Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

啦啦啦766 2022-09-17

Reply to the previous friend, after the review, there will be an email sent to the corresponding author's mailbox immediately, which contains a link. By clicking on the link, you can directly see the progress of the review.

职业矿工 2022-09-17

May I ask how to track the status of the reviewers?

⊙∀⊙? 2022-09-15

I want to ask how you can see if the reviewers have accepted it. Mine also shows "under review" for a long time.

卖火柴淘网 2022-09-15

7.24 submitted
8.21 under review
9.15 under review

I tracked the reviewers and found that the journal requires at least two reviewers. Currently, no reviewers have accepted the review request. I'm really worried. Has anyone else experienced this situation? What should I do? It has been almost two months.

yl45 2022-09-15

7.14 submitted
7.24 with editor
7.25 under review
8.5 major revise
8.23 submitted revised manuscript
8.25 under review
9.12 required reviewers completed
9.13 accept

7.14 submitted
7.24 with editor
7.25 under review
8.5 major revise
8.23 submitted revised manuscript
8.25 under review
9.12 required reviewers completed
9.13 accept

chemm 2022-09-15

Too slow, it took a month to submit and has been with the editor all this time, and now they rejected it directly, saying it doesn't meet the requirements. I'm frustrated, if they were going to reject it, why couldn't they do it earlier?

雪域上行 2022-09-14

8.9 Submission, 8.12 Under Review, 9.1 Major Revision, 9.8 Revision, 9.14 Accepted. Overall, it took one month. In fact, the review was completed on August 23rd by one reviewer who asked five questions and was very friendly. The recommendation for acceptance was made on the first day after the Mid-Autumn Festival. Editor Andrew V. Teplyakov was very efficient, and I commend him! Previously, my submission to Solar RRL in Zone 3 was directly rejected, and the second submission was accepted with minor revisions.

Leo 2022-09-09

XPS problem seeking help, are there any experts?

老猫123 2022-09-06

Pure sharing of experience, after submitting so many manuscripts, I found that European journals are extremely slow in July and August each year. Later, I discovered that Europe goes on vacation during this time, so it's best not to submit to European journals in July and August. I promptly switched to submitting to ACS.

Leo 2022-09-06

Second review for revision. It has been 8 days since the review was completed, but the efficiency of the editor, Opila, is very low. There has been no progress yet, and I feel anxious...

科研小白鼠688 2022-09-02

Does this mean that only when the reviewers accept it, will it change from "with editor" to "under review"?

大侠007 2022-09-01

It has been a month since submission, and it is still "with editors," and there has been no change.

白二苟 2022-09-01

I have changed three or four times, and it has been a month, but I still haven't found a reviewer. It's really painful.

为科研奋斗的小人物 2022-09-01

6.1 Submit
6.7 With Editor
6.11 Under Review
7.14 Major Reversion
8.13 Revised
8.15 Under Review
8.31 Accept

6.1 Submit
6.7 With Editor
6.11 Under Review
7.14 Major Reversion
8.13 Revised
8.15 Under Review
8.31 Accept

啦啦啦766 2022-08-30

The author confirms that it is not necessary to make a selection and it will not affect the submission, but recently this journal seems to have a relatively slow process. It took 15 days for my manuscript to reach the "with editor" status and now I have to continue waiting.

叁san 2022-08-30

There is still no news, it has been 9 days with the editor.

小飞机儿 2022-08-30

When in the presence of the editor, communications will be sent via email, with the sender being responsible for the content.

铁磁小梁 2022-08-30

May I ask how to see who the editor is? I have submitted for ten days and it still says "with editor". Also, do all authors need to confirm the submission? Thank you.

铁磁小梁 2022-08-30

Has it been submitted for review now?

铁磁小梁 2022-08-30

I have also been waiting for 10 days, and it has been "with editor" the whole time. Is it necessary for the author to confirm? None of my other authors have confirmed, so will they send an email for the review?

大侠007 2022-08-30

Still with the "with editors" status, it's been a month and it's still like this. I have no idea what's going on. I guess there's a high possibility that the editor has had time to process it and reject it. It's a waste of a month for nothing.

小岑在努力 2022-08-29

Has it been submitted for review now?

叁san 2022-08-29

I only see "With Editor" displayed, but I don't see the editor's name.

JPVAT 2022-08-29

Who is showing the editing? I am from ShanghaiTech University.

叁san 2022-08-29

8.20 submitted
8.21 with editor
So slow.

科研小赤佬 2022-08-29

Accepted, but the editing process is really slow, although the reviewers are actually quite fast.

啦啦啦766 2022-08-27

You will have to wait a little longer until 8.24. I waited for nearly twenty days before submitting it for review. There will be an email.

JPVAT 2022-08-27

May I ask if you have updated now? I submitted on 8.24 and there has been no response.

Ablatxju 2022-08-25

The current volume of submissions is too high, and it is estimated that the manuscripts are being queued for processing. Editors need to click "confirm" to agree for any changes during the review process. At the same time, an email notification will be received. Please be patient and wait. ASS Journal is expected to reach a ranking of 10 or more in the future. My paper was also submitted to ASS on July 28th, changed to "witheditor" on August 10th, and changed to "Under Review" on August 19th. I am currently waiting for the reviewer's comments.

啦啦啦766 2022-08-25

Same, I have been submitting for more than half a month, always with the editor, I don't know what they are doing.

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