Verified Reviews - mBio
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

David zhou 2023-02-04

Good magazine. High-quality research rejected by PLOS can try MBio. Our laboratory has two cases of PLOS rejection published in MBio.

安迪.孟菲斯 2022-12-21

I have the same experience as you... but I am not the first author, just a co-author. PLOS is indeed a bit more difficult.

安迪.孟菲斯 2022-12-21

"Plos pathogens and mBio are indeed often regarded as articles of the same level. We cannot submit to Plos pathogens in our field. In terms of article quality, Plos pathogens is indeed more solid!"

song 2022-12-19

This person is quite crazy. I looked up his resume and he has been bragging about his success all the way.

song 2022-12-19

Agree. Both Mibio and PLOS Pathogens are good. They are often compared. But if I have to choose one, I would still choose PLOS. I often hear about cases where papers rejected by PLOS are published in Mibio. But I haven't seen any successful cases of the reverse happening.

luofeiyu 2022-11-14

It should be a journal of the same level as PLOS Pathogens. Slightly inferior to PLOS Pathogens, but better than Journal of Virology and Journal of Bacteriology.

luofeiyu 2022-11-14

Could it be that you are talking about *? I have also noticed this person, hahaha. They really boast a lot. They blow their own trumpet.

MightyJ 2022-10-21

Do we need to attach the document with the reviewer's comments when resubmitting?

aid one 2022-08-26

Top journals in the field of microbiology, if the work is good, you can try submitting to the CNS sub-journal in the field of microbiology.

一一c 2022-08-23

Decision Letter Sent to Author - 2022-06-30 10:05
Decision Pending - 2022-06-30 10:05
2022-06-28 11:25
Editor Decision Complete - 2022-06-28 11:25
Under Review - 2022-05-24 10:58
With Editor- Securing Reviewers - 2022-05-24 10:58
With Editor - 2022-05-24 10:58
Securing Editor - 2022-05-23 21:42
Manuscript Submission - 2022-05-23 21:42
Manuscript Submission Started - 2022-05-23 20:16

Here is the timeline of events.

bingqingsdu 2022-04-18

In October of the 21st year, I submitted two articles simultaneously. Both were rejected after review but allowed for resubmission and were eventually accepted. I believe the main reason for their acceptance was the prominent innovation. Despite submitting them together and expressing my desire for back-to-back publication, they were assigned to two different editors. It is important to consider the reviewers' opinions, as they sometimes have their own preferences.

kairzhang 2021-10-23

May I ask if there is a following timetable?

wulitou 2021-08-09

There are many things worth learning from mbio's articles.

FEIMIKIE 2021-08-05

No, it's not about exposing you. How could it be about exposure? You haven't done anything wrong. Do you think you made a mistake? You are an expert in this field, while I am just an undergraduate student. I just wanted to seek advice from you and learn about your amazing research, which is unparalleled. Sometimes, people who belittle others only show how low they themselves are. Even if your scientific research is excellent, it's still "lj" (abbreviation for "low" in Chinese internet slang).

我是一阵风 2021-07-22

Those who want others to expose themselves in public places should not come out.
You are bad yourself, go find your own faults.
By the way, how long does it take for you to finish reading thousands of articles? Don't come looking for trouble, I don't have time to deal with you.

FEIMIKIE 2021-07-21

Thank you, I have read it, every piece is better than what I did, I am so bad, you are really amazing, I will learn from you.

FEIMIKIE 2021-07-21

I am a gust of wind. May I have the honor of reading your article? It seems like you are awesome.

我是一阵风 2021-07-13

Google Scholar - mBio, then take your time to read it slowly.

FEIMIKIE 2021-07-13

Which articles are average? I want to take a look at these average articles.

我是一阵风 2021-07-13

At most, a research paper in medicine can be published in JVI. Don't try to deceive by claiming the most recent paper in mBio. If it's in a different field, such as fungal viruses or plant viruses, it might be acceptable. What's the point of publishing a bunch of reviews?

wulitou 2021-07-12

After looking at the homepage, there are quite a few articles:
Lin Feng and Zheng Chunfu. The Crosstalk between DNA Damage Response Components and DNA-sensing Innate Immune Signaling Pathways. Int. Rev. Immunol. 2021;
Chunfu Zheng. When MARCH family proteins meet viral infections. Virology Journal. 2021; 18(1):49.
Zhu Huifang and Zheng Chunfu. When PARPs Meet Antiviral Innate Immunity. Trends in Microbiology. 2021; ...

我是一阵风 2021-07-08

I don't know if there is a professor from Fujian Medical University here. This person constantly criticizes PLOS Pathogens and JVI without publishing in PLOS Pathogens. Suddenly, they become an editor for mBio and immediately comment that the journal is on the same level as PNAS, and they also praise themselves everywhere. It's a pity that they are so good at manipulating and promoting themselves. They claim to have published in PNAS Cell Host Micro, but they were just listed as an author. Not to mention the quality of this journal. Are you even proud to use this year's impact factor for your 12 publications? This journal hasn't even reached a score of 2 in 2012. I won't provide any further subjective evaluations of individuals in this academic circle.

我是一阵风 2021-07-08

The impact factor remains good, but there are still many articles with mediocre quality. Many articles were snatched by JVI.

阿尧 2021-05-11

This is too fast, it was received in just over 20 days.

tangv163 2021-03-13

What does the system display before being rejected?

i二级古迹 2021-03-08

May I ask how long does the system take to determine whether to send for review or directly reject? I submitted it 10 days ago and it is still "with editor".

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