Verified Reviews - RSC Advances
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

昔日 2023-02-16

2022.11.1 JMCC transfer
2022.11.3 with editor
2022.11.5 in peer review, with two instances of back-and-forth with editor
2023.1.3 Received reviewer comments, requested submission within 14 days, but due to the Spring Festival, it was delayed for three weeks. Two reviewers, one with six comments and the other with one comment.
2023.2.4 Major revisions made
2023.2.5 with editor
2023.2.7 in peer review
2023.2.14 accepted

Thank you Professor Kar-Seng Teng for your high efficiency.

Lllll2 2023-02-16

Where is the remittance address for payment? I couldn't find it.

小蔡姬 2023-02-14

Do you have any news now?

可爱又迷人的反派 2023-02-01

Could you please tell me if you will maintain "with editor" after the review? I have been in the "with editor" status after the review process and I don't know what the situation is. I am anxious to graduate.

ShimianXRen 2023-01-31

There is no track link in the communication email. I don't know what's going on. Have you urged for the manuscript? How did you reply?

eagledwed 2023-01-31

The Track link is with the corresponding author, you can ask the corresponding author for it.

ShimianXRen 2023-01-29

It has been two months since the review process started, but I haven't received any tracking link. I have no idea about the current situation and I also want to remind them to review my manuscript.

eagledwed 2023-01-28

The review process has been going on for two months already. In the tracking link, it can be seen that there are two reviewers, and one of them has already submitted their comments. However, the other reviewer has not submitted their comments yet, despite agreeing to review almost a month ago. Is it possible to follow up with the editorial office to remind them?

ShaoclTy99 2023-01-15

I am using an official website template.

ShimianXRen 2023-01-14

Did you use the official website template when submitting your contribution? Can it be omitted?

二硫碘化钾2 2023-01-12

Submitted on December 21st, major revision on January 2nd, submitted the revised draft on January 12th, and accepted the same day. It took less than 20 days, which is impressive.

lina 2023-01-08

In peer review and with the editor, they will alternate because two reviewers are needed. There may have been a delay in processing recently due to holidays abroad. The track link is the email address used for submission, where two emails will be received - one confirming the receipt of the paper and the other containing the real-time tracking link, which provides more detailed information than the official website.

ShimianXRen 2023-01-04

What is the situation now, about ten days after peer review, and more than ten days with the editor? Also, I couldn't find the link you mentioned about tracking in the email inbox. What is the content of the email?

ShaoclTy99 2022-12-31

Approaching graduation, I submitted an article to a journal. During this period, I felt very anxious. I am very grateful for the information discussed by LetPub, so as soon as I received it, I wanted to share my own submission experience.

11.14: Submitted
11.15: Checked list
11.15: Initial assessment
11.15: With editor
11.16: In peer review (If reviewers cannot be found within three days, another batch will be sent, so it will become "with editor")
11.18: With editor
11.19: In peer review (Two reviewers, there is a tracker link in the communication email, which shows the progress of the review)
12.4: Major revision
12.14: Revision submission
12.15: With editor
12.15: In peer review
12.31: Accepted

Thank you, Teacher Wu, for editing. Submitting the article was very nerve-wracking. Everyone should not wait until the last minute and submit as early as possible to have peace of mind.

向天再借一百年 2022-12-18

2022.09.21 Submitted;
2022.10.31 major revision;
2022.11.11 reminder; (due to the pandemic, not paying attention)
2022.11.15 reminder; (due to the pandemic, not paying attention)
2022.11.19 reminder; (requested 2 weeks to supplement experimental data)
2022.12.08 submitted;
2022.12.12 minor revision;
2022.12.13 submitted;
2022.12.18 accept.
Now the official page fee has increased to 850 pounds.

ShimianXRen 2022-12-11

Did you use the official Word template when submitting your contribution?

ShimianXRen 2022-12-10

Did you use the official Word template when submitting your manuscript?

ShimianXRen 2022-12-10

Did you use the official word template when submitting your contribution?

ShimianXRen 2022-12-10

Did you use the official word template when you submitted?

yanziwang 2022-11-26

Help: Dear experts, I am unable to upload a Word manuscript when submitting, so I ended up uploading a PDF file. Now I have received revision suggestions and need to upload the Word file again, but I am still facing the same issue. I cannot upload a PDF file this time. Have any of you encountered this problem before? How did you solve it? I used the template provided by the publication for editing. I sincerely ask for your valuable time and assistance! Thank you very much!

xiaxia 2022-11-19

Do you have any suggestions?

xiaxia 2022-11-19

It's been 20 days and still no news, anyone upstairs?

王王王 2022-11-08

I have been looking for a reviewer for several days but still haven't found one.

爱睡觉的臭居居. 2022-11-07

I have been an editor for nearly 10 days, and today they asked me to update my account. I couldn't find where to fill in the gender...

spliuyou 2022-11-05

Already submitted for review but still haven't found a reviewer. Don't know what the situation is?

王王王 2022-11-01

Why have my recent submissions been with the editor for over 10 days?

长江后浪 2022-10-31

The speed is very fast.
The difficulty is not small either.
Getting away from material chemistry
is becoming less and less good.

Rachmaninoff 2022-10-04

9.14 submit
9.15 with editor
9.25 in peer review
9.26 major revisions (14 comments in total)

This is really fast! Hurry up and finish the graduation thesis.

未来可期 2022-09-15

The layout fee is 850 pounds.

bluebell-627 2022-09-06

Excuse me, does this journal still require page charges?

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