Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

hantongxue 2023-03-05

I will need about 2 weeks to fix it and reply back. It is normal to receive it within 1 week. Good luck.

撒盐少女 2023-03-02

After successful submission, a URL will be sent to the corresponding author's email, which can track the current review progress.

奥里干! 2023-02-26

May I ask how you can check the progress of the reviewers?

撒盐少女 2023-02-25

There has been no news since October 20th, 2022, when it was under review until now. The tracking information shows that two reviewers have accepted the invitation, but it has been four months and there is still no feedback. I'm so anxious! Ahhh!

撒盐少女 2023-02-25

My paper has been under review for four months already. Last week, I sent a reminder email to the editor, but there has been no response. Seeing your message, I'm afraid it might be rejected.

余子酱 2023-02-22

The third SCT (Special Collection Title) had three reviewers, two were positive and one was negative. The process of receiving feedback was difficult and complicated, but luckily it was ultimately accepted. The timeline is as follows:
- Submitted on December 24th
- Under review on December 25th
- Required reviews completed on January 23rd
- Major revision requested on January 24th
- Revision submitted on February 10th
- Under review again on February 13th
- Required reviews completed on February 20th
- Accepted on February 22nd

做完实验打boss 2023-02-13

2022.12.12 Submission
2023.01.03 Major revision - Three reviewers and the editor were given 20 days for revisions.
2023.01.18 Major revision returned and resubmitted for review.
2023.02.06 Minor revision - Reviewer 1 agreed to accept the submission, while reviewers 2 and 3 raised a few minor issues.
2023.02.09 Minor revision returned.
2023.02.10 Acceptance
Elsevier's current submission system is excellent as it allows tracking of the article's status, invitation of reviewers, acceptance of invitations by reviewers, and completion of the review process.

平行宇宙之艾斯达克星球商店 2023-02-11

Translated into English:

Received on December 24, 2022.
Revised on January 29, 2023.
Accepted on February 7, 2023.
Available online on February 11, 2023.

迷途书生 2023-02-09

May I ask which three files you have uploaded? manuscript, manuscript (revised clean and final), revised manuscript file.

孤独的风中一匹狼 2023-02-07

The first article was submitted to SCT in December 21 and was rejected. It was then submitted to Acta Electrochimica after 2 months and was accepted.

The second article was submitted to SCT in April 22 and the editors provided 60 questions for me to address. I sincerely impressed the editors and after 1.5 months, it was accepted.

The third article was submitted to SCT in December 22 and went through 2 months of review, during which there were approximately 45 questions. It was accepted after 2 months.

Overall, the review speed of this journal is quite fast, and they usually provide feedback within 1 month.

I would like to thank the editors S.M.A. Shibli and Claus G. Rebholz and wish all researchers good luck in publishing their articles. Keep up the good work!

子弹007 2023-01-23

2022.12.19 - Minor revision
2023.1.7 - Respond to reviewer's comments
2023.23 - Acceptance

zhouyingwangzhe 2023-01-15

Submitted on 19 Oct
With editor on 20 Oct
Under review on 21 Oct
Rejected on 3 Dec

During the "under review" process, there were several changes. It was difficult to find reviewers, and only one agreed to review the article. However, it seemed like the reviewer did not carefully read the article, as the questions raised were already addressed in the text. Overall, the editor was responsible and actively sought reviewers, and the process was quick.

叶密立 2023-01-03

Received on 2022.12.22, but still haven't received the proofs. This is really frustrating.

我爱吃榴莲 2022-12-31

11.15 Re-submitted with editor
11.16 Under review
11.30 Change of date
12.10 Major revision, given 18 days, completed in one week.
12.23 Returned for revision
12.25 Accepted
It has been a week now and still no proof.

Jasony23 2022-12-27

The journal with a very fast review speed
Submitted on 25th October
Under review on 28th October
Major revision on 16th November
Revision submitted on 3rd December
Accepted on 17th December
Now it has been ten days since acceptance, but there is still no publication information. It's quite puzzling.

叶密立 2022-12-05

Joerg Patscheider has not edited the manuscript for three weeks, which is really slow and not proactive.

叶密立 2022-12-01

In the repair email, you will see the editor's name.

我爱吃榴莲 2022-12-01

How do you know which editor it is after submitting it?

叶密立 2022-12-01

What do "二次返修Manuscript", "Manuscript (Revised Clean and Final)", and "Revised manuscript file" respectively mean?

scr 2022-11-29

This guy is slow, it took him two and a half months to retake the exam.

余子酱 2022-11-29

2022.10.27 Submission
2022.10.29 External review
2022.11.26 External review completed
4 reviewers, the questions were not difficult, edited by Claus G. Rebholz, completed in 3 days with a given time of 20 days.

子弹007 2022-11-27

2022.11.21 Submission
2022.11.27 Review

叶密立 2022-11-27

2022.9.3 submit - Submitted on September 3, 2022
2022.10.9 major revisions(2 reviewers provided nearly 60 comments, with significant language modifications) - Major revisions requested on October 9, 2022 (2 reviewers provided almost 60 comments, with many language modifications)
2022.10.30 revise submit - Revised version submitted on October 30, 2022
2022.10.31 with editor - Under the editor's review on October 31, 2022
2022.11.22 under review - Under review since November 22, 2022
2022.11.29 minor revisions(1 reviewer for minor edits, 2nd reviewer accepted) - Minor revisions requested on November 29, 2022 (1 reviewer for minor edits, 2nd reviewer accepted the manuscript)
2022.11.31 revise submit - Revised version submitted on November 31, 2022
2022.12.1 with editor - Under the editor's review on December 1, 2022
2022.12.22 accept - Accepted on December 22, 2022
2023.1.3 proofs - Proofreading completed on January 3, 2023
The editor is Joerg Patscheider, who was not very fast in handling the manuscript, resulting in a total of 4 months.

余子酱 2022-11-21

Translate the following text into English: "On 10.27, it was submitted, and on 11.11, it showed that the external review was completed. However, no status link was sent for review. What is this situation? Is it a prelude to rejection?"

南柯一梦。 2022-11-12

From submission to rejection, it took nearly 4 months, wasting 4 months of time for nothing. I will not submit to this journal again in the future.

叶密立 2022-11-09

It has been revised for 10 days now, and the status has always been "with editor." Does this mean something unfortunate is going to happen?

我爱吃榴莲 2022-11-05

Does anyone know if it is effective to make changes and start over?

我爱吃榴莲 2022-11-05

10.18 with editor
10.22 under review
11.3 rejected
However, the response from the editor suggests that it can be resubmitted after making modifications and addressing the reviewers' comments one by one.
Although the opinions of the three reviewers do not seem very negative, it should be possible to make major revisions. However, the editor rejected it directly and the similarity index reached 36%.

秋水易人 2022-11-02

The luck is good, already hired.

南柯一梦。 2022-10-31

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