Verified Reviews - Sustainability
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

brendon 2023-08-08

The text is already in English.

syy* 2023-08-08

Hello, may I ask what does "Pending English" status mean?

tansy1221 2023-08-07

I want to ask, it has been 6 days since the academic editor's decision, and there has been no change in status. Is there a problem?

tansy1221 2023-08-07

I returned for the first trial 17 days later. Actually, the three editors finished reviewing it very early. It's just that we had to wait for another editor, which took many days.

黎156 2023-08-07

Submitted in the field of econometrics;
Submitted on July 27th, reviewed the next day, it has been 10 days and still under review, getting really anxious, hoping for a smooth outcome.

励励前行 2023-08-07

Is the main reason for not sending the submission for external review due to the quality of the article? I have submitted two articles in a row.

榛果棒棒糖 2023-08-04

Go upstairs, currently working as a certain SI client. The reviewers' comments have all been approved, and the academic editor generally won't reject it. As for me, if there is a rejection, I will give an opportunity to revise if others suggest minor or major revisions. Only if the revisions fail to satisfy the reviewers, then I will reject it.

tansy1221 2023-08-03

Have all the external review experts passed? Will there still be a situation where the academic editor rejects the manuscript?

释音Shyn 2023-08-02

On my side, it took only one day, the next day I accepted it directly, and the day after that it was pending in English.

释音Shyn 2023-08-02

On my side, it took only one day, and the next day it was accepted directly. The following day is pending.

tansy1221 2023-08-02

I also received a pending editor decision yesterday. How long does this usually take?

释音Shyn 2023-08-02

I also resubmitted first, and then I don't remember some of the steps in between. It was probably the expert returning with feedback stating that there were no other issues, followed by a pending editor decision, and then finally acceptance.

tansy1221 2023-08-02

8.1 pending editor decision.

释音Shyn 2023-08-01

Don't panic, mine will also take almost a month before the expert's opinion comes back.

tansy1221 2023-08-01

There are no major comments in the second external review. I made revisions and resubmitted it. The status is now "resubmitted". I'm wondering if your second review also requires revisions and resubmission with this status? It seems like you accepted it on the second day.

释音Shyn 2023-08-01

40 days is quite fast.

tansy1221 2023-08-01

The second review comments came back on 7.31, with 2 experts agreeing to accept, and 1 expert requesting to add a picture. It was revised and submitted again on the same evening.
The status on 8.1 is still resubmitted.

释音Shyn 2023-08-01

The actual duration is 3 months.

释音Shyn 2023-08-01

I wrote the submission cycle incorrectly just now.

释音Shyn 2023-08-01

Received Date
27 May 2023

First round of comments, 10 days for major revisions, 3 experts provided dozens of comments
20 June 2023

Requested extension of 7 days
23 June 2023

7 July 2023

Second round of comments, 10 days for major revisions, only 1 expert provided comments
10 July 2023

20 July 2023

Accepted Date
21 July 2023

Checked English, editing assistance for refining details, requested submission within 24 hours
Spent the whole night revising the charts, suggested not using SPSS for plotting graphs, editor requested that values less than 1 must have a leading "0", SPSS tends to omit the "0"
For representing a range of numbers, use "—" instead of the hyphen from the keyboard, can be typed in Word using CTRL+ALT+hyphen from the keyboard
For representing a negative sign, use U+2212 "−", can be found by running "charmap" using Win+R, going to advanced view, selecting Unicode, and inputting "2212"
22 July 2023

23 July 2023

Published Date
24 July 2023

小? 2023-08-01

There was no external review between March and June. After each revision, the edited version was submitted for review, and then the revised comments were returned for further modification. Some even received hands-on guidance from the editor on how to improve. In the external review on June 28th, one reviewer approved directly, while another reviewer, similar to the editor, mentioned that the article was not closely related to the journal's focus. Based on the recommended articles by the second reviewer, who is a prominent figure, it can be seen that there was still one reviewer who did not fully understand the article (the last one to review, and likely didn't carefully examine it until urged to do so).

小? 2023-08-01

The theme is education economics and management (talent development) in public administration.
2.06 Submitted
2.07 Under review
2.10 Editor decision (does not match the journal's theme, requires modification)
2.14 Three external reviewers' comments, major revisions
2.14 Revised according to the editor's decision
3.02 Revision resubmitted (applied for an extension due to personal matters)
3.04 Three external reviewers' comments, all passed
3.05 Editor decision
3.06 Not related to the journal's direction, revision required
Editor's reply requested me to revise and resubmit according to my understanding. He wanted to guide me in writing a good article. Later, I found out that the editor was a former researcher at Cambridge and now represents the International Education Association or something like that. So, I honestly made numerous revisions, and the article seemed to have improved significantly.
6.12 Under review again
6.28 Changed external reviewer, external review completed
7.01 Major revisions
7.11 Revision submitted
7.12 Both reviewers mostly approved
7.13 Editor decision
7.25 Accept

张睿 2023-08-01

Received: 20 August 2019
Revised: 24 September 2019
Accepted: 30 September 2019
Published: 2 October 2019


Received: 20 August 2019
Revised: 24 September 2019
Accepted: 30 September 2019
Published: 2 October 2019

SVM 2023-07-31

Comrade, any news? I submitted a fast approaching SI, but it was closed when it was sent for review. Is there still a chance?

凡客光 2023-07-31

This year has been noticeably strict. There were four reviewers, major revisions, minor revisions, and it took 40 days to publish.

tansy1221 2023-07-28

Which stage was rejected?

1992xiari 2023-07-28

When did you deliver it?

1992xiari 2023-07-28

It's been almost a month and still no news.

123cvb 2023-07-28

Still confused, unable to comment.

tansy1221 2023-07-27

There are four reviewers, and three of them actually provided their feedback within 10 days. The fourth expert took an additional week. However, it has been 7 days since the second review was submitted, and there is still no news at the moment.

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