4.6 Editorial Material

Introduction to Special Issue on Risk Assessment, Economic Evaluation, and Decisions

Related references

Note: Only part of the references are listed.
Article Public, Environmental & Occupational Health

High Throughput Risk and Impact Screening of Chemicals in Consumer Products

Olivier Jolliet et al.

Summary: The study highlights the potential risks associated with household products in daily life and emphasizes the importance of assessing exposure and toxicity data comprehensively. Significant variability exists in the risks among chemical-product combinations, and prioritization based solely on hazard is insufficient for evaluating actual risk levels.


Article Public, Environmental & Occupational Health

The Pebble Remains in the Master's Hand: Two Careers Spent Learning (Still) from John Evans

Adam M. Finkel et al.

Summary: This article discusses four challenging issues in risk-based decision making, including the role of potential thresholds in dose-response functions, the lack of health reference values for many chemicals distorting risk management, model uncertainty as a challenge for risk characterization, and the untapped potential of value-of-information analysis in enhancing public health decision making. Further research is needed on these issues, but some solutions may already exist in the ideas proposed by John.


Article Public, Environmental & Occupational Health

Evolving Science and Practice of Risk Assessment

Katherine von Stackelberg et al.

Summary: Historically, managing public health risks from environmental contaminants has relied on a risk assessment process defined by the regulatory context in which these risks are assessed. The risk assessment guidance follows a straightforward chemical-by-chemical approach to inform regulatory decisions. However, there are scientific versus regulatory tensions in applying innovative risk assessment approaches for future assessments, and challenges in translating improved scientific understanding to the regulatory landscape for better decision making beyond conventional mandates.


Article Public, Environmental & Occupational Health

Estimating the Potential Health Benefits of Air Quality Warnings

Jonathan J. Buonocore et al.

Summary: The study estimates that the benefits associated with avoiding exposure to ambient ozone and fine particles when air quality thresholds are exceeded is generally less than $14 per person for one additional hour spent indoors. However, these estimates are sensitive to assumptions regarding the relationship between decreased exposure and mortality risks. Individuals' decisions to stay indoors likely depend on the value of health benefits compared with the value of forgone work and leisure activities. The national warning system provides flexibility for individuals to tailor their responses to personal circumstances, but the benefits under typical conditions are small.


Article Public, Environmental & Occupational Health

Mortality Benefits and Control Costs of Improving Air Quality in Mexico City: The Case of Heavy Duty Diesel Vehicles

John S. Evans et al.

Summary: Retrofitting diesel vehicles in Mexico City with particulate filters and oxidation catalysts can significantly reduce emissions and improve public health, resulting in both economic and health benefits that outweigh the initial costs. This study highlights the importance of considering various interventions to control air pollution and protect public health, and emphasizes the need for further analysis and implementation of these measures.


Article Public, Environmental & Occupational Health

A Unified Probabilistic Framework for Cancer Risk Management

Christoph M. Rheinberger

Summary: This article presents a unified framework for cancer risk management that utilizes probabilistic methods to assess variability in individual exposure and cancer susceptibility, as well as to evaluate excess cancer risk and welfare benefits. The study findings show that limiting hexavalent chromium exposure in France can reduce the risk of lung cancer for workers, leading to significant welfare gains at the cohort level.


Article Public, Environmental & Occupational Health

Accounting for Health Risk Inequality in Regulatory Impact Analysis: Barriers and Opportunities

Jonathan I. Levy

Summary: There is a growing interest in accounting for inequality in health risks and benefits within regulatory impact analyses, yet limited progress has been made in practice despite the increasing literature on this topic. Controversy remains regarding the best approaches to formally incorporate inequality and whether it makes sense to quantify inequality in this context.


Editorial Material Public, Environmental & Occupational Health

John Evans: Providing Sensible Options to Resolve Complex Risk Problems

Michael Greenberg et al.


Article Public, Environmental & Occupational Health

Long-Term Effects of Fine Particles on Mortality: Insights from 1984

Patrick L. Kinney

Summary: Professor Evans' early study on cross-sectional mortality studies in air pollution risk assessment provides a comprehensive primer on assessing long-term mortality risks from airborne particles. The paper challenges previous criticisms and suggests a causal relationship between exposure to airborne particles and premature mortality. Acknowledging the difficulty in quantifying the long-term mortality effect of particle air pollution, further research utilizing alternative approaches is needed.


Review Environmental Sciences

Fine particulate air pollution and human mortality: 25+years of cohort studies

C. Arden Pope et al.


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Premature Deaths, Statistical Lives, and Years of Life Lost: Identification, Quantification, and Valuation of Mortality Risks

James K. Hammitt et al.


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An inter-comparison of the social costs of air quality from reduced-complexity models

Elisabeth A. Gilmore et al.


Article Public, Environmental & Occupational Health

Science and Decisions: Advancing Risk Assessment

Eileen Abt et al.