Verified Reviews - Advanced Science
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

Weijer17 2022-02-23

Do we need to inform them after paying the layout fee?

nnsz107 2022-01-24

After the transfer, AM is still very friendly.

Johndodo 2022-01-22

It was rejected by JACS and Angewandte Chemie, and then submitted to AS on December 14. A month later, we received revision comments, making it the first paper from our research group. Previously, all the submissions were rejected by the editors, but AS is increasing its publication output, which is probably the reason why we had a chance to be accepted.

prlncam 2022-01-18

The estimated Impact Factor (IF) of Advanced Science is expected to increase to around 18 in 2022, and the number of published articles is also steadily rising. It is projected that the publication volume in 2022 will reach 1000+. The overall influence of the journal has been gradually increasing in recent years. In 2021, it was upgraded to a first-tier journal in the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) classification.

一片黄叶 2022-01-17

The number of posts in 2021 has surged, and I wonder how it will affect "if."

FrankBryan 2021-12-30

2021.6.29 Submission AM
2021.10.12 Received reviewer comments, 2 rejections, given opportunity to resubmit as AS
2021.11.14 Resubmitted as AS
2021.12.9 Accepted directly
Due to not notifying Wiley after paying the page charges, had to check the account on 12.25 and confirmed payment received. Now waiting for page numbers. Overall, there are very few opportunities for AS if rejected by AM. If the editor gives the opportunity, the chances of acceptance will increase because the response will go back to the AM reviewers, and if they are satisfied, the editor will accept it directly.

科研民工1988 2021-12-21

I vaguely remember that it took more than a month to receive the payment notice, and this time should depend on the work situation of the magazine staff. At that time, I received an 20% discount. It seems that recently the discount intensity has decreased.

kk_songs 2021-12-15

I have been waiting for over 50 days. Could you please let me know how things are going from here?

kk_songs 2021-12-15

May I ask what happened next? I have also been under consideration for over 50 days.

QvenCheung 2021-12-06

Hello, recently I also received a transfer from AM. I would like to know how many days it usually takes from receiving the payment notification to sending the payment. Additionally, how much discount can I get for the AM transfer? Thank you.

huimin9803 2021-11-29

On November 10, I transferred from AEM and now it has been nearly twenty days, but there is still no result.

Monroe1994 2021-11-23

Transfer from AM to AS, the submission time is as follows:
Submission: 20210910
Under consideration: 20210910-20210928
Revise, Major Revision: Specified for revision 20210928-20211008
R1 under consideration: 20211008
Revise, Minor Revision: Specified for revision 20211112-20211117
R2 under consideration: 20211117
Accept: 20211122
After more than 2 months, it is finally accepted. I am very happy. The journal review speed is quite fast. Does anyone know how to make the payment?

小圈 2021-11-22

Excuse me, has your second review been sent to another reviewer? How long does it take to get the results? It has been almost a month for me, anxiously waiting.

fight10086 2021-11-16

In the second trial, I hope there can be modifications.

Galileo 2021-11-15

Direction for super-resolution imaging on optical slices, submit to AM. Due to direction concerns, it is recommended to transfer to advanced science, small, small method. Finally, choose AS.
Submitted on September 3rd.
First review on November 14th, with three reviewers providing a 15% evaluation. Minor revisions were made.

kevin 2021-10-19

Already submitted, under consideration.

科研民工1988 2021-09-30

2021.1.13 Submission AM (Not a review)
2021.2.1 Received review comments from three reviewers. Two major revisions and one minor revision were suggested. One reviewer questioned the novelty of the study, and the editor rejected the submission directly.
2021.2.15 Filed an appeal, explaining the originality of the article. However, the editor insisted on following the reviewers' recommendations but provided an opportunity to submit to Advanced Science (AS).
2021.2.18 Submitted to AS.
2021.3.23 Editor notified acceptance directly and sent the article back to the reviewers of AM. Although one reviewer had some unreasonable requests for modification, the other two believed it could be accepted. The editor accepted it directly without any modifications, and the acceptance process was efficient.
Overall, I feel that the journal's impact factor is 15+, and transferring to AM was a discount. The influence of the journal should be increasing year by year. I feel that if it hadn't been for transferring to AM, the submission process for people around me wouldn't have been as efficient. However, I am still happy that it was accepted directly without any modifications.

jokerximmi 2021-08-25

Did AS cancel the communication article type?

gu 2021-08-19

Hello, my paper was also rejected by AM and then suggested to transfer to AS. May I ask if I should revise it according to the review comments and then transfer, or transfer it first?

止心所至 2021-08-18

Without a discount, it is 5000 dollars.

lxp2021 2021-08-18

Hello, I would like to inquire whether the publication fee for Advanced Science needs to be taxed. Thank you!

冲啊 2021-08-17

If I am not the corresponding author, can I still check the submission status of the article? After submission, will the status of the article always be "under consideration"?

止心所至 2021-08-10

Last September, I submitted my paper to Advanced Materials. Three weeks later, I received an email suggesting that I transfer it to either Advanced Functional Materials or Advanced Science, as the content of my work leaned more towards biomedical applications of materials. On October 8th, I decided to transfer it to Advanced Science. After 42 days, I received the reviews, which required major and minor revisions. The editor rejected the paper but allowed resubmission. I spent over two months conducting additional experiments and submitted the revised paper on January 27th, 2021. Unfortunately, it took 56 days to receive the review comments, and the reviewer had changed. This time, the paper was accepted with minor and major revisions, with the major revision asking for clarification on the molecular mechanism. It was quite challenging as my experiments had a long cycle in vivo. So, I spent another two months working on it and resubmitted on May 22nd. On June 22nd, I received a reply from the editor, unexpectedly rejecting the paper. However, the reviewer's comments suggested minor revisions. I wrote an email appealing the decision the following day, and eventually, it was changed to minor revisions. On July 22nd, I submitted the third revised version, and on the afternoon of August 10th, I received an email accepting the paper. The entire submission process was tumultuous and lasted for 10 months. It seems that finding suitable reviewers for biomedical articles in this journal is not easy, and the review process is slow. However, fortunately, it had a satisfactory outcome in the end.

wow~ 2021-08-04

Hello, has your article been accepted? Is it still under consideration after submission?

煎饼狗子 2021-07-20

Immunology-related pure medical, it has been 56 days since submission, and there is no response yet.

AC先生 2021-06-17

The submission process is a painful one, but after acceptance, everything becomes easy-going. Here, I share my experience of submitting to AS. The research I did was related to ion exchange membrane fuel cells and polymer adhesives.
On March 17th, I submitted my manuscript to AFM. After waiting for 27 days, I received a rejection letter on April 10th. It required minor revisions, but ultimately the boss asked me to respond and argue. I returned one week later.
On April 24th, I received a message stating that it would not be sent for review again, so I prepared to submit to AS.
On April 27th, I submitted.
On May 17th, I received a major revision request from three reviewers. Two required minor revisions, and one suggested transferring the paper. One of the reviewers even gave it a top 15% ranking. It seems that initially two reviewers were assigned, and after the suggestion to transfer, the editor found a third reviewer. In the end, the result was a major revision. Hoping for a smooth graduation, I spent one week collecting data and responding to questions and returned on May 25th.
On June 4th, at 7 PM, I received the final acceptance message. I made it just in time for graduation.
AS is quite efficient, but expensive (5000USD), which made the boss quite upset.
These past couple of days, I have been proofreading, and the online publication is also coming soon.

司望 2021-06-17

2021.3.22 submit to AM - Submitted to AM on March 22, 2021.
2021.4.9 被拒建议转投AS - Rejected, suggested to submit to AS on April 9, 2021.
2021.4.25 按AM的审稿意见修改后transfer - Transferred after making revisions based on AM's review comments on April 25, 2021.
2021.6.5 accept without change - Accepted without any changes on June 5, 2021.
2021.6.10 proof - Proofreading.

转运RNA曼 2021-04-16

Can you guys help me with the EndNote format for advanced science? I've searched the official website but couldn't find it. Do any of you know which journal's EndNote format can be used?

Dr Li_ 2021-04-12

May I ask if you are working in the field of material science or fundamental research? How long is your review process, approximately?

Dr Li_ 2021-04-11

May I ask if you specialize in the fundamental direction? Was the article in the early stage continuously under consideration?

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