Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

爱学习的东东 2023-07-28

Dear experts, I would like to consult about something. After submitting my application, I realized that I am unable to select the corresponding author in the submission system. My mentor is not the corresponding author, but it has already been sent for review. How can I change the corresponding author?

yinxu 2023-06-27

I would like to ask, for the PRL submission system, if a reviewer accepts the review, will the system display it?

Fenzhen712 2023-06-14

Submit in April, receive revision comments from two reviewers in July, return in August, and accept in early October.

今夏有云 2023-02-27

It is not fortunate to encounter a colleague as a reviewer. A reviewer deliberately delays and consumes your time by only providing their review comments on the last night of the two-month deadline.

NYCC 2022-11-29

First, I would like to clarify that I have not submitted any contributions to this journal. However, peer review requires relevant operations in order to participate, so I understand. Regarding the content: You are absolutely right!! Admirable!

justice 2022-08-24

PRL Editors, by using their own personal interests and tastes instead of specific standards, to review manuscripts (which is actually a form of unfair manipulation of academic research), will inevitably affect the guidance of research directions in physics and the development of research areas. A wrong research direction can also create many prestigious awards, but it may excessively consume taxpayers' money. This practice is not in line with the spirit of PRL Editorial Policies.

justice 2022-08-22

"PRL Editorial Policies and Specific Standards are actually just decorative ornaments."

justice 2022-08-22

If the editors do not like your manuscript, they will not review it according to specific standards, and will directly reject it.

justice 2022-08-22

On the surface, Physical Review Letters has established a relatively comprehensive review process (PRL Evaluation/Assessment/Review Procedures), where Editors and Referees are required to review manuscripts according to specific standards. However, in reality, it is not the case.

noneed 2022-08-12

PRL is very innovative but also very fraudulent. The most typical example is the so-called Positive Mass Theorem in general relativity, which is an epic myth in modern physics and mathematical physics. The big shots used complex mathematics that baffled several generations. My math is not good, but I heard about differential geometry, Riemannian geometry, and Spinors, and it scared me. However, after someone pointed it out, I understood that it was completely a story of the Emperor's New Clothes. Mainstream scientists wrote fraud into textbooks, and fraud became truth.

john585 2022-06-22

Two reviewers received the manuscript 40 days after submission. One suggested major revisions, while the other suggested minor revisions, but both stated that the manuscript met the standards of PRL (Physical Review Letters). After the revisions were made, the manuscript was returned for a second round of review 40 days later. One reviewer proposed some further modifications. After further revisions were made, the manuscript was sent back to the reviewers and accepted 8 days later. I am involved in theoretical calculations, and this journal has a very high requirement for innovation.

物理小白*** 2022-03-30

What I want to ask is, is there also a strict length requirement for the main text of the revision? The length is limited to 3750.

Jake123 2022-03-29

No, as long as you reply directly to the question, it is fine.

物理小白*** 2022-03-25

Is there a length requirement for the response?

Jake123 2022-03-24

Posted on January 26th, received first review comments on March 8th, returned after minor revisions on March 12th, and accepted by the editor on March 18th.

Kuit 2021-11-12

Return the revised format by mid-January 2021.
Return the editorial comments in April 2021.
Upload the response letter in June 2021.
Receive the editorial comments in September 2021 and accept within one week after replying.

HUST_WNLO 2021-10-19

Posted at the beginning of June, received review comments at the beginning of July. Two positive and one negative comment. The editor requested major revisions and the revised manuscript was submitted over two months later in February. One week later, we were notified of acceptance. The whole process took four months. Due to the novelty and not very deep theoretical depth of our article, the review speed was quite fast.

TVT 2021-07-07

Too correct!!!

zhutou 2021-06-19

Case Study:

Reviewer suggests publishing in the form of a short report.

The author's response to the reviewer's comment: Whether to publish in the form of a short report depends on the editor, not you.

The second reviewer wrote a three-page review, criticizing the previously described "very interesting" article from beginning to end, even questioning the title.

Case analysis:
In this incident, the author did not make any major mistakes, at most, they were a bit careless. In contrast, the second reviewer clearly had a narrow mindset, and the editor's decision showed a close relationship between the second reviewer and the editor, a corrupt network.

In reality, the Physical Review series of journals operate under a system where the editors and reviewers, who have relationships with each other, dominate over the weaker authors. They have the power to do whatever they want, while authors have no say. When will someone address the ethical issues of editors and reviewers with relationships?!

jason 2021-04-17

One positive, one neutral, one negative in the first review. The negative turns into positive in the second review, but an additional negative reviewer is added in the first review. The third review is sent to a fourth reviewer, who gives a negative review. Then it is rejected without a chance to refute. Afterward, an appeal is made, and the negative editor in the respective field accepts it after reviewing. The whole process takes a total of 10 months.

PRLKiller 2021-03-08

This comment is very fair. From my personal experience: some truly innovative and groundbreaking articles that genuinely surpass previous theories, if submitted by a newly graduated PhD, are directly rejected by the editors. After multiple appeals, they finally agree to send it for review, but the article is only sent to one reviewer, possibly someone who is being challenged and exceeded by the new theory, and they reject it again with a long and fallacious review. At this point, there is basically no chance of getting published in journals like PRL and PRX. This is the true face of PRL and PRX. It is filled with discrimination against the authors' backgrounds, protection of existing powers in the academic community, and lacks any pursuit and criticism of true scientific truth. There is no self-reflection whatsoever. PRL and PRX are not pure scientific territories and no longer earn my respect. In fact, it is now a very opportunistic and corrupt academic swamp.

newsnews 2021-02-06

Hundreds of people are trampling, but the majority are not corrupt, so where does the corrupt atmosphere come from? The editing time is spent on reviewing, there is no knowledge, only power. Therefore, questioning the publication of articles is not allowed, now even comments are rejected for finding a reason. Editors need to protect their own interests and support their peers.

newsnews 2021-02-06

Being criticized by so many people but receiving few likes, it is evident that there are not many scholars in the academic community who truly engage in research. They are merely conducting experiments, publishing articles, obtaining degrees, and receiving funding, ultimately wasting human and material resources on pseudoscience.

newsnews 2021-02-06

With so many people stepping on it, the team of counterfeiters is enormous. The assets are disclosed, and 99.99% voted against.

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