Verified Reviews - IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

hackbuteer 2023-04-10

I submitted my work in November of last year, and still haven't received any news.

Yuka_ri 2023-04-09

The first trial took four months, with four reviewers assigned. The journal has high requirements, requiring innovative and novel points.

kksiz 2023-04-06

Very good journal, difficult to be accepted.

欣欣 2023-03-21

Submitted in November 2022, it has been four to five months and still no news.

xiaolanshu 2023-03-20

Hello, may I ask on which date in February did you return?

ZGGcome 2023-03-20

Submission in October
Major revisions in December
Returned for further revisions in February
Accepted in March
JBHI has been elevated to Zone 1 this year, which is great. Overall, the review process is very punctual, with the first review providing results within two months and the second review taking less than a month.

Hayreen 2023-02-15

Usually, the editor-in-chief does not directly participate, it is the deputy editor who makes the final decision.

xiao_zhang 2022-12-30

The editor is very responsible, and the review process is very strict. There were six reviewers, and their comments spanned over a dozen pages. Fortunately, after more than a month of revisions, the manuscript was finally accepted for publication with minor revisions.

灌水小达人 2022-12-08

How long does under review take?

Suzie33 2022-12-07

I'm not sure. My revised manuscript was submitted by the corresponding author. Can you ask the customer service of the submission system?

qzw 2022-12-07

May I ask if the revised manuscript should still be submitted in ScholarOne Manuscripts or in the new system (IEEE JBHI AUTHOR PORTAL)?

Suzie33 2022-12-06

Direction of medical image analysis, sharing my first experience of submitting a draft with everyone. Wishing everyone a successful submission and many papers!

May 30, 2022: Submission
September 7, 2022: Major revision, with feedback from five reviewers, mostly positive. Some reviewers seemed unfamiliar with the field and asked relatively simple questions.

November 15, 2022: Resubmission
December 5, 2022: Acceptance

Overall, the journal's processing speed was quite fast, with the first review results available in three months. The entire submission to acceptance process took a total of six months. The journal has a very broad scope for submissions, but the acceptance rate published on their website is only 17%. Personally, I believe a complete story and sufficient experiments are important.

zhanghaobo 2022-12-03

Hello, may I ask how many months ago you received the first instance opinion? I have also been reviewing it for over five months.

叶知秋miss 2022-11-18

The text translates to: "The first one I submitted was 'under review' in lowercase, but later it changed to uppercase as 'Under review.' I'm not sure if there is any difference."

唯一渴望顺利毕业 2022-11-08

Originally, this article was about a method, but for some reasons, various simulation experiments and real data experiments with different queues were added to it. As a result, after waiting for more than 5 months, none of the three reviewers provided sharp comments on the method and experiments. They only pointed out some areas where the explanations were insufficient, but the article was directly rejected. I really don't understand why. If you feel it doesn't meet the requirements, why didn't you say so earlier? If you think there are problems with the article, provide irrefutable opinions. It's ridiculous to drag it out like this. If there were no opportunities for revisions, even when none of the three reviewers strongly objected. Then what's the point of having reviewers? Having an associate editor would be enough, right? Ridiculous.

lily0118 2022-11-05

Does this journal "under review" distinguish between uppercase and lowercase letters?

lily0118 2022-11-05

I was still editing when someone asked me to edit the picture. I envy you for already finishing it.

lily0118 2022-11-05

Is it "Under Review" during editing? Will the status change if it goes for review later?

hong h 2022-09-23

Hello, I would like to ask, is it necessary to have IRB approval for the dataset used?

suda-cmh 2022-09-18

It is in IEEE format, and the official website has templates.

带给我的启发 2022-09-06

The submission cycle mentioned above refers to the time from each submission to the return of results, not the total time from submission to acceptance. Based on my experience and that of my friends, generally speaking, the results (rejection, major revision, minor revision, acceptance) are usually available within about one month after each submission.

带给我的启发 2022-09-06

I used to often look at everyone's sharing, and today I will also share my own submission experience:

30-Mar-2022 Submitted
03-May-2022 Major Review - 3 reviewers, the last two reviewers each gave more than 10 suggestions, and lucky enough, I was asked to make major revisions.
23-May-2022 Resubmitted - Made significant changes to the paper based on the reviewers' suggestions, reorganized the preparation and experiments, added a lot of new content and experiments. Making revisions really brought a lot of gains.
19-Jun-2022 Minor Review - Hard work pays off. This time, the minor revisions only involved some grammar and word modifications, and all three reviewers basically accepted them.
22-Jun-2022 Resubmitted
31-Jul-2022 Accepted

Apologies for the delayed sharing, and I wish everyone's papers to be accepted soon!

hugo 2022-09-05

Hello, just want to ask, when they submit the manuscript, should it be in the format of IEEE double column with all figures embedded in the text or the usual submission format with double line spacing?

hugo 2022-09-05

Hello, just want to ask, when they submit the manuscript, should it be done in accordance with the IEEE format or the usual double-spaced format for submission?

xx........ 2022-09-01

It is a good thing to survive four days. I received desk reject emails for four consecutive days. This journal is getting slower now, with a large volume of submissions. I have been waiting for the first review for over five months.

雷军 2022-08-30

It has been one week since submission and still waiting for editing processing.

suda-cmh 2022-08-23

Aug. 12, 2022: Submitted
Aug. 16, 2022: Returned submitted
Aug. 17, 2022: Re-submitted
Aug. 23, 2022: Under review
Oct. 8, 2022: Awaiting recommendation
Oct. 16, 2022: Awaiting decision
Oct. 18, 2022: Reject/Resubmit - major revision needed and new external review required
Nov. 11, 2022: Revised (Under review)
Dec. 2, 2022: Awaiting recommendation
Dec. 15, 2022: Minor revision
Dec. 16, 2022: Revised (Under review)
Jan. 17, 2023: Awaiting recommendation
Jan. 20, 2023: Awaiting decision
Jan. 20, 2023: Accept

薯条oo 2022-08-15

Hello, may I ask what procedures are there after the article is accepted and finally submitted? How long will I be notified to pay? Also, may I ask if you have chosen OA or non-OA? Looking forward to your reply, thank you!

薯条oo 2022-08-15

Can I ask what are the procedures after the article is accepted and finally submitted? How long will it take to be notified for payment? Also, I would like to ask if you have chosen OA or non-OA? Looking forward to your reply, thank you!

灌水 2022-08-13

05-Dec-2021: submitted
03-May-2022: major revision
12-Jul-2022: submitted
09-Aug-2022: accepted

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