Verified Reviews - Acta Biomaterialia
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

毕业为大 2023-08-07

04.22 under review - This means that the document or item is currently being evaluated or considered.

05.20 major revise - This indicates that significant changes or modifications need to be made to the document or item.

07.03 with editor - This suggests that the document or item is currently being reviewed or worked on by an editor.

07.06 under review - Similar to the first phrase, this means that the document or item is being evaluated or considered.

07.28 accept - This means that the document or item has been approved or accepted.

民兵葛二蛋 2023-05-13

Can I ask what the time change in "under review" means?

accept!!! 2023-05-05

23.02.02 Submitted
23.02.11 Under review
23.02.13 Under review
23.03.01 Required Reviews Completed
23.03.05 Required Reviews Completed
23.03.07 Decision Pending
23.03.07 Major Revision
23.04.16 Revised
23.04.19 Under review
23.05.01 Minor Revision
23.05.02 Revised
23.05.04 Accepted

毕业为大 2023-05-02

During the external audit, I hope for good luck!

T.Yuan 2023-04-28

OP, is it ready for review now? I've been in this state for over a week and it still hasn't been reviewed.

毕业为大 2023-04-20

Is there any review currently like the one with the original poster?

毕业为大 2023-04-20

Submission experience:
2023.04.13 Submitted
2023.04.17 Awaiting editor decision or reviewer confirmation

frybeef 2023-04-14

2022.12.16 submitted to journal
12.18 awaiting editor decision or reviewer confirmation
2023.1.3 under review
1.4 under review
1.11 under review
1.21 required reviews completed
1.25 major revise
3.18 with editor
3.21 awaiting editor decision or reviewer confirmation
3.21 under review
4.1 required reviews completed
4.3 minor revise
4.4 with editor
4.11 awaiting editor decision or reviewer confirmation
4.12 accept


2023.04.06 Submission
2023.04.10 Awaiting Editor Decision or Reviewer Confirmation

小小小西瓜 2023-03-30

I would like to ask about Pipi Shrimp, after being rejected, should I reply with the review comments and resubmit together, or should I send an email to the editor asking for a revision of the decision?

Blaise 2023-03-17

Just submitted on the 16th, made nanoenzyme, hoping for a good outcome!!!

oneoneone 2023-03-16

Does biomaterials have any suggestions for Acta biomaterialia?

cyanine 2023-03-02

The article on Acta Biomaterialia is innovative and complete. I hope everyone will cite it more. I have submitted it to BM for nearly two months, and I am eager to graduate, so please consider it carefully before submitting your own articles.

做最好的自己123 2023-02-16

It is suggested that everyone should cite the journal Acta Biomaterialia more frequently to increase its impact factor and surpass Biomaterials. Recently, I submitted my work to Biomaterials, but the journal is too arrogant. It has been over a month and they have not sent it for review yet. I dare not even urge them because I heard they reject manuscripts if you push them. If I had known earlier, I would have submitted to Acta Biomaterialia instead.

搬砖的皮皮虾 2022-12-18

Submitted on June 14, 2022, rejected in early July. After seeing 22 comments, I decided to appeal with a hopeful attitude. In early September, I provided preliminary answers to these 22 questions, and unexpectedly, the editor thought my paper was acceptable and gave me a chance to make revisions. I delved deeper into addressing these 22 comments and conducted two major experiments. I resubmitted on November 8 and received the revised version on December 1, with only minor issues. On December 13, I submitted again, and two days later, it was accepted.

五楼预言家 2022-11-19

8.29 submit - Submit on 8.29
一周后送审 - Submit for review one week later
9.25 大修 四个审稿人,三正一负从返回意见来看 - Major revision on 9.25, four reviewers, three positive and one negative based on feedback received
10.31 revision submit - Submit revised version on 10.31
11.15 required reviews completed - Required reviews completed on 11.15
11.18 accept - Accepted on 11.18
Acta Bio. 在生物材料领域口碑还是非常不错的,因子稳步的增长,注重创新,个人觉得速度也ok啊 - Acta Bio. has a very good reputation in the field of biomaterials, with a steady increase in impact factor and a focus on innovation. Personally, I think the speed is also okay.

Mi 2022-10-23

2.17 submitted
3.8 under review
4.18 major revised
6.30 revision submitted (originally scheduled for 6/13, postponed once to 6/30)
8.8 accepted

qwh 2022-10-22

May I ask how long it takes to receive a manuscript number after all authors have completed their contributions and the submission is made to the journal?

小801酱 2022-10-03

Jan 25, 2022 Submitted to Journal
Feb 01, 2022 Under Review
Feb 18, 2022 Required Reviews Completed
Feb 22, 2022 Revise
Apr 06, 2022 With Editor
Apr 07, 2022 Awaiting Editor Decision or Reviewer Confirmation
Apr 07, 2022 Under Review
Apr 20, 2022 Required Reviews Completed
Apr 21, 2022 Revise
Apr 22, 2022 With Editor
Apr 26, 2022 Awaiting Editor Decision or Reviewer Confirmation
Apr 26, 2022 Accept

Jan 25, 2022: Submitted to Journal
Feb 01, 2022: Under Review
Feb 18, 2022: Required Reviews Completed
Feb 22, 2022: Revise
Apr 06, 2022: With Editor
Apr 07, 2022: Awaiting Editor Decision or Reviewer Confirmation
Apr 07, 2022: Under Review
Apr 20, 2022: Required Reviews Completed
Apr 21, 2022: Revise
Apr 22, 2022: With Editor
Apr 26, 2022: Awaiting Editor Decision or Reviewer Confirmation
Apr 26, 2022: Accept

Fly_KK 2022-09-29

Hello, may I ask if the theme you have submitted is biomedical engineering? Can I submit articles related to medical image processing?

负剑游西川 2022-09-28

Is it not possible to submit the documents directly and be rejected within a week?

努力的小博士 2022-09-19

6.28 submitted
7.10 under review
8.5 major revised
8.25 under review
9.14 required reviewers completed
9.18 decision pending
9.19 accept

6.28 - Submitted
7.10 - Under review
8.5 - Major revised
8.25 - Under review
9.14 - Required reviewers completed
9.18 - Decision pending
9.19 - Accept

顺子 2022-09-01

How to cooperate?

xunzhai 2022-08-24

Excuse me, where can I see these detailed review statuses? Mine only shows "under review".

33mia 2022-04-27

Hahaha, I also saw your post on Xiaomuchong (a Chinese online forum).

qianxun88 2022-03-08

10.3 submitted
10.5 under review
10.8 under review
10.9 under review
10.26 required reviews completed
10.28 major
12.31 revised

1.4 awaiting editor decision or reviewer confirmation
1.6 under review
1.19 major
2.20 revised
2.22 awaiting editor decision or reviewer confirmation
2.25 under review
3.8 accepted!

东方日出 2022-02-26

Very good journal, very good editors, hope it gets better and better!

qiyedl 2022-02-23

translate the following text into English: Nov 22 Submitted to Journal
Nov 22 Awaiting Editor Decision or Reviewer Confirmation
Nov 23 Under Review
Nov 24 Under Review
Nov 29 Under Review
Dec 06 Under Review
Dec 07 Required Reviews Completed
Dec 09 Required Reviews Completed
Dec 20 Required Reviews Completed
Dec 21 Major Revise
Jan 28 With Editor
Feb 01 Awaiting Editor Decision or Reviewer Confirmation
Feb 03 Under Review
Feb 06 Required Reviews Completed
Feb 16 Required Reviews Completed
Feb 22 Decision Pending
Feb 22 Accept

Nov 22 Submitted to Journal
Nov 22 Awaiting Editor Decision or Reviewer Confirmation
Nov 23 Under Review
Nov 24 Under Review
Nov 29 Under Review
Dec 06 Under Review
Dec 07 Required Reviews Completed
Dec 09 Required Reviews Completed
Dec 20 Required Reviews Completed
Dec 21 Major Revise
Jan 28 With Editor
Feb 01 Awaiting Editor Decision or Reviewer Confirmation
Feb 03 Under Review
Feb 06 Required Reviews Completed
Feb 16 Required Reviews Completed
Feb 22 Decision Pending
Feb 22 Accept

33mia 2022-01-15

Just hit a piece
9-30 submit
10-3 awaiting editor decision or reviewer confirmation
10-5 Under Review
10-7 Under Review
10-13 Under Review
10-25 Required Reviews Completed
10-26 first revision
12-21 resubmit to editor office
12-21 Under Review
1-14 accept

xiaoxiaox小小小 2022-01-14

Hello, I would like to inquire whether, apart from the contributors, other authors cannot see the progress of the article in the system?

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