Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

大侠007 2022-08-25

Submitted at the end of July, it is still with editors now, almost a month has passed. Is this journal always this slow?

小飞机儿 2022-08-24

6.12 submitted to journal
6.21 with editor (Mario Agostino Agostino Rocca)
6.24 under review
7.28 major revised (deadline before August 17th, as long as one reviewer gave 6 suggestions and the editor requested major revisions)
8.06 revision submitted to journal, with editor (Mario Agostino Agostino Rocca)
8.13 transferred to the editor-in-chief (Henrik Rudolph)
8.14 under review
8.15 reviewer accepts invitation
8.23 afternoon required reviews complete
8.23 evening accept
The editor is still very efficient.

hc1027 2022-08-22

May I ask which editor it is?

CuC 2022-08-22

Currently under review, looking forward to a good outcome.

科研搬砖大哥 2022-08-20

Who is the editor, may I ask?

qly123 2022-08-20

Do you need each author to click on the confirmation link in the email when submitting your contribution?

刘德华 2022-08-20

3.5 - Submission
3.17 - Under review
4.17 - Revision required
4.18 - Under review
4.21 - Accepted

The review process took about a month. I was given 21 days to make revisions, addressing 7 issues. I wish this journal continued success and hope it advances to a higher ranking next year!

CuC 2022-08-20

8.4 submit
8.9 rejected, encourage to resubmit
8.12 submit
8.17 with editor
Wishing you good luck.

zmm1 2022-08-19

How should I write the "Summary of Novel Conclusions", and what is the difference between it and the "Highlights"?

科研搬砖大哥 2022-08-19

Ah, has it not been submitted for review yet? Does that mean there are no review experts accepting manuscripts?

职业矿工 2022-08-19

Brothers, wish me luck. There is a high probability of direct rejection, and the decision will be made the next day.
2022/8/17 submitted to journal
2022/8/18 Decision in Process

Jason-YNU 2022-08-18

Can I ask who your editor is? So fast!

physicsfeng 2022-08-18

7-13 submitted to journal
7-23 with editor, under review
8-10 major revised
8-16 revision submitted to journal
8-17 with editor, under review
8-18 accept

The text was submitted to the journal on July 13th.
From July 23rd, it was with the editor and under review.
Major revisions were made on August 10th.
The revised version was submitted to the journal on August 16th.
On August 17th, it was with the editor and under review.
Finally, on August 18th, it was accepted.

我想投刊 2022-08-18

Come fulfill a wish on 08.17 and accept it.

⊙∀⊙? 2022-08-18

Revised manuscript will be returned on August 8th, but it will still be with the editor on August 18th. Sorry for the delay.

hxzhicheng 2022-08-18

5.14 submitted to journal
6.10 major revision
7.10 revision submitted to journal
7.15 with editor
7.27 minor revision
8.3 revision submitted to journal
8.14 accept

The overall pace is stable, with acceptance taking three months. Reviewers will be notified via email when their reviews are requested. We hope this information is helpful to everyone.

闪迪 2022-08-18

8.09 submitted
8.11 with editor until now, is it still this slow? Editor, ShanghaiTech University: Zhi Liu

木有鱼丸 2022-08-17

26 July 2022 major revision
4 Aug 2022 article revised
5 Aug 2022 with editor
14 Aug 2022 under review
15 Aug 2022 accepted
The editor is Italian, and the review process is slow, but the reviewers are efficient. For reference.

qiaomu97 2022-08-13

How long is your review cycle?

Leo 2022-08-13

Two reviewers, one of them asked more than 20 questions, including many questions about XPS. It was confusing and very strict. Good luck!

shjxbxhskns 2022-08-08

Excuse me, will this journal send notification emails for review?

允儿 2022-08-07

Initial Date Submitted: Jun 26, 2022
Status Date: Aug 03, 2022

科研小赤佬 2022-08-05

Five days have passed since the second review with the editor, and it has not been sent for review yet. Normally, the second review process should be faster, shouldn't it?

木有鱼丸 2022-08-05

Just replied and got some good luck!

随风而醉 2022-08-04

James E. Whitten edited very well.
The reviewer is also very professional.
After modifications, it was accepted, taking a total of two and a half months.

ztt 2022-08-03

Posted on July 27, reviewed about half a month later;
Revised on August 29;
Returned for revision on September 16;
Accepted on September 24.

tuanzi 2022-08-03

This should be another new reviewer.

day day upupup 2022-08-02

6.28 submit
7.8 under review
8.2 under review
Isn't the review usually returned within two weeks?

BeyondDF 2022-08-01

Classmate, how are you doing now? When did you become like this? Is the first district also this slow?

BeyondDF 2022-08-01

How are you now?

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