Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

Yu ~ 2023-05-31

Hello, how long will it take to receive a reply after paying the layout fee?

小白灬丨 2022-11-16

From submission to notification of acceptance, it took 2 months, but after the payment, there has been no progress. It has been over 2 months now and still no news. No response to emails.

求毕业的小蚂蚁 2022-09-23

How long after did you contact me?

求毕业的小蚂蚁 2022-09-23

The key is not replying to the author's emails, which is quite frustrating. After paying the fee, there has been no progress.

慢慢搁浅 2022-07-27

Are you using Gmail email?

比kennyS还快的承德狙神 2022-04-06

This journal is really trash, the technical editor seems to be dead, after paying the layout fee, the person disappeared.

比kennyS还快的承德狙神 2022-04-05

The review speed is fast, but the level of the reviewers is average. The editing work is manageable, but the processing speed is slow. The earliest enrollment was a mess, but it can be considered as finding a home for the mess, hahaha.

加油发文章啊 2022-03-18

Hello, I would like to inquire about the submission process for this journal.

加油发文章啊 2022-03-18

Hello, may I ask if this journal only accepts submissions through email?

胖南老爸 2021-08-11

February 20, 2021, submitted.
February 23, the editor sent an email confirming the submission.
March 8, the editor sent an email, entering the review process.
April 10, returned with revisions. Two reviewers, around 20 minor issues.
April 20, sent the revised version.
May 14, accepted, notified to pay a layout fee of 450 euros.
June 25, sent the final draft.
July 27, online first.
July 31, published online.
I am a researcher in an ordinary scientific research institution in a prefecture-level city. The requirements for papers from my institution are not high, but it is better to have them than not. I happened to have some data and decided to write in English despite my limited proficiency. Fortunately, I had a knowledgeable friend who helped with the revisions. After completion, I submitted to four journals, all of which rejected the paper. Finally, I submitted to AEER. The timeline for submission is as mentioned above, for reference for fellow students. The journal has a relatively low impact factor, so the difficulty should not be too high. Keep up the good work.

黑色风帆 2021-02-09

2020.11.15 submitted
2021.1.15 minor revision
2021.1.23 resubmitted
2021.2.9 accepted

2020.11.15 submitted
2021.1.15 minor revision
2021.1.23 resubmitted
2021.2.9 accepted

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