Verified Reviews - Advanced Energy Materials
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

dataiyang 2023-08-09

投Chem转投CRPS: Change submission from Chemistry to CRPS. Didn't do it.
投Angew转投Small(编辑suxin): Change submission from Angewandte Chemie to Small (editor suxin). Didn't do it either.
虽然在电催化领域材料旧, 但是在我的领域也是第一次做, 个人认为做的也还行: Although the materials in the field of electrocatalysis are old, it is my first time working in my field, and I think it's still decent.
8.7 投AEM 现在还是submitted状态, 再拒就先不投了, 再改改, 换个角度写: Submitted to AEM on August 7th, still in the submitted status. If it gets rejected again, I won't submit it anymore. I'll revise it and write from a different perspective.

companyYS 2023-08-04

20230804 resubmit translates to "Resubmit on August 4, 2023."

companyYS 2023-07-25

20230725 major revision Three reviewers Thank you to the editor for giving me the opportunity to make changes.

立坤 2023-07-25

4.26 Submission
5.22 Feedback received, major revisions required
6.3 First round of revisions made
6.26 Feedback received, major revisions required
7.9 Second round of revisions made
7.24 Accepted.
Thank you to Anna Troeger for editing! Wishing AEM continued success!
Small research group, keep up the good work!

别忘了最初的你~ 2023-07-21

Submitted a brief summary
Reviewed in 20 days
Returned with feedback in 1 month
Revised and accepted within 1 week
High efficiency, thanks to editor Yuan Jipei!

companyYS 2023-07-14

To submit a review, please record it for everyone's reference.
Submitted on 20230626.
Under review since 20230705.

yllovely 2023-05-05

0113 reject - Two positive and one negative
0119 argue - Agree to resubmit
0419 resubmit
0502 minor revisions - Give 7 days
0505 accept

科研狗0 2023-04-24

A total of 30 questions.

科研狗0 2023-04-24

2023.03.08: Submitted
2023.03.09: Under review with editor on the same evening
2023.03.26: Major revision - three reviewers, one VIP (5%), the rest one major revision (15%) and one acceptance (15%). Editor allows one month for major revision.
2023.04.17: Revised version submitted. Under review one hour later.
2023.04.24: Accepted.

The speed of the review process for the first AEM paper in our research group is truly beyond imagination. It seems like the reviewers were only given seven days for review. Overall, the experience was great. Editor: luluma.
Hope AEM continues to improve! Nice!

科研狗0 2023-03-20

Boss, how long will it take for the first review to give feedback?

zheng168 2023-03-19

2022.12.13: submitted
2023.01.09: major revision (provide additional data within one month)
2023.02.18: revision submitted (extended by 10 days due to the Spring Festival)
2023.03.03: accept
Second paper for AEM, the editor was very friendly, and the reviewers were very professional. I learned a lot from each review!

CD-WHUT 2023-03-08

No, I didn't. I met her twice and both times she was sent for review. And I don't even know her contact information.

半颗糖 2023-02-20

Replying to hhhhxm again: When providing feedback on the article, most reviewers will end their summary statements by stating that "this paper/review can be accepted for publication in Advanced Energy Materials after major/minor revision and careful evaluation of the below important points." A few reviewers may not explicitly mention whether the required revisions are major or minor in their feedback, but they are required to select either major or minor revision when submitting their feedback through the system (which we cannot see). Therefore, the editor will clearly indicate in the email whether the revision required is major or minor.

hhhhxm 2023-02-20

Hello, OP. I can't tell whether each reviewer's comments suggest major revisions or minor revisions.

半颗糖 2023-02-20

Reply to hhhhxm: All three reviewers have provided positive feedback.
Reviewer 1: Major revision
Reviewer 2: Major revision
Reviewer 3: Minor revision
After making the necessary revisions, the paper will be sent back to the reviewers, who have expressed satisfaction with the changes and agreed to accept it.

读完博士再打工 2023-02-18

Lulu Ma has rejected both small and AFM submissions before, but other editors have sent them for review. Classic!

hhhhxm 2023-02-17

Did all three reviewers give positive feedback to the original poster?

半颗糖 2023-01-03

2023-01-03 10:02 a.m., I'm pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been accepted for publication without change.

chemeng 2022-12-22

2022.12.1 submitted
12.8 With editor
12.22 Under review
Submitted for the first time, hoping for a chance to make revisions!

yllovely 2022-12-21

Is it taking so long to review now?

magic--1 2022-12-20

Does this have a result now?

chemeng 2022-12-11

Now, many good Wiley magazines are edited by Chinese editors, who have their own circles. Therefore, it is difficult for research work from small domestic research groups to pass this editing hurdle!

showhand 2022-12-05

Submitted on November 28th, it has been a week and the status is still Manuscript Submitted.

兔兔爱吃肉 2022-11-23

Today, after waiting for 10 days, I finally heard from the editor. The editor told me to switch to advanced sciences. Damn it! Are Chinese editors so unfriendly towards Chinese people? Damn it! Argue! Damn it!

半颗糖 2022-11-23

2022-11-22 wichtige Überarbeitung (11:12 Uhr)

半颗糖 2022-11-23

2022-11-22 Major revision (11:12 a.m.)
3 reviewers, it has been proven that as long as the topic is hot enough, the group can also get through the review. Let's keep up the good work.

兔兔爱吃肉 2022-11-21

Posted on November 12, 2022, today is already November 21st, and the status is still "submitted". It's so slow, so slow, and it still hasn't been delivered to the editor. I hope it can be reviewed. After all, it has been delayed for so long, it's been a long time, sigh. Looking forward to the review.

lorencat 2022-11-20

We submitted on November 6th and are still "with editor" until now.

weiwubuqu2015 2022-11-19

2022.11.19 with editor (09:26 am) - This indicates that the text was being worked on by an editor on November 19, 2022, at 9:26 am.

2022.11.19 under review (20:20 pm) - This suggests that the text was being reviewed on November 19, 2022, at 8:20 pm.

yllovely 2022-11-17

1107 submitted
1117 under review

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