Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

天火 2023-05-07

Journals and magazines are not the same. Many journals do not publish this track.

XAZZ 2023-03-21

Translated text:
Received Date: November 21, 2022
Revised Date: February 3, 2023
Accepted Date: March 18, 2023

土水土 2023-02-13

There were quite a few comments from the reviewers, and the editor also provided a few suggestions. However, it is not clear who made the decision to reject the submission and request a resubmission. I feel that the editor thought there was not enough time for major revisions to be completed, so they opted for rejection and resubmission. I have had similar experiences with submitting to SBB before, and as long as you make thorough revisions, there is still a good chance.

paper冲啊 2023-01-02

May I ask if there will be a link for tracking the status after the original poster submits for review?

paper冲啊 2023-01-02

Excuse me, what journal did the host submit to?

paper冲啊 2023-01-02

I would like to ask if the author's rejection and resubmission are rejected by the editor or the reviewer?

椭圆三向箔 2022-12-21

Latest soil science SCI rankings for the Agricultural and Forestry major in Zone 1 and Zone 2 are as follows:

Zone 1:
5. International Soil and Water Conservation Research
6. Biochar

Zone 2:
3. Soil
6. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition
7. Geoderma Regional

土水土 2022-11-30

The submission went through rejection and resubmission, followed by modification and resubmission, and finally acceptance for publication. Throughout the process, there were two reviewers who seemed to have remained the same, and each review took about a month. The reviewers were very diligent and responsible, providing many suggestions for revisions, and the editor also offered their own suggestions each time. Overall, with the help of the editor and reviewers, the quality of the article was greatly improved. The most important experience in submitting is to take every suggestion from the editor and reviewers seriously. In addition, SBB has high language requirements and often requests language polishing before submission, although polishing does not guarantee acceptance for review.

sjw 2022-11-15

Hello, may I ask if you have the results for your paper?

爱上木木三 2022-11-03

I have a question for everyone. I recently submitted two articles. I quickly received the tracking status link for the first article, but I haven't received anything for the second one. However, the submission website shows that the second article is "under review." Does this mean the second article has been rejected?

小茶人 2022-10-22

Brothers, how much is the SBB layout fee now?

水田黄牛 2022-09-07

The reviewers provided a lot of constructive feedback (clearly pointing out that the soil chemistry was outdated and lacked innovation or a clear explanation of the unique innovation). They also requested additional data, citation of articles, reorganization of language, and identification of the logical rules of writing. Reviewer 2 requested a re-write of the paper but also gave positive feedback (kudos!) and requested resubmission within two months. Reviewer 1 accepted the revisions after the revisions were made, while Reviewer 2 requested a revision of the figures. Reviewer 3, who was invited, agreed to review the paper. The editor personally rewrote the abstract and provided general rules of scientific writing for each section, including references and website links (grateful). After carefully studying, the paper was reduced from 13,000 words to 9,600 words, and each revised draft was submitted at the last deadline. The final version of the article was accepted, although the editor made a few changes that were not quite suitable. I feel that the reviewers and editor have been continuously encouraging me as a young researcher (possibly because they were impressed by my 30,000-word responses). I have gained a lot and will continue to study hard. I also wish everyone can learn new knowledge from each submission in the future.

byyourside 2022-05-23

2022.1.14 submitted
2.23 under review
3.31 reconsidered after revision
4.12 resubmitted
5.15 acceptable after revision
5.16 resubmitted
5.22 accepted

fuxianheng 2022-05-07

Very good journal, the reviewers and editors have all provided revision suggestions. The entire article has color illustrations. It feels that as long as the charts are clear and concise, whether they are in color or black and white doesn't matter. However, the article requires extremely high language and logical requirements. The article is finally accepted!!!!!!

choose 2022-03-30

Your experience is very helpful!

soil123 2022-02-22

SBB is quite good.
However, in 2021, when I submitted an article, new reviewers were added in the second round. After revisions, it was rejected again upon re-evaluation. But when I asked others, it seems that no new reviewers were added in the second round of review. It's quite unfortunate.

bwzhang 2022-02-17

21.10.6 Submission
21.10.19 Editor-in-chief suggested revisions
21.11.9 Rewritten and revised
22.1.12 Major revision R1
22.1.25 Revised
22.2.15 Minor revision
22.2.17 Accepted
First time submitting to SBB, editor Josh and two reviewers were very nice, showed great interest in the article, provided more than 10 pages of revision suggestions and encouragement, greatly benefited.

LeeNC 2022-02-07

2021.8.28 submitted
2021.9.12 under review
2021.10.11 major revision
2021.11.2 R1 submitted
2022.1.3 revision
2022.1.13 R2 submitted
2022.2.6 accepted

The overall speed is acceptable, and the comments from the reviewers and editors are very fair. I wish everyone a smooth submission process!

椭圆三向箔 2021-12-20

2021 Soil-related Q1 journals: SBB, BFS, GEODERMA, STR, SOIL, CATENA, LDD
2021 Soil-related Q2 journals: EJSC, PEDOSPHERE, P&S, ASE, JSS, NCA, JSSPN, JSWC, EJSB

逗逼科研小日子 2021-10-18

Hello, I would like to ask if there is any update after more than a month with the editor? It has been a month for me as well without any news.

xiaomoxu 2021-10-18

Share the submission process and wish everyone's articles to be accepted soon!
6.15 submitted
6.20 with editor
7.04 under review
7.29 required reviews completed
09.19 decision in process
09.27 acceptable after revision
10.13 submitted r1 (revised version) with editor
10.15 Sent an email to the correspondent saying the editor is processing the manuscript
10.16 acceptance

Pepsi 2021-09-15

I have been in this state for 1 month and 4 days already, writing a letter to the magazine to inquire about the format or other reasons, but it's like throwing a stone into the sea.

LeeNC 2021-09-14

The first submission was quickly sent for review, and I recently submitted another one. It has been almost 20 days since it's "with editor," but I don't know what the issue is, so I haven't dared to follow up.

Pepsi 2021-08-30

May I ask how long it took for the original poster to submit for the first time with the editor?

LeeNC 2021-08-05

2.16: Submission;
4.6: First review completed, major revision;
6.23: Return of manuscript;
7.19: Second review completed, minor revision;
7.23: Return of manuscript;
8.4: Acceptance.

hahahaha 2021-05-09

How long after editing will it be submitted for review?

青睐茶声 2021-03-24

Recognized as a well-established journal in the field of soil science, this journal has high language requirements, emphasizing conciseness. It is recommended to have someone proofread the language before submission. Overall, the peer review process is fast, and the editors are responsible. In addition to the reviewers' comments, the editors also provide specific suggestions for the articles. Looking forward to the continuous improvement of the journal.

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