Verified Reviews - Frontiers in Plant Science
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

努力发sci 2022-08-16

I applied in April, and now it has been 6 days stuck at the "review finalized" stage. It keeps showing that the editor is making the final evaluation for the modifications. Does anyone know how long this stage usually lasts?

C& AGW 2022-08-16

The impact factor is displayed here.

汤汤 2022-08-16

In terms of the quality of the paper, it is indeed not considered a good journal. It can be used for graduation and assessment purposes, but if there are too many, the evaluation will not be high.

雪小狸 2022-07-30

Received date: 13 Jul 2022
Editorial assignment start date: 13 Jul 2022
Independent review start date: 18 Jul 2022

银渐层 2022-07-26

After the second round of proofreading, we have been constantly reminded to reply and approve the proof. However, we cannot find the place to approve it in the system. Does anyone know the solution to this? Thank you!

桃花仙人指 2022-07-23

You are only making others more reluctant to submit to this journal by saying these things. If the journal's publication quota is not met, they can only accept other articles, which increases the likelihood of being alerted. What benefits do you gain from being alerted earlier? Please think carefully before speaking.

土肥圆 2022-07-17

Received date: 23 May 2022
Editorial assignment start date: 23 May 2022
Independent review start date: 31 May 2022
Interactive review activated date: 07 Jul 2022
Review finalized date: 15 Jul 2022
Final validation date: 15 Jul 2022

Received date: 23 May 2022
Editorial assignment start date: 23 May 2022
Independent review start date: 31 May 2022
Interactive review activated date: 07 Jul 2022
Review finalized date: 15 Jul 2022
Final validation date: 15 Jul 2022

小小书虫 2022-07-14

A little worried, this journal has a very fast acceptance speed and minimal revisions, similar to the previous sensors and IEEE Access journals. I think it is highly likely to become a future alert journal!!

太阳211 2022-07-12

May I ask if you only provide proof after payment? How long does it take to receive proof after payment? I have been waiting for over two weeks, how long does it take to publish after receiving proof?

little_foo 2022-07-01

1 month online

木木心 2022-07-01

30 Jun 2022 - Article accepted for publication.
29 Jun 2022 - Reviewer 2 finalized.
28 Jun 2022 - Reviewer 1 finalized. Reactivated the review of Review Editor 1.
27 May 2022 - Review of Review Editor 1 finalized.
22 May 2022 - Review of Review Editor 2 finalized.
21 May 2022 - Posted new comments. Submitting Re-submitted manuscript.
14 May 2022 - Interactive review forum activated.
18 Feb 2022 - Submitting Author submitted manuscript.
Hope everyone can submit and review more! Good luck with your research!

太阳211 2022-06-28

Excuse me, everyone, how long does it take for the journal to be available online after acceptance?

yongye35 2022-06-24

Why don't you delete the comments you made in other journals before leaving a comment? It feels like you're embarrassing yourself. You act like an academic troll who can't find any journal that meets your standards. Why doesn't CNS invite you? Oh right, you probably wouldn't be interested anyway.

Dora Su 2022-06-17

During the Independent Review period, it is indicated that one reviewer has completed the review. However, at this time, I can only view the reviewer's comments through email. Am I not able to submit the revised version of the paper yet? Do I need to wait for the Interactive Review status to be activated before submitting the final modified version of the paper?

00+11 2022-06-08

May I ask how long it takes for online retrieval?

liuguan 2022-06-05

Recently it's been so slow, it's already been almost twenty days and nothing has happened, I don't know what's going on.

C& AGW 2022-05-24

Nearly 2 months passed, with two reviewers. One asked some questions, while the other provided some constructive suggestions. Overall, the process was fast.

little_foo 2022-05-14

This article took a total of 8 months to complete, from being rejected by PBJ to receiving one positive and one negative review from RICE (can you believe it took 1 and a half months to make a decision?!). So, unable to wait any longer, I switched to Frontiers in Plant Science, where I encountered a very straightforward and friendly reviewer, and after one round of revisions, my article was accepted. The other reviewer was "annoying" and made me go through three rounds of language revisions! In the final round, I was asked to revise because I forgot to capitalize a word!! However, I am still very grateful to them because they made the overall article more perfect, and I finally understand why RICE rejected me, I just didn't understand it! Below are some submission details:

Received date: 24 Feb 2022
Editorial assignment start date: 23 Feb 2022
Independent review start date: 25 Feb 2022
Interactive review activated date: 17 Mar 2022
Review finalized date: 09 May 2022
Final validation date: 13 May 2022

Yi 2022-04-26

Date Updates
25 Apr 2022 Article accepted for publication.
23 Apr 2022 Review of Review Editor 2 finalized.
22 Apr 2022 Corresponding Author re-submitted manuscript. Reviewer 2 posted new comments.
20 Apr 2022 Review of Review Editor 1 finalized.
19 Apr 2022 Corresponding Author re-submitted manuscript. You posted new comments.
10 Apr 2022 Interactive review forum activated.
24 Mar 2022 Corresponding Author submitted manuscript.

hyjzy 2022-04-21

19 Apr 2022: Article accepted for publication.
16 Apr 2022: Review of Review Editor 2 finalized.
Corresponding Author re-submitted manuscript.
14 Apr 2022: Review of Review Editor 1 finalized.
Associate Editor reactivated the review of Review Editor 1.
Associate Editor reactivated the review of Review Editor 2.
11 Apr 2022: Review of Review Editor 1 finalized.
Corresponding Author re-submitted manuscript.
15 Mar 2022: Corresponding Author submitted manuscript.

cx 2022-04-21

I also received approval from two reviewers for publication, but the editor provided feedback on language issues before Reviewer 1 agreed to publish and gave one week for revisions. I am still in the process of making the modifications within the given time frame, but Reviewer 1 has already agreed to publish, and there is no submission portal available. Now, I am uncertain whether I should send an email to the editor to inquire about this.

Coleus 2022-04-16

Wait, you can see the timeline of this article from the published articles. I randomly read a few, and it takes about 40 plus days from acceptance to publication.

yun 2022-04-13

May I ask how long it took for you to receive the proof? It has been two weeks for me now, and I'm getting really anxious waiting.

Coleus 2022-03-31

Received date: 02 Jan 2022
Editorial assignment start date: 02 Jan 2022
Independent review start date: 07 Jan 2022
Interactive review activated date: 09 Mar 2022
Review finalized date: 30 Mar 2022
Final validation date: 31 Mar 2022

Received date: January 2, 2022
Editorial assignment start date: January 2, 2022
Independent review start date: January 7, 2022
Interactive review activated date: March 9, 2022
Review finalized date: March 30, 2022
Final validation date: March 31, 2022


Can I ask everyone who has submitted their work before, when replying to the comments of three reviewers, do I need to submit separate modified content specifically for each reviewer below their respective review pages? Or can I merge all the modified content for the three reviewers and submit the same revised version under each reviewer's comments?

C& AGW 2022-03-26

Recently, the speed has been particularly slow, and the Editorial Assignment has been ongoing for 2 weeks.

小古怪 2022-03-22

One month later, the review comments were given. There were a total of three reviewers, among which one reviewer did not provide the review comments within the specified time. The other two reviewers suggested minor revisions, and a notification of acceptance was given within two weeks after the revisions were made.

BinCheng 2022-03-18

Approximately 2 weeks after acceptance, the school sample will be received. Approximately 1 month after the school sample, it will be published.

陈嘟嘟 2022-03-17

May I ask if there is a requirement to provide original data one week after submission? What should I pay attention to when preparing the original data? Does submitting the original data increase the chance of acceptance?

王子同学 2022-03-08

I would like to ask the classmates who were previously hired downstairs, how long did it take for you to receive the online proof notification after receiving the email notification for your article? I have been waiting for almost two weeks and haven't received any notification from the school. How long did you wait during that period?

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