Verified Reviews - SOFT COMPUTING
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

0103. 2023-03-13

I have been with the editor for four months.

多吃核桃 2023-03-10

I have been waiting for a long time, always with the editor. Today, I finally succeeded in withdrawing the manuscript. I am even happier than winning a lottery. This journal is going downhill.

后悔 2023-03-07

January 2022: Submit
October 2022: Under review
February 2023: Major
March 2023: Accept

Comment: This journal has a very long publication cycle. If you are in a hurry to graduate, please do not submit your work to this journal. If you are not in a hurry, it is recommended not to rush the process, as it will not make a difference. After such a long time, the editors will not have the heart to reject your submission and usually accept it with revisions. However, I don't understand why so many people still submit to this journal despite knowing it is slow.

Letpuber001 2023-03-06

There are contact details for the editors on the journal's homepage.

柠檬不萌只是酸 2023-03-04

How to contact the editor?

0103. 2023-03-01

I really don't know why it's still being edited after four months...

0103. 2023-03-01

I really don't know why it's still being edited after four months.

0103. 2023-03-01

24 Nov 2022 submit - Submitted on 24th November 2022
28 Dec 2022 With Editor - Under review with editor since 28th December 2022
没动过了 - No further updates/No progress

YuZiKang 2023-02-27

February 11th submitted
February 13th With Editor
No changes until now

Letpuber001 2023-02-27

2020.10.01 Submitted
2021.11.01 Major revision (1 reviewer, three to four comments, forgot.)
2021.12.01 Resubmit
2021.12.04 Under review
2022.01.04 Under review
2022.10.01 Under review
2023.01.04 Under review
2023.02.15 Under review

Numerous reminders were sent during this period, all official responses.
Contacted the editor, who said that five reviewers were invited, but none of them responded in 15 days.

Count the number of days from 2020.10.01 to 2023.02.27, the editor's articles were not few.

2023.02.28 Accepted

Letpuber001 2023-02-14

Posted on October 1, 2020, major revision on November 1, 2021, submitted on December 1, 2021, but no progress has been made so far.

Letpuber001 2023-02-14

Very slow, my manuscript was submitted on October 1, 2020, returned for major revisions on November 1, 2021, resubmitted on December 2, 2021, and still no result up until now!

00 2022-12-24

It has been more than two years, it's really a rogue magazine.

喵喵米哦 2022-12-17

Has your article been published?

zmc0032 2022-11-26

2022.5.16 Submission
2022.8.14 Review
2022.8.27 Major revision
2022.8.28 Minor revision
2022.11.24 Acceptance

喵喵米哦 2022-11-11

2022.2.28 Submission
2022.7.3 Major revision
2022.7.28 Revised
2022.8.15 Under review
2022.10.25 Status changed once
2022.11.11 Accepted

木槿 2022-11-01

Don't panic, I applied in October last year and still haven't heard anything.

小氚 2022-10-31

Big brother, may I ask which email should I contact? Thank you!

2432 2022-10-31

Brothers, this journal feels so slow. I submitted my article in January 2022, and it has been "with editor" all this time. It has been 11 months, and I have sent three emails to inquire without receiving any response. This morning, it finally changed to "under review." Do any of you have a similar experience?

wanx 2022-09-23

May I ask where to find the editor's email? I have been submitting for 4 months, but it is still with the editor.

唱跳rap 2022-09-16

Within one month after being hired, I consulted the editor regarding the publication.

唱跳rap 2022-09-08

How long after being hired will the early access be available?

唱跳rap 2022-09-07

In summary, the process took quite a long time.
I worked in the field of artificial intelligence, for reference.

唱跳rap 2022-09-07

I replied to post #109.

唱跳rap 2022-09-07

The original poster is actually quite irritable, but the journal's inclusion is still quite good. However, the review speed is extremely worrying. If you are in a hurry, it is recommended to submit to another journal.

PS, if the research direction is relatively niche, it is indeed difficult to find reviewers.

Nora11 2022-09-06

2022.04 submitted
2022.09 with editor
This is the worst journal I have ever come across. It has been 5 months and it is still "with editor". The website doesn't respond to direct contacts, so I decided to email the editor-in-chief to withdraw my submission. I have successfully withdrawn it today. Please, please, please do not submit to this journal. It is a waste of time, and I hope it goes out of business soon! Stop causing harm to people!

吐泡泡的小飞飞 2022-08-25

How did you manage to get him to withdraw the manuscript? I have been applying for a week and it still hasn't been withdrawn. I have emailed all the editors on that page. Some said it's not their responsibility, others said they have already left the company. After three reminders, Raffaele Cerulli forwarded an email to Sabarinathan and also CC'd me. However, two days have passed and there is still no response.

NerdFNY 2022-08-22

2021.04 submitted
2021.08 major revision
2021.08 resubmitted
2021.08-2022.02 with editor
2022.02-2022.08 under review
2022.08 accept

2021.04: Submitted
2021.08: Major revision
2021.08: Resubmitted
2021.08-2022.02: With editor
2022.02-2022.08: Under review
2022.08: Accept

rococo 2022-08-16

This journal should be approached with caution. The editorial department is extremely irresponsible. Four months have passed and it is still in the "with editor" status!
Apr 11, 2022: submitted
Aug 16, 2022: with editor
Unable to tolerate it any longer, I have applied for withdrawal on Aug 22, 2022.
Be cautious when submitting!!!

吐泡泡的小飞飞 2022-08-13

Find the editor from and send them an email asking to reject the submission. After 16 months, it is still "With Editor." It is better to have it rejected and wait for a response.

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