Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

sloan... 2021-08-27

submitted to journal Oct 24, 2020
reject Aug 26, 2021 (the process was complicated, resubmitted twice according to the editor's requirements, replied to the editor 3 times, replied to the reviewers 3 times)
The journal is very slow, the review process is very slow, and the replies are also very slow. It took almost a year!!! The most speechless submission ever!!! The editor, Ralf Moos, initially rejected it and requested a resubmission according to the requirements. The third submission was sent for review, and the editor requested the theoretical calculation of resistance value (using vasp to calculate the resistance value??). The reviewers were very slow, with each reply taking over a month (this process didn't exceed 1 week in other journals). Suggestions: (1) Graduating students in a hurry should carefully select this journal for submission. (2) Emphasize the resistance value for sensing performance (the editor emphasizes this). (3) Consider carefully before conducting first-principle calculations.

suncedar 2021-08-19

7.1 Submission
7.23 Minor revisions
7.27 Return
8.7 Acceptance
Edited by Peter A. Lieberzeit, super nice. After the minor revisions were returned, there was no processing for over a week, so it is likely that the person was on vacation. Upon return, it was directly accepted.

hudalong 2021-08-18

submitted to journal 2021-8-12
Editor Invited 2021-8-12
submitted to journal 2021-8-14
with editor 2021-8-16
reject 2021-8-17

The editor stated that the scope does not match.

李汀儿 2021-06-09

1. Submitted to journal on the 19th.
2. Rejected on the 10th due to format review, the editor raised questions about the detection sensitivity and suggested resubmitting after making modifications.
3. Resubmitted on the 9th.
4. Major revision requested on the 19th.
5. Submitted revised manuscript on the 9th.
5.28. Minor revision requested on the 28th by the first reviewer, suggested separating a figure.
5.31. Revision submitted on the 31st.
6.4. Under review on the 4th.
6.8. Accepted on the 8th.

榴莲Llll 2021-05-17


ProS 2021-04-12

2021.1.23 Submit to Journal
2021.1.28 Rejected
2021.1.28 Resubmit
2021.3.9 Major revision
2021.3.24 Submit Revised Manuscript
2021.4.10 Accept

Gas Sensor
After the initial submission, Editor-in-Chief Yasuhiro Shimizu rejected it and requested a resubmission after making revisions. The editor carefully reviewed the content of the article and raised some questions. After making the necessary modifications (such as specifying the temperature instead of using "room temperature," providing specific resistance values for the materials, and stating the humidity of the environment during the gas sensitivity testing), the revised manuscript was submitted. It is advised that colleagues refer to these points to avoid pitfalls and improve the efficiency of submissions.

The first review took forty days, and acceptance was received sixteen days after the revision, which can be considered relatively fast.

木曰予象 2021-03-24

Made an ammonia gas sensor. The manuscript went back and forth three times with Professor Yasuhiro Shimizu, and finally understood that he wanted to indicate the resistance of the material in the article, which delayed more than a month. After submission, it was always supervised by Professor Ralf Moos. Professor Moos was very efficient, taking 50 days for the first review, and accepting it within two weeks after the revision. The second article, Sensors B, has some suspicions of being a shallow article.

CD.simmons 2021-03-16

I am working on gas-sensitive sensors. (This is my first submission to JMCA, and both reviewers rejected it. I feel that the reviewers from Sensors are more professional. I don't agree with the comments from JMCA.) Generally, when submitting a paper in the field of gas sensors, the editor will ask for revisions and a second submission. Then it goes through the review process, with two reviewers suggesting major revisions. This usually takes two months, and when it is close to the deadline, the paper is submitted. After about two weeks, it is accepted. In the field of gas sensors, it is now generally required to perform interference resistance testing and know the resistance values of gas sensors.

小强不会飞_- 2021-03-15

2021/1/25 Submitted to Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical (Transferred from Biosensors & Bioelectronics)
2021/2/1 With Editor
2021/2/3 With Editor (Dr. Peter A. Lieberzeit)
2021/2/4 Under Review
2021/2/5 Under Review
2021/3/3 Required Reviews Completed
2021/3/4 Revise - Minor Revision
2021/3/10 Revision Submitted/With Editor
2021/3/10 Accept

After the Minor Revision, it was accepted directly by the editor within 6 hours, which is very efficient.

积极向上的打工研究僧 2021-03-13

The reviewer is written by my boss, and I am not very clear about it. I should ask my own supervisor about this, after all, my supervisor is the best person to recommend reviewers in this field. However, my senior brother told me that there is a high probability that the recommended reviewers will not be accepted by the editor unless suitable reviewers cannot be found.

liyujie 2021-03-12

About to submit, are there any recommended reviewers? Where can I find the email address?

俐俐要加油呀 2021-03-11

Thanks to Professor Ralf Moos for helping us a lot and being very tolerant. It's quite unfortunate that after the major revision, we didn't hear anything for 2 months. When we asked the editor, they said one of the reviewers disappeared... Oh well, but later on, we quickly received news! They asked us to change the title and then accepted it! After a minor revision, it was accepted directly!! Thanks to Editor Ralf Moos, our research group's first paper in a top-tier journal, I feel like my graduate studies have been successful!!

积极向上的打工研究僧 2021-02-23

2020.11.16 First submission (I've been waiting for this article since I'm graduating this year, it has been with the supervisor for two months, very anxious QAQ)
2020.12.01 Rejected, but the editor asked me to revise it according to his suggestions and resubmit (thank you so much to editor Prof. Guillermo Orellana for giving me the opportunity!)
2020.12.17 Second submission (I thought this submission would go back to the previous editor, but later found out it wasn't. Let's consider the submission cycle starting from this submission)
2021.01.16 Received reviewer comments, the editor is Dmitri Papkovsky (thank him for giving me the opportunity!), two reviewers recommended revisions and accepted, one felt that due to lack of novelty it should prevent its publication in SNB. The school had already closed for vacation, and the two minor revision comments made me excited all day.
2021.02.07 Revised manuscript reply (approaching the new year, the nervous waiting started again. Although I heard that the probability of minor revision being accepted is high, I still felt anxious and thought about it frequently)
2021.02.22 Received acceptance notification (a few nights ago, I had a dream of being rejected and woke up suddenly), my first SCI is now accepted by SNB, this journey of submission is also very lucky, thanks to the teacher who helped me with revisions, the two editors, and the three anonymous reviewers. I also wish everyone good results in the new year on their research journey~

zzz萌 2021-01-28

Submitted in mid-August, underwent major revisions a month later, reviewed by two reviewers who provided positive feedback. They gave a deadline of 42 days, and just before the submission deadline, the manuscript was sent back for revisions. After resubmission, it went back to the reviewers and they recommended further modifications. The editor requested minor revisions, which were completed in about 10 days. After resubmission, it took approximately 20 days to be accepted! The whole process took about 4 months. Thank you to the reviewers and the editor!

@少年 2021-01-26

How did your article turn out? Best wishes to you.

Naive 2021-01-17

A very responsible journal.
The review process is very fast.
The reviewers are very professional.
More than a month for revision.
Half a month for acceptance after major revisions.
The whole process takes 3.5 months.

@少年 2021-01-16

Okay, thank you for your reply. My "under review" status has been unchanged for the past few days, but the date keeps changing. It's probably not a good sign. I hope there will be a positive outcome. I also wish you success in publishing more articles and advancing in your research!

跨时代zzz 2021-01-15

Since the editor asked you to make revisions and resubmit, it implies a certain degree of recognition for the originality of the article. However, you will still have to go through peer review and see what the editor thinks. This is something that no one can say for sure, it partly depends on your effort and also a little bit of luck. In fact, I don't think weekends or holidays like Christmas have a big impact, or even any impact at all. I'm just a novice, so my opinion is only for reference.

@少年 2021-01-08

Hello, congratulations on receiving your acceptance. I'm in the same situation as you. My submission was rejected twice within 3 days. The first time was because of formatting issues, and the second time the editor gave me two suggestions to revise and resubmit. I'm wondering if the chances of acceptance are high. Currently, it is still in the external review stage. Can I ask if your first review took exactly one month? I'm worried that it might be slower due to the Christmas holiday.

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