Verified Reviews - Sustainability
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

暮雨 2023-02-01

The efficiency is very fast.
2023.1.12 submitted
2023.1.26 minor revision
2023.1.30 resubmitted
2023.1.31 accepted

Williamfantacy 2023-01-30

2023.1.19 submitted
2023.1.19 under review
2023.1.30 minor revision

年年 2023-01-29

Quite fast. After submitting the manuscript, it was directly accepted for publication after two weeks of major revisions, taking 29 days in total. The reviewer also provided constructive suggestions.

小跳蛙吖吖 2023-01-28

Question, why haven't I received a response regarding my request for an extension? I have applied twice.

adu123 2023-01-28

Actually, I contacted the editor before replying to reviewer 1, hoping to change the reviewer. The assistant editor suggested not to do so and advised to reply normally (the reply must have reasons and evidence). I handed it over to the academic editor for arbitration. Thank you to reviewer 1 for providing some feedback, although it was rejected, it did not offer any meaningful suggestions. On the other hand, my reply was a point-by-point rebuttal, with reasons and evidence. I also want to thank reviewer 2, who is very impressive. They provided a lot of suggestions, but all of them were very specific. It is fortunate to encounter such a reviewer, as it greatly improves the quality of the article.

adu123 2023-01-28

The research topic of the paper is architectural design and urban design, with a slight focus on planning.
Submitted on November 8, 2022.
Major revision on December 5, 2022.
Revised on December 28, 2022, with significant changes, so two extensions were requested.
Minor revision on December 30, 2022, where Reviewer 1 did not reply.
Revised on January 3, 2023.
Major revision on January 9, 2023, surprisingly, Reviewer 1 responded again and provided another major revision. I am very angry because this reviewer is really not capable.
Revised on January 17, 2023. In fact, there were no changes made because Reviewer 1 directly rejected it and there were no specific suggestions for improvement. Moreover, the comments were very vague. So, I ignored this reviewer and made modifications according to the suggestions of the academic editor. I replied with a page of rebuttal to Reviewer 1. I am prepared for rejection, but please note that the rebuttal must be logical and well-supported.
Minor revision before final acceptance on January 17, 2023. The academic editor believes that although I have significant disagreements with Reviewer 1, thanks to the extensive specific revision suggestions made by Reviewer 2 and my compliance with the requirements, they consider that this article has greatly improved and can be accepted. Many thanks to Reviewer 2.
Revised on January 17, 2023, and accepted on January 18, 2023.
Payment made on January 19, 2023. Note that PayPal fees are high, so if possible, it is better to make a bank transfer.
Online on January 20, 2023.
Note: It is preferable to submit the paper using an institutional email.

wangdake 2023-01-25

2023-1-20 Submission & pending review
No news has been received, thought it was rejected, but unexpectedly
2023-1-24 22:24 Assigned to editor
2023-3-6 major revision

Ma PY 2023-01-17

My card has also been stuck for 10 days. I am waiting for the editor to make a decision. What's going on?

Alexanderyoung 2023-01-10

Part 2:
2023.01.06 Pending Editor Decision
2023.01.09 Accepted for Publication
2023.01.09 APC Invoice
2023.01.09 Pending English
2023.01.10 English Correction Done
2023.01.10 Final Proofreading Before Publication
2023.01.10 Revised
2023.01.10 Pending conversion
2023.01.10 Payment
2023.01.10 Website Online

Alexanderyoung 2023-01-10

Recording the slightly bumpy submission process for reference (part 1):
2022.11.24 Submitted
2022.11.25 Under Review
2022.12.08 Pending Editor Decision (Four reviewers' comments seen in the system, two positive, one suggesting minor revisions, one criticizing the article severely)
2022.12.13 Rejected (Editor decided to reject the submission, encouraging resubmission)
2022.12.15 Resubmission (Started making revisions based on reviewers' comments on the 8th, initially thought it would require major revisions, but unexpectedly got rejected)
2022.12.26 Major Revisions (All other reviewers agreed on acceptance, except the fourth reviewer who still believed the article did not meet publication standards and provided a bunch of comments. The editor granted ten days for major revisions)
2023.01.03 Revised (Focused on making revisions according to the fourth reviewer's comments)
2023.01.05 Minor Revisions (The fourth reviewer finally provided all positive evaluations with some minor suggestions)
2023.01.05 Revised

Kaoye 2023-01-04

Language issues might be a common problem for someone like me, who is inexperienced. During the process of major and minor revisions, one of the reviewers felt that my English was not up to par and asked me to make extensive edits in English. Since I didn't have any money, I carefully revised the entire article multiple times myself and eventually passed. For those who don't want any polishing, it's advisable to make some revisions on your own, and if you can afford it, professional editing would be even better.

Kaoye 2023-01-04

11.13 Submission
11.15 Under review
11.29 Pending major revisions (Extensive revisions requested within ten days, but I delayed by a week due to personal reasons)
12.16 Returned for major revisions (The reviewers were very responsible, and one of them even converted the manuscript to PDF and helped me with the details. I was truly moved. Received over 5k+ responses in total)
12.20 Pending minor revisions (Very fast)
12.26 Accepted, received invoice (2kCHF, approximately 15kRMB based on the exchange rate on that day)
12.28 Successfully made the payment in the morning (Through Bank of China, it can be done through cross-border transfer, and the bank teller will assist with the process without any fees)
12.29 Published and available online in the morning
It took me a total of 38 days to get published, with a delay of 7 days due to personal reasons. Normally, it takes about a month to get published. I am a novice in independent writing for scientific journals, but I submitted to this journal because I was running out of time for my Ph.D. application materials. Although it was expensive, the speed was worth it!!!

Kaoye 2023-01-04

11.13 Submission
11.15 Under review
11.29 Pending major revisions (Extensive revisions requested within ten days, but due to personal reasons, I requested a one-week extension from the editor)
12.16 Returned for major revisions (The reviewers were very responsible, with one of them even converting the manuscript to PDF and helping me with detailed modifications. I was truly moved. In total, I received over 5k+ responses)
12.20 Pending minor revisions (Very quick)
12.26 Accepted, received invoice (2kCHF, approximately 15kRMB as per the exchange rate on that day)
12.28 Successfully made the payment in the morning (China Bank, cross-border transfer, assistance provided by the bank teller, no transaction fees incurred)
12.29 Published in the morning and available online
In total, it took me 38 days to publish, with a delay of 7 days due to personal reasons. Generally, it takes about a month to publish. I am a novice in writing scientific papers independently, and I submitted to this journal due to time constraints for my doctoral application materials. Although it was a bit expensive, the speed was worth it!

小米 2023-01-03

Brother, wake up!

小跳蛙吖吖 2023-01-02

Hello, may I ask if I have to use the proofreading provided by them if I want to proofread?

SMU_ELEC 2022-12-29

Direct editing rejection for the same unknown reason.

SMU_ELEC 2022-12-29

"Pending review all along, there is no subsequent direct editing and rejection."

嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻奚 2022-12-23

Just got hired today and just finished paying the fees. It's been stuck on English check the whole time. Are they on vacation?

章波 2022-12-22

November 30th - Submission
December 1st - Editing and distribution
December 15th - Minor revisions
December 20th - Submission
December 21st - Acceptance

wang666123 2022-12-21

Hello, does "opinion email" refer to the opinions of the second review by experts? Is it convenient to send a friend request? Thank you very much!

嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻奚 2022-12-20

He will send you an email with his opinions. I have also encountered this recently. There was an email saying there are opinions, but I couldn't find where the opinions were. They were not available on the system.

蓝莓陨石 2022-12-16

Send an email and ask, the editors at MDPI are all quite friendly.

wang666123 2022-12-15

Second-instance stage. The experts' opinions all indicate satisfaction with the revisions. It has been pending editor decision for almost 20 days. Have any friends encountered such a situation? Should I contact the AE?

wang666123 2022-12-15

Excuse me, is it okay to directly communicate with the AE (Associate Editor) via email if there are any issues? The second-round experts' recommendations were all accepted for revisions and publication. It has been almost 20 days since it went into "pending editor decision." What is the situation? Does anyone know?

HunterSchaf 2022-12-02

Industry's top journals, almost every article is of CNS (China National Standards) quality. However, scholars will not submit to such high-impact journals like CNS due to face-saving concerns. The impact factor will inevitably exceed 300 eventually.

sober_down 2022-11-30

It has already been resolved, thank you.

sober_down 2022-11-30

You can communicate with the journal by sending an email if you have any questions. They have a very good attitude.

Kaoye 2022-11-29

Posted on 2022.11.13
Returned in the afternoon of 2022.28 for the first round of major revisions, will return within ten days. Two of the three reviewers are relatively lenient, while one is more direct and to the point. Please provide comments after making the necessary changes.

小小笑 2022-11-28

May I ask, after rejection but encouraging resubmission, is the reviewer still the same as before?

sober_down 2022-11-25

The proofreading is very detailed and will be returned with revisions. There are also many comments.

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