Verified Reviews - Geomatics Natural Hazards & Risk
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

csdcds 2023-04-04

I want to ask, how many days does it take for this journal to go from being with the editor to external review?

小灰灰呀 2023-03-03

Accepted, lasted over a year.

小灰灰呀 2023-03-03

Submission in November 21st, acceptance in February 23rd of the following year.
Time: It takes a long time, not recommended if you want quick acceptance, it's too slow.
Quality: The quality of the paper is decent, the reviewers are very thorough, but also slow.
Overall: Not bad, just slow, and the ranking is a bit low.

地质娃 2022-12-10

2022.Dec.10 Accept

胖子没有脚 2022-11-16

Received. It took 8 months.

地质娃 2022-11-13

05 October 2022
With Editor
09 October 2022
Out for Review
23 October 2022
Decision Pending
23 October 2022
Revision Required
27 October 2022
Revision Incomplete
27 October 2022
Revised Manuscript Submitted
27 October 2022
With Journal Administrator
27 October 2022
With Editor

It has been half a month in the editorial department, and I don't know what the situation is.

IvyDong 2022-11-10

It took 2.5 months to complete the review process.
There were 30 comments from two reviewers.
We made the necessary revisions honestly and thoroughly.
After another round of external review, the revised manuscript will be returned to the editor in three days.
The editor accepted the revised version after four days.
Good luck.

水电厂 2022-10-07

10 August 2022 Manuscript Submitted
14 August 2022 With Editor
30 August 2022 Revision Required
26 September 2022 Revised Manuscript Submitted
03 October 2022 Out for Review
06 October 2022 Accepted

Accidentally discovered this journal, and surprisingly, the reviewing process is quite fast. They provided feedback in just one month, which was quite constructive, and after minor revisions, it was accepted within two weeks.

饭饭文 2022-08-31

Diligent and responsible reviewer!

Good luck 2022-07-14

The review process was quite fast, and the three reviewers provided many important comments. The reviewers' expertise was all very high. After making the necessary revisions based on the reviewers' suggestions, it was accepted for publication.

这期刊不值一投 2022-06-12

A junior fellow student had submitted to this journal before, originally for graduation purposes, but had a stroke of bad luck and got rejected. Generally speaking, open-access journals are usually faster in terms of publication speed. For example, I have served as an editor for MDPI and Hindawi, and the review process typically takes around 1-3 months, which is acceptable. However, it took a whole 7 months for this journal to accept the submission, with the initial review comments returning after 4 months. This is similar to non-open-access journals. Additionally, they also charge publication fees, which is a bit disappointing. For similar journals in the field of natural hazards that are non-open-access, one can consider submitting to "Natural Hazards". The time is reasonable, and I often review submissions for it, usually taking about half a year. As for open-access journals in the same field, such as "Frontiers in Environmental Science" and "Remote Sensing" where I serve as an editor, the review process takes around 1 month, and the publication fees are similar. Moreover, the editorial teams are willing to offer discounts, and the speed is quite fast. I welcome colleagues in the field of disaster research to exchange and learn from each other. You can contact me via WeChat at "scipersistence". Manuscript submissions are welcome.

may it be 2022-04-18

Three rounds of review, five reviewers. It took nearly half a year. It is not easy, and the time is long. It is advisable to carefully consider submitting to journals that prioritize short turnaround times.

阔天 2021-09-22

How is your thesis? Has it been accepted?

阔天 2021-09-22

The paper has been submitted for the fourth review, and it has been a total of 9 months since the beginning. The outcome is still unknown. The reviewing process has been extremely slow, while others seem to receive their reviews much faster (within 3-4 months). The reason for this is unknown.

胖子没有脚 2021-07-05

This is already the third time entering the external review. I submitted it at the end of November last year, and it entered the third external review on July 2nd this year. I feel it's very frustrating, but withdrawing the submission will result in a loss. It was useful to read more comments before submitting, but at that time, I only thought it would be a slow process, I didn't expect it to be this slow. There have been a lot of opinions throughout the process. Being rejected delays half a year or even a year of time.

胖子没有脚 2021-07-01

I saw on the forum that it was said to be easy to get published. I submitted it in early December last year and gave feedback during the Chinese New Year. Two experts suggested major revisions, and after making the modifications, I submitted it again in early March. It went through a second round of external review by three experts, and the results came back in mid-June this year. There were minor revisions suggested, and I resubmitted it by the end of June. The current status is unknown. I just want to say it is too slow. It has already taken a whole seven months, and there is still no result. Other journals that I submitted to at the same time have accepted articles much faster. I am in a hurry to graduate and there were also many revision suggestions. It doesn't feel as good as it was rumored to be.

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