Verified Reviews - WATER RESEARCH
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

霜山掮客 2022-10-28

The email of the corresponding author contains a track link, which can be clicked to open and view.

机智无敌的超人 2022-10-20

Can I ask, I am currently in the "under review" status, how can I see the status of the reviewer's acceptance of the review invitation?

机智无敌的超人 2022-10-20

May I ask, how can I check how many reviewers have accepted the review invitation?

anammox106 2022-10-16

Calm down, it's been over 10 days and there's been no movement.

喵了个咪的呀 2022-10-14

Does anyone know why there has been no response from the editor for three days after receiving the minimum number of reviews?

LuJJ 2022-10-11

05.22 submit - Submitted on May 22nd
08.09 major revision - Major revision on August 9th
09.07 submit - Submitted on September 7th
09.26 minor revision - Minor revision on September 26th
10.03 submit - Submitted on October 3rd
10.10 Accepted - Accepted on October 10th

哒哒哒哒biu 2022-10-08

Already 30 days have been assigned to the editor, if you want to reject, do it quickly.

艾克阿达费 2022-10-07

Maybe, I'm still with the editor now, it's been more than ten days.

打野的跟上啊 2022-10-07

It should be finding reviewers again.

艾克阿达费 2022-10-04

After "under review," it changed to "with editor," and it has been 5 days already, still "with editor." May I ask what is the situation? Is it not looking good? o(╥﹏╥)o

打野的跟上啊 2022-09-14

WR has high requirements for manuscripts, with outstanding innovation. It is undoubtedly a top journal in the field of water environment.

喵了个咪的呀 2022-09-06

It has been two months since the manuscript was submitted for review... still no results. I noticed that someone else's manuscript, which was submitted three months ago, got rejected. It makes me feel anxious.

Why don't they even take a look at the manuscript after accepting it for review...

哒哒@ 2022-09-05

20220603 submitted to journal
20220702 major revision
20220728 submitted revision
20220801 moderate revision
20220802 submitted revision
20220820 minor revision
20220822 submitted revision
20220829 accepted
I would like to express my gratitude and share this as a reference for everyone. The reviewers were very diligent and strict, with the response letter from Reviewer 1 being much longer than the original manuscript. After several rounds of revisions, the article was significantly improved. During that time, I often checked the status of the article and had trouble sleeping due to anxiety, but the editors and reviewers at WR were truly professional and responsible. I am grateful. I also hope to continue working hard and maintain my current progress, and graduate successfully in June next year.

WuWoWu 2022-08-25

The journal editor processes manuscripts very quickly, usually sending them back within the next day. For articles related to advanced oxidation, they undergo major revisions, followed by medium revisions, and then the editor directly accepts them.

2022.5.17 submitted
2022.5.18 editor invited
2022.5.19 editor assigned
2022.5.20 under review
2022.6.17 major revision
2022.7.16 submitted revision
2022.7.18 under review
2022.7.22 medium revision
2022.8.20 submitted revision
2022.8.21 with editor
2022.8.22 editor assigned
2022.8.23 accept

happbbyy 2022-08-22

The journal has a fast processing speed. The review article on seawater desalination that was written has been accepted after major revision.

2022.6.3 submitted
6.6 under review
6.10 under review
6.18 under review
6.22 under review
6.27 With Editor
7.6 With Editor
7.7 Major revision
7.26 With Editor
7.27 Editor invited
7.31 Editor Assigned
8.2 Under review
8.6 Under review
8.20 With Editor
8.21 Accept

lzpp 2022-08-15

This is not half slow, it is very slow!

效率法 2022-08-09

Discover that the data and images in the paper have been duplicated and published in the sediment ( ( ( (

hecan086 2022-08-03

I also submitted mine on July 6, 2022 and as of August 2, it is still "editor assigned". I don't know what the situation is.

chemeng 2022-08-01

8.1 still editor assigned, what the hell. It has been almost a month, and the editor hasn't even started processing it.

Lucky新酱 2022-08-01

I would like to ask everyone how long it took for their first review to be completed. It has been over two months and my application is still in "UR" (under review), with the date constantly changing. I don't know what the situation is.

天涯若比邻 2022-07-25

Why did it become editor invited again after minor repairs? It's so strange, have you guys seen this before?

Vin W 2022-07-25

How do you see that several reviewers have accepted? After submitting the manuscript, it changed twice within a week after it was under review.

chemeng 2022-07-24

7.4 submit
7.9 editor assigned
7.24 still editor assigned
The efficiency of this journal is not very good, especially the editing efficiency for my paper is very low!!! The manuscript has not been processed for a long time.

喵了个咪的呀 2022-07-18

I am also like this, for half a month, only one reviewer accepted. Is it difficult to find reviewers for this journal recently?

wrest 2022-06-28

May I ask how long it takes for reviewers to accept the invitation to review after the editor sends out the invitation? It has been a week and there has been no response.

wrest 2022-06-28

What should I do? I'm in the same situation now. It has been under review for a month, and I haven't even received the invitation for review. Why is it so slow? OP, when did you receive the invitation for review?

doctor_master 2022-05-17

Small research group + Niche topic, accepted after major revision

1.24 submitted
1.25 editor assigned
2.8 under review
2.9 under review
2.16 under review
2.27 with editor
3.18 major revision: two reviewers (one month)
4.14 revision submitted, with editor
4.15 Editor Invited
4.19 Editor Assigned
4.20 Under Review
4.24 Under Review
4.26 with editor
4.26 Under Review
5.02 with editor
5.03 Accept

小damn 2022-04-22

Share the recently included review articles. The efficiency of the editors and reviewers is very high. Wishing WR (the journal) to continue to improve!

04 Feb 2022
The article was submitted to the journal.

14 Feb 2022
The editor was invited.

15 Feb 2022
The editor was assigned.

18 Feb 2022
The article is under review.

13 Mar 2022
With the editor.

14 Mar 2022
Major revision is required.

10 Apr 2022
The revision was submitted to the journal.

13 Apr 2022
The editor was invited.

14 Apr 2022
The editor was assigned.

16 Apr 2022
The article is under review.

19 Apr 2022
With the editor.

21 Apr 2022

qq572020211 2022-04-19

It has been almost a week for me, this state.

413 2022-04-15

I have come to fulfill my vow. The dream of being a graduate student has been realized one month before graduation. Submitted on 2.13, reviewed by two reviewers on 3.25, one highly praised and one moderately revised. Responded on 4.2 and accepted on 4.14. Best wishes for the continuous improvement of the journal. This is the most innovative achievement of my graduate career. The patent was immediately authorized. Previously, I have published in many low-quality journals. This is the first time I have been published in such a good one. The experts truly have a keen eye for talent, haha! In the future, I will continue to submit to this journal at Tsinghua University's environmental department because this material is groundbreaking in a niche field. I am worried that many editors may not understand or be familiar with it, but the experts in patents and WR (possibly referring to Water Resources?) do understand and their feedback has been very good!

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