Goran Shibakovski Asked 2 weeks ago

How long does the initial assessment of a book proposal typically take after submission, and what are the common factors that could affect the timeline of this process?


A clear understanding of this process ensures that authors can plan accordingly and be prepared for any communication or required actions during the review phase.

Best answer

Expect a waiting time of 2-3 months on average. This is a common timeframe for publishers to give an initial response. The timeframe can vary greatly depending on several factors:

Publisher Workload: Publishing houses receive a high volume of proposals, and their assessment queues can be quite long. This can lead to waiting times ranging from a few weeks to several months.

Genre and Category: Some genres or categories may have a dedicated acquisitions editor who can review proposals more quickly. On the other hand, if your proposal falls outside a publisher's usual focus, it might take longer to find a qualified reader.

Proposal Completeness and Clarity: A well-written proposal with a clear and concise overview, strong market analysis, and a compelling manuscript sample is more likely to receive a faster initial assessment. Conversely, incomplete or poorly written proposals might take longer to process or even get rejected without a full review.

Internal Review Process: Some publishers have a multi-stage review process involving editors, acquisition committees, and external reviewers. This can add to the overall time it takes to receive a response.