Verified Reviews - WATER RESEARCH
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

Jason D 2021-11-04

Already submitted for two months, sent for review on September 8th. The review status changed twice on September 23rd and October 4th. Currently, it has been over a month and still in Under Review (UR). I hope to get the results soon.

云中小麻雀 2021-11-01

You should be getting the results soon, I think.

ZNZN 2021-11-01

Go for it! My boss said that the reason for the delay might be that the reviewers rejected the manuscript. >_<

云中小麻雀 2021-11-01

Bless us all with the opportunity to make changes.

ZNZN 2021-11-01

I submitted it on 9.25, the "under review" date has changed three times, and it is still under review. It has been over a month, and I am anxiously waiting.

云中小麻雀 2021-10-31

02 Oct 2021 Submitted
05 Oct 2021 Under Review
12 Oct 2021 Under Review
18 Oct 2021 Under Review
It's been almost a month, not sure when the results will be out. Is the change in dates due to a change in reviewers or because the reviewers have started reviewing the manuscript? I don't really understand.

云中小麻雀 2021-10-19

What was the final result? Mine has also been updated twice...

云中小麻雀 2021-10-09

I also just submitted it. The review process was fast, submitted in just one working day. I don't know when the results will be out. I also don't know the acceptance rate of this magazine's submission. The editor said there's a good chance for BT, so I took a risk and submitted WR.

SCI王者 2021-10-08

It has been over two months since the external audit started, and no feedback has been given yet. It's been a bit slow recently. I envy those who receive feedback within a month.

落月无华0810 2021-10-05

Add a friend and chat with each other, anxiety.

隔壁李叔不曾偷 2021-09-27

Can I ask if WR checks for plagiarism?

XD-9 2021-09-26

Water Research has only one Editor in Chief, and the Editors below are equivalent to "Associate Editors" in other journals. The Associate Editors of Water Research do not handle submissions, but occasionally review manuscripts, similar to being members of the editorial board in other journals.

努力努力再努力啊! 2021-09-20

The review speed is extremely fast!
0715 submitted to journal
0806 major revision
0901 revision submitted to journal
0906 under review
0917 with editor
0919 accepted

小花不是笑话 2021-09-19

May I ask what is your current status now?

Gentlman Leo 2021-09-15

Why are you so fast? I almost submitted at the same time as you, but I have been with the editor all along, it's awkward.

努力努力再努力啊! 2021-09-12

0715 submitted to journal
0806 major revision
0901 Revision Submitted to Journal
0906 Under Review

Translated text:

0715 submitted to journal
0806 major revision
0901 Revision Submitted to Journal
0906 Under Review

小石子饼 2021-08-24

Now there are 16 editors-in-chief, the number of deputy editors-in-chief is still unknown.

小石子饼 2021-08-24

I have been submitting for two weeks and am currently in the "editor assigned" stage. It may be related to changes in the WR editor, as there have been more than twice as many chief editors and deputy chief editors recently.

free water 2021-08-21

Efficiency is very high, and indeed that is your bad luck.

小花不是笑话 2021-08-21

If everyone is in a hurry, they must first consider other journals of the same kind. This journal is too slow in terms of efficiency.

小花不是笑话 2021-08-21

Too slow, too slow, too slow. Is it my bad luck or what's going on? The efficiency of the editorial board at WR needs to be improved!!!!!!

长路漫漫 2021-07-24

Hello, may I ask how long does it take for your article to be reviewed?

科研民工10086 2021-07-17

The first SCI article was submitted in November last year and went through three rounds of revisions, lasting for eight months. The reviewers' questions were all very professional, hitting the nail on the head. The most anxious part was that each time the status was "Under Review with Editor," it took a long time. There was one instance where it lasted for over half a month. Fortunately, it was ultimately accepted.

就要投一区 2021-07-05

It has been nearly two weeks since I submitted, but I am still assigned to the editor.

ChaiFF 2021-07-02

Are we the same editor? The first review took 4 months, the second review took one month, and it's still under review. Did you receive it? How long does the third review take?

祝大家科研顺利 2021-07-01

The third WR acceptance is a great encouragement for myself. The review process was slower this time, and the questions raised were very professional and difficult to answer. I wrote a response of nearly 10,000 words. Congratulations to the journal for surpassing an impact factor of 11!

yandadou 2021-06-30

Hello, do you have this year's SCI impact factor data?

积极努力-科研顺利 2021-06-30

Congratulations on WR's impact factor exceeding 11 points. I hope WR continues to maintain its position as a top journal in the field of environment and water research. I also hope that the journal's influence and reputation will continue to grow stronger!

爱学桂儿 2021-06-09

Currently, the second WR article, from review to acceptance, is very fast. Basically, the review results will be available in about a month. Both submissions were given moderate revision, and after anxiously making the revisions, it was accepted within a few days of resubmission. The journal's processing speed is worth a try!

小钟哥 2021-06-06

From last year to this year, I had two papers published in Water Res. Last year's paper had a relatively long review period of 2.5 months. Both reviewers were very professional and asked detailed questions. There were a total of 41 questions. After a month of careful revision, it was accepted after around 10 days of further revision.

The other paper had a smoother process. The review period was only around twenty something days, and both reviewers recognized it as a high-quality paper with clear logic and easy to follow. Although they agreed that the research topic was narrow, they still acknowledged its significance. They both suggested minor revisions, but the editor gave a moderate revision. After the revisions, it was accepted directly. I also wish everyone smooth submission. It is worth mentioning that Water Res. is still a prestigious journal in the field, and it is worth looking forward to!

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