4.6 Review

Advances and highlights in asthma in 2021

Related references

Note: Only part of the references are listed.
Article Allergy

Benralizumab improves symptoms of patients with severe, eosinophilic asthma with a diagnosis of nasal polyposis

Giorgio Walter Canonica et al.

Summary: The study showed that benralizumab can improve symptoms of NP and asthma outcomes in patients with severe, eosinophilic asthma and NP, with better effects observed in patients with high baseline SNOT-22 scores.

ALLERGY (2022)

Article Allergy

Current perspective on eicosanoids in asthma and allergic diseases: EAACI Task Force consensus report, part I

Milena Sokolowska et al.

Summary: Eicosanoids, including prostaglandins and leukotrienes, play important roles in the pathophysiological processes relevant to asthma and allergies. Inhibiting the synthesis or effects of lipid mediators has shown to modulate features of asthma and allergic diseases. This review article by EAACI task force highlights current understanding of eicosanoid biology and its potential in clinical practice and future research opportunities.

ALLERGY (2021)

Article Allergy

Circulating microRNA-15b-5p as a biomarker for asthma-COPD overlap

Keita Hirai et al.

Summary: Circulating miR-15b-5p is a potential marker for identifying patients with ACO. By elucidating the molecular pathways controlled by miRNAs, we may better understand the pathophysiology of ACO.

ALLERGY (2021)

Article Allergy

Estrogen receptor-α signaling increases allergen-induced IL-33 release and airway inflammation

Jacqueline-Yvonne Cephus et al.

Summary: In this study, estrogen receptor-alpha signaling was found to increase IL-33 release and ILC2-mediated airway inflammation. Esr1-deficient mice showed significantly reduced IL-5, IL-13 production, BAL eosinophils, and IL-33 release, while PPT and 17β-estradiol increased IL-33 gene expression and release.

ALLERGY (2021)

Letter Allergy

ARIA-EAACI statement on asthma and COVID-19 (June 2, 2020)

Jean Bousquet et al.

ALLERGY (2021)

Article Allergy

The neighbourhood natural environment is associated with asthma in children: A birth cohort study

Joao Cavaleiro Rufo et al.

Summary: Early-life exposure to green environment has a protective effect on the development of allergic diseases and asthma in children, while living in neighborhoods with high species richness may increase the risk of allergy, asthma, and wheezing.

ALLERGY (2021)

Article Allergy

Clinical correlates of rhinovirus infection in preschool asthma

Tuomas Jartti et al.

Summary: The study suggests that vitamin D supplementation may have a beneficial effect in combating rhinovirus infection, and that RV infection is closely linked to the severity of preschool asthma and disease progression.

ALLERGY (2021)

Article Allergy

Th2 cell markers in peripheral blood increase during an acute asthma exacerbation

Nami Shrestha Palikhe et al.

Summary: This study found that during acute asthma exacerbations, the number of Th2 cells in peripheral blood correlated with ACQ6 and AQLQ scores, while ILC2 and eosinophil numbers did not. Subjects had higher CRTh2 expression during exacerbation compared to follow-up, and worse lung function. The decrease in CRTh2 expression during follow-up correlated with improvement in lung function.

ALLERGY (2021)

Article Allergy

EAACI Biologicals Guidelines-Recommendations for severe asthma

Ioana Agache et al.

Summary: Severe asthma poses significant challenges in management, but targeted treatments with biologicals offer new hope for patients. However, further research is needed on issues such as selection of biologicals, response definition, treatment duration, and cost-effectiveness.

ALLERGY (2021)

Review Allergy

Economic considerations on the usage of biologics in the allergy clinic

Pauline Azzano et al.

Summary: The advent of biologic therapies has revolutionized the treatment of severe atopic disorders, but their high cost presents challenges in terms of long-term sustainability and resource allocation. Utilizing economic analyses can help guide decision-making and prioritization in care, but the conclusions regarding cost-effectiveness of biologic drugs in atopic disorders vary due to inconsistent estimates of health utility benefit. Developing reliable instruments to measure disutility in atopic disorders and indirect costs in atopic diseases is identified as a priority for future research.

ALLERGY (2021)

Article Allergy

Sputum macrophage diversity and activation in asthma: Role of severity and inflammatory phenotype

Angelica Tiotiu et al.

Summary: The study found that the number of macrophages in severe asthma patients was significantly reduced, but in certain subsets with strong inflammatory pathways, the number and gene signatures of macrophages were enriched in sputum samples.

ALLERGY (2021)

Article Allergy

Dupilumab is effective in type 2-high asthma patients receiving high-dose inhaled corticosteroids at baseline

Arnaud Bourdin et al.

Summary: Dupilumab significantly reduced severe exacerbations and improved lung function and asthma control in patients with type 2-high asthma on high-dose ICS at baseline.

ALLERGY (2021)

Review Allergy

Multidisciplinary consensus on sputum induction biosafety during the COVID-19 pandemic

Astrid Crespo-Lessmann et al.

Summary: Sputum induction is the gold standard approach for studying airway inflammation, allowing classification of asthma patients and predicting therapeutic responses based on inflammatory cell counts. During the COVID-19 pandemic, a protocol is needed to ensure biosafety in implementing sputum induction sampling and processing procedures.

ALLERGY (2021)

Article Allergy

Epithelial expression and role of secreted STC1 on asthma airway hyperresponsiveness through calcium channel modulation

Jiayan Xu et al.

Summary: The study found that serum STC1 levels were decreased in asthmatic patients and correlated with asthma control, lung function, and IL-13 levels. Treatment with inhaled corticosteroids/long-acting beta2-agonists for one year enhanced STC1 expression and improved asthma control. STC1 was mainly expressed in bronchial epithelium and exogenous STC1 reduced AHR and inflammation in mice.

ALLERGY (2021)

Article Allergy

Nasal DNA methylation differentiates severe from nonsevere asthma in African American children

Tao Zhu et al.

Summary: Significant differences in nasal epithelial DNAm were observed between nonsevere and severe asthma in African American children, a subset of which may be useful to predict disease severity. These CpG sites are subjected to the influences of environmental exposures and may regulate gene expression.

ALLERGY (2021)

Article Allergy

Molecular markers of type 2 airway inflammation are similar between eosinophilic severe asthma and eosinophilic COPD

Michael Fricker et al.

Summary: Molecular markers of type 2 airway inflammation do not differ between eosinophilic asthma and eosinophilic COPD; however, the relationship between eosinophilia and type 2 airway markers appears weaker in COPD than in severe asthma.

ALLERGY (2021)

Article Allergy

Airway immune mediator levels during asthma-like symptoms in young children and their possible role in response to azithromycin

Christian J. Carlsson et al.

Summary: The study found that upper airway immune mediator levels were altered during episodes of asthma-like symptoms, and levels of TNF-alpha, CCL22, and IL-10 may predict the response to azithromycin treatment.

ALLERGY (2021)

Article Allergy

Mast cell-derived serotonin enhances methacholine-induced airway hyperresponsiveness in house dust mite-induced experimental asthma

Erika Mendez-Enriquez et al.

Summary: This study found that mast cells release serotonin, which enhances bronchoconstriction and AHR. Mast cells play a key role in the pathogenesis of asthma, and M3-directed treatments may also act by targeting mast cells.

ALLERGY (2021)

Article Allergy

Peripheral airways type 2 inflammation, neutrophilia and microbial dysbiosis in severe asthma

Adnan Azim et al.

Summary: High levels of IL-13 in the peripheral airways of severe asthma patients are associated with BAL neutrophilia and bacterial dysbiosis. This suggests a steroid unresponsive source of IL-13 and highlights the importance of understanding the innate and adaptive immune responses in the peripheral airways of severe asthma.

ALLERGY (2021)

Article Allergy

Tezepelumab Reduces Exacerbations Across All Seasons in Patients with Severe, Uncontrolled Asthma: A Post Hoc Analysis of the PATHWAY Phase 2b Study

Jonathan Corren et al.

Summary: Tezepelumab effectively reduces exacerbation rates in patients with severe, uncontrolled asthma, regardless of seasonal variations, with greater efficacy in patients with high blood eosinophil counts.


Article Allergy

Increased day-to-day fluctuations in exhaled breath profiles after a rhinovirus challenge in asthma

Ariana Lammers et al.

Summary: The study found that electronic nose fluctuations rapidly increased after a RV16 challenge, with distinct differences between healthy and asthmatic adults. The discrimination between pre-challenge and post-challenge reached high levels in both healthy and asthmatic adults. The total change in eNose deviations moderately correlated with IL-8 and TNF alpha in asthmatics.

ALLERGY (2021)

Article Allergy

Sputum TNF markers are increased in neutrophilic and severe asthma and are reduced by azithromycin treatment

Natalie M. Niessen et al.

Summary: This study investigated the association between TNF markers and clinical phenotypes of asthma, as well as the effect of azithromycin treatment on these markers. The results showed dysregulation of TNF markers in the airways related to important asthma phenotypes, with azithromycin treatment significantly reducing TNF levels in non-eosinophilic participants.

ALLERGY (2021)

Article Allergy

Quantitative CT metrics are associated with longitudinal lung function decline and future asthma exacerbations: Results from SARP-3

James G. Krings et al.

Summary: For patients with asthma, qCT measurements show that more severe airway remodeling, small airway disease and hyperinflation, as well as less pointwise regional change in lung volumes at baseline are associated with future decline in lung function and exacerbations of asthma.


Article Pediatrics

Measures of ventilation heterogeneity mapped with hyperpolarized helium-3 MRI demonstrate a T2-high phenotype in asthma

W. Gerald Teague et al.

Summary: In this study, HHe-3 MR imaging was used to analyze 60 children with asthma, finding that VH indicators were significantly associated with inflammatory markers and could serve as a way to identify severe phenotypes.


Article Cardiac & Cardiovascular Systems

Evaluating post-bronchodilator response in well-controlled paediatric severe asthma using hyperpolarised 129Xe-MRI: A pilot study

Shahideh Safavi et al.

Summary: The study found that 129Xe-MRI is a sensitive marker for assessing ventilation inhomogeneity in pediatric severe asthma. It has the potential to be used as a biomarker for disease progression and therapeutic response assessment.


Article Allergy

Real-life impact of COVID-19 pandemic lockdown on the management of pediatric and adult asthma: A survey by the EAACI Asthma Section

Ibon Eguiluz-Gracia et al.

Summary: The study found that management of asthma patients was affected during the COVID-19 lockdown, with a need for resources to ensure lung function tests for initial diagnosis, and an emphasis on strengthening digital remote monitoring for follow-up of children and adults with asthma.

ALLERGY (2021)

Review Allergy

Characteristics of tissue-resident ILCs and their potential as therapeutic targets in mucosal and skin inflammatory diseases

Keisuke Orimo et al.

Summary: Discovery of innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) has changed the classical concept of allergy mechanism and led to a better understanding of non-IgE-mediated allergic inflammation. Studies have shown heterogeneity in each ILC subset in different organs and tissues, with varying functions and activating/suppressing factors. Understanding the roles of ILCs in various organs is crucial for researching and treating inflammatory diseases.

ALLERGY (2021)

Article Allergy

Long-acting muscarinic antagonist regulates group 2 innate lymphoid cell-dependent airway eosinophilic inflammation

Takahiro Matsuyama et al.

Summary: This study found that tiotropium attenuates ILC2-dependent airway inflammation by suppressing IL-4 production from basophils and subsequently regulating ILC2 activation. The inhibitory effects of long-acting muscarinic antagonists on the innate response may contribute to reducing asthma exacerbation.

ALLERGY (2021)

Review Allergy

Immunological resilience and biodiversity for prevention of allergic diseases and asthma

Tari Haahtela et al.

Summary: The rise in allergic conditions is closely linked to the rapid growth of human activities, with changes in environment and lifestyle as the main causes. While advancements in treatment have helped control symptoms, prevention remains a challenge.

ALLERGY (2021)

Editorial Material Allergy

The epithelial barrier hypothesis: a 20-year journey

Yagiz Pat et al.

ALLERGY (2021)

Article Allergy

Epithelial exosomal contactin-1 promotes monocyte-derived dendritic cell-dominant T-cell responses in asthma

Meng Zhang et al.

Summary: The study revealed that HDM-AEC-EXOs facilitate recruitment, proliferation, migration, and activation of DCs, with CNTN1 playing a critical role. Notch2 receptor is necessary for relaying the CNTN1 signal to activate TH2 cell/TH17 cell immune response. Studies of patients with asthma support the existence of the CNTN1-Notch2 axis observed in cell and mouse models.


Article Allergy

Astegolimab (anti-ST2) efficacy and safety in adults with severe asthma: A randomized clinical trial

Steven G. Kelsen et al.

Summary: The study evaluated the efficacy and safety of Astegolimab in patients with severe asthma, showing that the drug reduced asthma exacerbation rate and had a good effect on patients with low blood eosinophils, while maintaining safety and tolerability.


Article Medicine, General & Internal

Tezepelumab in Adults and Adolescents with Severe, Uncontrolled Asthma

Andrew Menzies-Gow et al.

Summary: Tezepelumab, a monoclonal antibody targeting thymic stromal lymphopoietin, effectively reduces asthma exacerbations in patients with severe, uncontrolled asthma, leading to improved lung function, asthma control, and quality of life.


Article Cell Biology

High-dimensional profiling clusters asthma severity by lymphoid and non-lymphoid status

Matthew J. Camiolo et al.

Summary: Clinical definitions of asthma do not capture the diversity of immune dysfunction in severe cases. By applying mass cytometry and machine learning, corticosteroid-resistant asthma patients were classified into two groups: one with IL-4(+) innate immune cells and another dominated by IFN-gamma(+) T cells. The Immune Cell Linkage through Exploratory Matrices (ICLite) algorithm helped to identify cellular mediators and transcriptional signatures in severe asthma patients.


Article Allergy

Efficacy and Safety of As-Needed Budesonide-Formoterol in Adolescents with Mild Asthma

Helen K. Reddel et al.

Summary: This post hoc pooled analysis of SYGMA 1 and 2 showed that as-needed BUD-FORM was superior to maintenance BUD and similar to as-needed terbutaline in reducing severe exacerbations in adolescents with mild asthma. Adherence to maintenance treatment was higher in the BUD-FORM group compared to the BUD maintenance group, and no new safety concerns were identified.


Article Respiratory System

Imaging for precision medicine: can V-P SPECT measure mepolizumab response in asthma?

Vanessa M. McDonald et al.

Summary: Monoclonal antibody therapies are effective for many severe asthma patients, but precision medicine is needed to select the most likely responders using biomarkers. A case series of four severe asthma patients treated with mepolizumab, evaluated using V-P SPECT, showed promise in objectively assessing lung ventilation and perfusion to observe responsiveness to the treatment. This objective measure may allow better precision in determining treatment improvements.


Editorial Material Allergy

Semaphorin3A is a promising therapeutic tool for bronchial asthma

Elias Toubi et al.

ALLERGY (2020)

Letter Allergy

Transcriptomic and methylomic features in asthmatic and nonasthmatic twins

Gopal Krishna R. Dhondalay et al.

ALLERGY (2020)

Letter Allergy

Human airway epithelial cells express a functional IL-5 receptor

Karina T. Barretto et al.

ALLERGY (2020)

Review Allergy

Type 2 immunity in the skin and lungs

Cezmi A. Akdis et al.

ALLERGY (2020)

Review Allergy

Advances and recent developments in asthma in 2020

Lacin Cevhertas et al.

ALLERGY (2020)

Article Critical Care Medicine

CT and Functional MRI to Evaluate Airway Mucus in Severe Asthma

Sarah Svenningsen et al.

CHEST (2019)

Review Medicine, Research & Experimental

Precision medicine and phenotypes, endotypes, genotypes, regiotypes, and theratypes of allergic diseases

Ioana Agache et al.


Article Medicine, General & Internal

Mometasone or Tiotropium in Mild Asthma with a Low Sputum Eosinophil Level

Stephen C. Lazarus et al.


Review Immunology

Severe asthma phenotypes and endotypes

Ioana Agache


Article Allergy

Enhanced plasmacytoid dendritic cell antiviral responses after omalizumab

Michelle A. Gill et al.


Article Medicine, Research & Experimental

Mucus plugs in patients with asthma linked to eosinophilia and airflow obstruction

Eleanor M. Dunican et al.


Article Medicine, General & Internal

Inhaled Combined Budesonide-Formoterol as Needed in Mild Asthma

Paul M. O'Byrne et al.


Article Medicine, General & Internal

As-Needed Budesonide-Formoterol versus Maintenance Budesonide in Mild Asthma

Eric D. Bateman et al.


Article Medicine, General & Internal

Tezepelumab in Adults with Uncontrolled Asthma

Jonathan Corren et al.


Article Radiology, Nuclear Medicine & Medical Imaging

Free-breathing Functional Pulmonary MRI: Response to Bronchodilator and Bronchoprovocation in Severe Asthma

Dante P. I. Capaldi et al.


Article Veterinary Sciences

A Comparison of Three Holistic Approaches to Health: One Health, EcoHealth, and Planetary Health

Henrik Lerner et al.


Article Allergy

IL-33-activated dendritic cells induce an atypical TH2-type response

Matthew A. Rank et al.