Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

趣多多00 2022-08-02

Do you need layout fees?

AkamZze 2022-07-01

2022-05-24 submitted to journal
2022-06-09 with editor It took about two weeks from submission to editor review.
2022-06-17 in peer review Briefly went into peer review, then continued with editor review.
2022-06-24 in peer review Probably invited a second reviewer, and remained in peer review afterwards.
2022-07-01 reject Two reviewers, one reject and one suggested minor revisions for publication. The rejecting reviewer stated that the article was not suitable for the journal, as the work done by the authors had already been done by someone else before, and lacked new insightful perspectives.

LH 2022-06-28

The impact factor has increased just a little bit to 3.9.


Already filled in Initial Assessment 8

upcqz 2022-06-06

Is it so far-fetched? Or is it still in the preliminary review stage? It's been 10 days and it hasn't reached the editor yet.

woshijamess 2022-06-02

Haha, it's a holiday!

upcqz 2022-06-02

Okay, it seems like everyone is slow. I think the recent issue's speed is still acceptable, maybe it's because the review process is fast after submission.

woshijamess 2022-05-31

Feel that this journal is indeed slow.

AkamZze 2022-05-31

Posted on May 24th, it's still the initial assessment on the 31st. I thought I was the only one like this.

Richard Chen 2022-05-30

16 May Submitted
30 May With editor

upcqz 2022-05-30

The text translates to: "Submitted on 5.25, it has been 5 days since the initial assessment. It's a bit slow. Do any senior colleagues who have recently submitted know approximately how long it takes to be reviewed?"

小城市 2022-03-25

Now, JPCC is in Zone 3 and PCCP is in Zone 2, TOP.

交大刘昊然 2022-03-24

The following text translates to English as: "The submission to Chemical Science, under the umbrella of RSC, was rejected by the editor, who suggested submitting to PCCP instead. On 18-Jan-2022, it was submitted to PCCP. The initial assessment and communication with the editor took approximately one week. Then it went into peer review. The status of being in peer review and with the editor changed multiple times. On 23-Feb-2022, two reviewers raised more than ten questions, resulting in a major revision. On 18-Mar-2022, the first revision was submitted. On 23-Mar-2022, it was accepted."

小城市 2022-02-04

Although it is an established journal, it used to have a score of over 4 points 10 years ago. Surprisingly, it now has a score of just over 3 points. It is truly helpless as other journals have scores of 8 or 10. This journal has not only failed to increase its score but has also decreased.

opticSu 2022-01-19

The initial review process took a long time, it took me almost a month before the external review began.

sinocean 2022-01-17

Very slow, no progress after 15 days of waiting, still in initial assessment. 2022-01-17

01.07 submission, initial assessment on the same day
01.17 still in the same status, don't know how much longer it will take
Similarly, for RSC's Reaction Chemistry & Engineering and Catalysis Science & Technology, it usually reaches the editor on the same day.

第二性原理@xf 2022-01-05

Is it really this slow now? It's been 20 days since the initial review and the status hasn't changed at all!!!!

狙击的土豆 2021-11-21

9.15 Submission;
10.13 Major overhaul;
11.06 Rework;
11.09 Second review;
11.19 Acceptance.
Overall, the speed is quite fast, and the editor is also very nice.

你好老弟 2021-11-17

Which journal, PCCP or JPCC, has a higher recognition?
1. Both have a nice reviewing speed and professionalism.
2. Both are well-established journals in the field of physical chemistry.
3. They are benchmark journals for RSC and ACS.
4. Currently, both journals are categorized as top journals in the 2nd division of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

cs11 2021-11-14

September 16th summit, October 4th first-instance opinion, October 17th resummit, November 9th acceptance, a well-established journal with good reputation and influence (both upgraded versions are in the top of second-tier journals), classified as basic version 3 in the Chinese Academy of Sciences, haha, hoping for a return to the second-tier soon.

光学倒霉蛋 2021-11-12

The review period is approximately one month. I have received the suggested revisions. However, the editor did not provide a specific deadline and only stated to submit as soon as possible. Is this the case for everyone? How should we interpret "as soon as possible"? Does it mean within one month or longer? Thank you!

Freud 2021-10-19

24 Sep 2021: Submission of the initial draft
7 Oct 2021: Major revision
14 Oct 2021: Return for revised manuscript
19 Oct 2021: Acceptance

After approximately a week of initial assessment, the first review quickly provided feedback. Thank you to the editor and the reviewers. The revised version was sent for peer review on the same day. The journal's processing speed feels quite fast. I hope PCCP continues to improve and succeed! Up, up, up ~~

John117 2021-09-17

Editorial rejection, the reason being that the journal is not very interested in this area. First of all, one must acknowledge that there are indeed many shortcomings in their work! However, they should continue to work hard and have resubmitted to Spectrochimica Acta A. Currently, they are in the process of making revisions.

DENG P 2021-09-12

7.5 price increase, 7.26 major revision, 8.17 return of manuscript, 8.31 acceptance. May I ask everyone, approximately how long does it take to proofread and publish?

cker 2021-08-22

Finally accepted last week. I still have a good impression of PCCP. Both reviewers were very professional and raised a lot of questions. After making revisions, the quality of the article has improved a lot compared to the initial draft. I hope to submit again in the future. Keep it up! ??

Aline 2021-08-18

How long does it take to receive the result of the initial review? Is it quick to receive the feedback on the manuscript review?

Aline 2021-08-18

Have you received any news? My initial review has not been submitted for review for a whole week.

cker 2021-08-02

Translate the following text into English:
1. The interval between submitting the first draft and receiving the first round of comments (major revisions): about 1 month;
2. After making the necessary revisions, it was sent back for major revisions: approximately 2 weeks;
3. After resubmission, the status is unknown: it has been three weeks already.

luckyupupup! 2021-07-24

How long have you been staying at the initial assessment? I've been here for almost a week.

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