Verified Reviews - Solar Energy
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

hi浪子 2023-07-10

I am Ma editor, thank you for Ma editor's handling.

hi浪子 2023-07-10

Posted on April 15, 2023;
Returned for revisions on June 7, 2023, without specifying whether it was for major or minor revisions. Two reviewers provided feedback, with the first reviewer providing 26 comments and the second reviewer providing 3 comments;
Revised on June 26, 2023;
Returned for revisions on July 7, 2023, with the same two reviewers. Each reviewer provided 3 comments, and the responses were well received;
Revised on July 9, 2023;
Accepted on July 10, 2023.
Feeling grateful to Editor Wang and thankful to the reviewers.

废弃物瓶 2023-07-03

2023.2.25 submit
2023.2.27 with editor
2023.3.5 under review
2023.5.10 major revision
2023.5.23 resubmit
2023.5.24 under review
2023.6.12 major revision
2023.6.25 resubmit
2023.7.1 accept


2023.2.25 - Submitted
2023.2.27 - With editor
2023.3.5 - Under review
2023.5.10 - Major revision
2023.5.23 - Resubmitted
2023.5.24 - Under review
2023.6.12 - Major revision
2023.6.25 - Resubmitted
2023.7.1 - Accepted

AILE2023 2023-04-19

Excuse me, how long will it take for the editor, big shot?

胡豆豆 2023-03-13

2023.1.30 Submission
2023.2.24 The comments from the reviewers came back. There were 4 reviewers and 41 comments. The comments provided were valuable, which indicates the journal's emphasis on manuscripts and science.
2023.3.10 Accepted, it should be sent for external review again. Two reviewers agreed to accept, while the other two have not responded.
Thank you, Solar Energy, for your exceptionally fast speed.

dfzj 2023-03-09

Do I still need to send an email to the editor to explain after submitting the revised draft? It has been a long time since the submission of the revised draft, but it is still not online.

芳华待灼 2022-12-15

May I ask, what does it mean if something is "under review" for a long time without any changes in time?

希卡利 2022-11-04

Submission Experience:
2022.3.10 Submit
2022.3.11 With Editor
2022.3.25 Under Review
2022.4.08 Under Review
2022.5.05 Under Review
2022.7.13 Required Reviews Completed
2022.7.14 Major Revision (Sent to 6 reviewers, received comments from 3 reviewers, 1 month for revision)
2022.8.11 Resubmit, With Editor
2022.8.17 Under Review
2022.8.23 Required Reviews Completed
2022.9.02 Accept (Accepted without modifications)
2022.9.18 Online

yuanchen 2022-10-22

The overall speed is fast. Sub on 03.06, Accepted on Apr 24, 2022. Both reviewers were professional and took some time to make revisions. Since I had plenty of time, the revision process was also quick. Overall, the difficulty of submitting to SE is moderate.

芳华待灼 2022-08-04

Hello, may I ask if the plagiarism check for this journal is very strict? Thank you.

长挺俊 2021-12-26

Which journal is ECM?

德才志远 2021-11-24

2021.07.14 Submission
2021.11.11 Major revisions were requested
2021.11.21 Minor revisions were requested
2021.11.23 Accepted
Overall, it took me about four months for the review process, with two reviewers carefully examining my article. In total, they provided 35 suggestions and questions for revisions. However, there is no need to worry about so many issues. By diligently following the reviewers' comments, they actually aim to improve the quality of the article. Taking their suggestions into account, I feel that the level of the article has greatly improved. After submitting the revised manuscript, I thought it would still require external review, but to my surprise, I received acceptance notification just two days later. It should be because I made good modifications based on the reviewers' comments, and the editor also believed it was acceptable, so they directly accepted it.

I suggest everyone to try this journal as well. Who knows, you might get lucky and get accepted. Neither my supervisor nor I expected to be accepted, as we had tried multiple journals and were prepared for rejections before. It was quite unexpected for us. That's all for my sharing.

司马长泓 2021-11-16

0826 submission
0827 under review
1001: major revision, requested to be completed within a month, with three reviewers;
1019: returned with revisions, resubmitted for review the next day;
1102: second round of revisions, worked tirelessly for two days without eating, completed the revisions and resubmitted for review the next day;
1110: accepted, very fast process, grateful for the recognition of my work by the editors and reviewers of the Solar Energy journal, this is the first article I have read in my research field, and despite the ups and downs, it reminds me not to forget my original intention.

tjwww 2021-11-01

January 6, 2021: Submitted for review, entered waiting period for review;
Early February 2021: Received major revision, requested submission after one month. Due to lack of experience in the first revision, it took a long time. During this period, we applied for an extension with the editor, who was understanding and supportive. Finally, it took about 40 days to complete the revisions and submit.
Mid-March 2021: After submission, the editor processed the manuscript quickly, and we received notification of minor revisions in just a few days. The revisions were also completed quickly.
March 26, 2021: The editor began processing the manuscript after the minor revisions.
April 2, 2021: Accepted.
April 12, 2021: Online.
In conclusion, we would like to express our gratitude to the editors and reviewers of the Solar Energy Journal for recognizing our work and giving us confidence and hope. We hope that the quality of articles published in the journal will continue to improve, and the journal will thrive. Of course, we also hope that friends in related fields will try Solar Energy and inspire each other.

logistics 2021-09-16

Has this journal always been in the second division of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)? This year, it has dropped to Q2 in the JCR division. Will it still be in the second division of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in December?

渔歌 2021-08-26

Posted on March 15th of the 21st year; reviewed 12 days later; received a major revision reply by the end of April;
Returned with modifications 20 days later; received within 10 days.
The whole process took approximately 75 days.

只若初见 2021-08-02

Submitted on April 1st, 2021.
Accepted on August 1st, 2021, with one major revision and one minor revision in between. External review took one and a half months. The editor was very nice and supportive. This is my second paper during my PhD, and I hope the journal will continue to improve.

boyafter 2021-07-15

I often read about everyone's submission experiences, and now I will share my own submission process:

January 15, 2021 - Submitted
January 16 - Under review
April 1 - Major revision: Three reviewers showed a strong interest in the content of the article and provided over 30 specific comments. Personally, I feel it was like minor revisions.
April 30 - Received
May 11 - Under review
July 15 - Accepted

Overall, the submission process went smoothly, except for the slow review period. The review process took a little over two months. I wish everyone a successful submission!

只若初见 2021-06-18

Posted on February 24, 2021, after two major revisions, it was accepted on June 17, 2020, and the external review took about one and a half months. I submitted the second article on solar energy, hoping that the journal will continue to improve.

66225 2021-06-11

Is it the first trial? The period is approximately one month, right?

胁田兼则 2021-02-05

Posted on September 1, 2020.
Underwent major revisions on September 30, 2020, with feedback from two reviewers that were both very constructive. Given one month to make the revisions.
Due to personal reasons, the revision period was extended by 2 weeks, and the revisions were completed on November 15, 2020.
Accepted on February 4, 2021.

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