Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

jj431 2023-07-06

It is still a good journal, the official journal of the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. It used to have a high impact factor and is considered authoritative in the field of remote sensing. Many experts have published in it before. I wonder why its impact factor has dropped to around 1 now. Can someone explain if it is related to indexing?

懒猫 2023-06-02

Posted in January 2023, after major and minor revisions, it was conditionally accepted and officially accepted in May. Overall, it was a very fast process.

5558 2023-03-12

3.12 submission

用户30985736132 2021-08-17

The level of the paper I wrote is not high, and it lacks theoretical depth. I feel that the requirements of this journal are not that high, and the reviewers only pointed out minor issues without giving me a hard time. After making some minor revisions, it was accepted. I am not very familiar with the influence and reputation of this journal, but the speed is acceptable [dog emoji].
Submitted in October 2020, received a response in December asking for minor revisions, which involved making small changes to the text and addressing a few questions. Then it was accepted and will be published in June 2021.

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