Fighting off journal rejections on the path to manuscript acceptance


Feb 21, 2024 08:00 AM in Eastern Time (US and Canada) Switch Time Zone
Dr. Clark Holdsworth

Senior Manager, Communications & Partnerships (LetPub)

Dr. Holdsworth oversees communications projects and partnerships at LetPub. LetPub has thousands of interactions with authors and journals annually. Dr. Holdsworth and the Learning Nexus Team filter these experiences into an intuitive and effective educational experience for authors and journal editors.

The correct insight and skills can radically alter your publication success rate. The submission process is fraught with rejection, but navigating the errors, traps, and pitfalls can make successfully acceptance of your manuscript feel inevitable. Authors that master this confidence in their process have little trouble meeting their publishing goals. In less than an hour, this webinar will teach you this process and help you build your confidence. Join us on Wednesday February 21, 8AM EST (9PM GMT+8).

Join experienced editor and publishing consultant Dr. Clark Holdsworth as he shares insider tips to avoid having your manuscript rejected. This webinar will cover:

• Best practices for submission
• Strategies to avoid rejections
• Checklists of journal editors’ concerns
• Tips for preventing common rejections

Best of all, this is also a forum for interaction! Features include:

• Extensive Q&A session where you can have all your specific problems addressed, in detail
• A chat function to interact directly with Dr. Holdsworth

For added value, the entire session will be made available on-demand for later viewing, and a certificate of participation will be provided!
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