4.8 Editorial Material

First complete model of the human embryo

Related references

Note: Only part of the references are listed.
Review Chemistry, Physical

Stem-cell-based embryo models for fundamental research and translation

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Summary: This article highlights the importance of stem-cell-derived embryo models in advancing our understanding of mammalian embryology, emphasizing the significance of simulating mouse and human development in current models and utilizing bioengineering tools.


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Summary: The study describes a method to reprogram fibroblasts into human blastocyst models, known as iBlastoids. This model can mimic the overall structure of blastocysts, including inner cell mass, epiblast, primitive endoderm-like cells, blastocoel-like cavity, and trophectoderm-like cells. The iBlastoids system is believed to facilitate the study of early human development, the effects of gene mutations and toxins during early embryogenesis, and the development of new therapies associated with in vitro fertilization.

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Blastocyst-like structures generated from human pluripotent stem cells

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Summary: The study developed an effective three-dimensional culture strategy to generate blastocyst-like structures in vitro which resemble human blastocysts. These structures, termed 'human blastoids', are readily accessible, scalable, versatile, and perturbable alternative to blastocysts for studying early human development, understanding early pregnancy loss, and gaining insights into early developmental defects.

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A developmental landscape of 3D-cultured human pre-gastrulation embryos

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Controlled modelling of human epiblast and amnion development using stem cells

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Blastocyst-like structures generated solely from stem cells

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A method to recapitulate early embryonic spatial patterning in human embryonic stem cells

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