Verified Reviews - Renewable Energy
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

yaping2319 2022-08-19

Excuse me, has the status of your required reviews completed changed now? I have been in this status for almost a month and I am a little worried.

Z.A. 2022-08-15

2022.07.23 submitted to journal
2022.07.25 witheditor
2022.07.29 witheditor
2022.08.27 Under review
2022.09.28 Required Review Completed
2022.09.29 Decision in progress
2022.09.30 Major revisions
2022.10.22 revision submitted
2022.10.22 Witheditor
2022.10.27 Witheditor
2022.11.03 Under review
2022.11.06 Under review (Reviewer 1 accepted for review)
2022.11.11 Under review (Reviewer 2 accepted for review)
2022.12.03 Accept

mleon 2022-08-13

My two little repairs, when they returned, unexpectedly added a reviewer, it has been a month...

Jimmylee 2022-08-08

It will still be delivered to the original reviewer's hands, and there may be an increase in reviewers.

accept-sun 2022-08-05

In the first review, there were two reviewers, one rejected the manuscript and the other suggested minor revisions. The editor requested major revisions. I would like to ask whether the editor will send the revised manuscript along with the reviewers' comments to the reviewer who rejected the manuscript for the second review?

ziyu 2022-07-30

Wind energy related
Submitted on May 31, 2022
With editor on June 10, 2022
Under review as of July 25, 2022
Feels a bit slow, hoping for good results.

NJFULXY 2022-07-29

How is this article? Has it been reviewed? Or should we continue with it?

呵呵哒 2022-07-26

Submitted in early January.
First round of review completed in mid-April.
Revised version returned in early May.
Accepted in late July.
After only one round of revision, two reviewers carefully and thoroughly provided about 20 suggestions.

xiao星 2022-07-22

2022.07.06 Submission
2022.07.21 With Editor
I hope to be given an opportunity.

ray321 2022-07-13

The overall speed of the journal is slow, taking a total of 9 months. However, the result is good.
2021.10.18 Submit to journal
2021.10.21 With editor
2021.10.21 under review
2022.04.01 Required Reviews Completed
2022.04.08 Decision in process
2022.04.11 Major revision
2022.04.26 Revised with editor
2022.04.28 With editor
2021.05.06 Under review
2021.05.25 Required Reviews Completed
2021.05.27 Decision in Process
2021.05.28 Minor Revisions
2022.06.06 Revised with editor
2022.06.07 With editor
2022.06.17 Under review
2022.07.06 Accept
2022.07.012 Accept

小丁小几 2022-07-02

I have been with for two months, ah.

天涯若比邻 2022-07-01

It has been 20 days since submission, but it is still "with editor". The editing process is very slow.

Ivan_Wong_Hydro 2022-06-29

The speed is average, but the wait for the second review is a bit agonizing. Here is the timeline of the submission system:

01.23: Submitted to Journal
01.26: Under review by editor
01.28: Under review by editor
02.02-03.14: Under review - status changed 6 times
04.17: Required reviews completed
04.21: Decision in process
04.22: Major revision - two reviewers, one major revision, one minor revision, editor requested major revision
05.07: Revision submission
05.07: Under review by editor
05.10: Under review by editor
05.16: Under review
06.07: Under review
06.18: Required reviews completed
06.27: Decision in process
06.28: Accepted

泣小雨 2022-06-27

Has anyone encountered a situation where after completing the review, the comments were not returned and the document was sent for external review?

Levard 2022-06-25

Already hired, the cycle is indeed very long, but the reviewers and editors handle it quickly. Record every change seen, the third time mainly adjusts the grammar and expression of the entire text.
11/23 submitted
11/29 with editor
12/10 under review
2/1 Major Revision 1
3/3 Sub Revision 1
3/4 with editor
3/5 under review
3/17 under review
4/12 Minor Revision 2
4/19 Submit Revision 2
4/21 Under Review
5/31 Major Revision 3
6/8 Sub Revision 3
6/8 with editor
6/11 Accept

L.Eureka 2022-06-23

The editing processing speed is becoming slower and slower. It has been over a month since the Required Reviews Completed.

你若风122 2022-06-13

The general review period for reviewers is 30 days, and the same applies for revisions. Usually, two reviewers are sufficient.

John_K 2022-06-06

May I ask which editor it is?

2234A 2022-06-03

Have any of you experts ever served as reviewers for this journal? I would like to consult how long the first review process takes for reviewers.

半人间 2022-05-23

投出 in May 2021
送审 by the end of June 2021
送审结束 and revision beginning in early May 2022, lasting for one year
接收 by the end of May 2022
The progress was a bit rushed, but the outcome was good. The journal's impact factor is decent, after all, it is also ranked in the top tier.

t41 2022-05-17

1.31 Submission
2.6 Under Review
4.26 Minor Revision
5.6 Returned for Revision
5.15 Accepted
After submission, the technical review identified formatting issues and requested a re-upload. The journal's formatting requirements have become increasingly strict, as previous comments mentioned slow review and acceptance cycles. After the review process, there were multiple changes in the timeline. The editor provided feedback on the second day of the review process, without causing any delay in the editor's time.

科研狗的日常 2022-05-15

In total, there were two rounds of revisions, and it took more than a year to finally be accepted today after going back and forth. The speed might have been a bit slow, but overall, the result is good.

Eliaukoi 2022-05-08

May I ask how long you invested with the editor, and how long it took to see any changes?

bfy-sdu 2022-05-04

Has anyone experienced a situation where the status of "decision in process" changed twice after submission? This journal is so strange, it's taking so long without any "under review" status in the "decision in process" phase.

虻虻 2022-04-25

I just submitted it a week ago too, and the status is "decision in process." I don't know what's going on. If you have any updates, let's share with each other.

luckyupupup! 2022-04-25

May I ask, after submitting the article for a month, how many days does it take for the rejection email to be sent?

0000 2022-04-22

Received at Editorial Office
13 Jan 2022
Article revised
6 Apr 2022
Article accepted for publication
21 Apr 2022

何金银锁住了大师兄 2022-03-31

Approaching one month, it took about twenty-something days for review...

OMO_1977 2022-03-28

May I ask how long you have been "under review"?

Le-champagne 2022-03-04

September 13, 2021, submitted, reviewed within a week.
Received first-round comments on February 6, 2022, with a minor revision and a major revision, given a month to make the modifications.
Submitted comments response on February 23, 2022.
Second-round review on February 25, 2022.
Accepted on March 4, 2022.

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