vehicles will increase demand for natural resources, leading to new challenges and risks in the supply chain. To strengthen resilience and sustainability, circular economy strategies are essential to reduce primary resource requirements.


Review Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Insights into Layered Oxide Cathodes for Rechargeable Batteries

Julia H. Yang et al.

Summary: Layered intercalation compounds play a key role in rechargeable Li-ion batteries, with factors such as structure topology, electronic structure, and chemistry influencing their electrochemical performance. Emerging Li-ion cathodes go beyond these compounds by utilizing disordered rocksalt Li-excess structures, which may help overcome resource limitations in the era of clean energy technology.


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Global implications of the EU battery regulation

Hans Eric Melin et al.

SCIENCE (2021)

Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Lithium ion battery recycling using high-intensity ultrasonication

Chunhong Lei et al.

Summary: Decarbonisation of energy will heavily rely on lithium ion batteries for automotive transportation, creating a need for efficient recycling processes. This study introduces a rapid delamination method using high powered ultrasound, which significantly increases material processing efficiency and purity for potential recycling into new electrodes.


Article Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

High-Nickel NMA: A Cobalt-Free Alternative to NMC and NCA Cathodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries

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