Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

王同学爱学习 2022-08-01

How can I see how many reviewers there are?

喃喃学语 2022-07-31

Excuse me, does anyone have any articles forwarded to me? Why is everything so slow? Or is it just the forwarding process that is slow? Has everyone else received updates?

喃喃学语 2022-07-31

This can still be seen as inviting new reviewers. How did you all find out about this update? I only saw it through the system and have been continuously submitting.

喃喃学语 2022-07-31

Is there any news now, mine has been submitted to the Journal for several days.

喃喃学语 2022-07-31

May I ask how things are going now? Mine is still in the hands of the editor. How many reviewers do we have? What are the requirements of this journal?

喃喃学语 2022-07-31

Are you this fast?

1*2*3* 2022-07-31

July 13th, submitted;
July 31st, still with the editor;
The speed of this journal is really dependent on luck.

BeyondDF 2022-07-31

Classmate, how is the progress now?

Faitlux 2022-07-31

Review the manuscript in 20 days, claiming it is a major revision, but in reality there are only 10 or so minor issues. The submission cycle is within 1 month.

XJU-Lis 2022-07-31

Submission took 10 days to reach the editor's hands. As of the 31st, it has been 11 days since the editor received it and there has been no progress. 0.0...

皮蛋瘦肉周周 2022-07-31

7.26 submitted to journal;
The first time I've seen it last this long in this state.

haoyun852654 2022-07-28

The text has undergone two revisions in the middle of the submission, and the editing speed is quite fast. Received on July 28th.

⊙∀⊙? 2022-07-27

Posted on 6.10, still under review on 7.27, feels so slow.

xiaoduanzi 2022-07-27

6.12 submitted manuscript;
6.24 under review %Not delivered to the editor for a while, reminded once%;
7.19 minor revision;
7.22 revise;
7.24 with editor;
%No news, probably the editor got busy with other things.%
%This journal feels quite confusing; it seems that the submission speed depends on luck, if the editor and reviewers are available, it will be faster, otherwise, it will be delayed...%

Dr.Lyn 2022-07-27

7.11 submitted
7.20 with editor - Recently, there have been too many manuscripts to wait for a long time.
7.25 under review
8.9 minor revision - Both reviewers requested minor revisions and accepted the paper afterward.
8.19 revision submitted to journal
8.19 evening - under review
8.24 accept
Edited by Aliaksandr S Bandarenka. Before submitting to this journal, it is necessary to use CrossCheck for plagiarism check. The similarity rate requirement is quite strict. However, if the requirement is not met, the paper will not reach the editor.

XJU-Lis 2022-07-25

7.10 submitted
7.19 with editor
7.25 with editor .....Currently not submitted for review, unsure when it will be submitted, please don't reject it quickly
So slow, I remember it used to be very fast before....

12344 2022-07-25

Has your current situation changed?

Lewis W 2022-07-25

May I ask if there is any progress?

Lewis W 2022-07-25

Hello, may I ask if the current status has changed?

迷途书生 2022-07-23

7.11 until now, it is still submitted. It feels so slow.

陈湘君 2022-07-23

May I ask if there is any progress with your article? I have submitted mine for ten days and it has not reached the editor yet.

dxb 2022-07-22

No, it is still being edited. I don't know if it's going on a summer vacation trip. My editor is Chinese.

kiskis 2022-07-22

It has been a week and it still has not been delivered to the editor's hands.

kiskis 2022-07-21

May I ask if your status has been updated?

yuran 2022-07-20

Submited 9 June; Received 9 July 2022; Received in revised form 9 July 2022; Accepted 10 July 2022.

Translation: Submitted on June 9th; Received on July 9th, 2022; Received in revised form on July 9th, 2022; Accepted on July 10th, 2022.

dxb 2022-07-20

7.7 submitted
7.15 with edieditor
It's already 7.20, why hasn't the editor made a decision yet? If it's not going to be reviewed, then reject it quickly.

thomaswangjian 2022-07-20

7.10 submission, it has been 10 days and it is still Submitted to Journal.

Leo 2022-07-19

Good luck, I hope everyone's submissions go smoothly!

Yazhou Qin 2022-07-18

Really slow, it takes ten days for the submission to reach the editor's hands, and one month later it is still in the hands of the editor. When reminded, it is immediately rejected as it does not meet the requirements.

tonglingwang1234 2022-07-18

20 days of submission, still waiting for it to be published in the journal.

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