Verified Reviews - ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

HAO LIU 2023-06-17

The journal processing is very fast, with the first review result available in less than a month after submission. After the major revisions suggested in the first review, the manuscript was revised for a month and returned. Then, minor revisions were made and the manuscript was returned after a week. In the third review, the reviewers suggested some polishing before publication. After the polishing was completed, the manuscript was directly accepted within 2 days of submission. It took exactly one month from submission to acceptance, and the editor's processing speed is really nice!

习惯性 2023-02-15

I don't know, one of the top three mining journals.

ZHENGPENG 2022-12-01

Posted on July 8, 2022, major revisions were given in September, but the actual comments mainly focused on modifying the geological background, which was partly due to my insufficient understanding of the research area. Changes were made in October, and it was directly accepted on November 27th.

The journal and the editor are very fast, and there is basically no delay. Perhaps this is the benefit of being open-access? There were two reviewers, one of whom provided comments within three days, while the other was slower. If both reviewers were prompt, the paper could potentially be published in two months.

Currently, although the reputation of OGR has declined, its foundation is still there. The quality is not as good as before, but it has not reached the level of minerals. Hopefully, it will continue to improve in the future!

nur 2022-10-26

Is it easy to win currently?

习惯性 2022-07-11

Will this journal become completely open source in the future?

SYSU-jack chen 2022-03-01

I am engaged in research related to isotopic dating. Due to the incomplete state of dating techniques in the research area, my work can be considered a small innovation in terms of technical methods and directions. After submitting the manuscript, it went under review within three days, and I received the reviewer's comments within a month. Both reviewers provided constructive suggestions, and the editor requested a suitable moderate revision. It took about 20 days to make the revisions due to the slower progress during the Spring Festival. There was a change in the editor after about 10 days, and the manuscript entered the second round of review within half a month. After 13 days, the second review was completed, and the status changed to "required review complete." After 6 days, the decision-making process began, and finally, today, I received the message of acceptance! OGR, as a stepping-stone journal for researchers in the field of ore deposits, has been highly efficient and responsible, from the editor to the reviewers. It doesn't require an excessive amount of flashy data accumulation; as long as your research results are relatively innovative and groundbreaking in your field and region, you can try to submit. Of course, it's even better if it's a regional summary, such as MD and EG. I hope to be able to publish an article in EG in the future! Keep going! Let's applaud for my first journal article.

bowen 2021-09-26

OGR is about to become a fully open-source journal, with a publication fee of $2200. Is it good or bad? For bosses who are not short of money, it is beneficial for the dissemination of articles, as open-source is definitely a good thing. For students, if the sole purpose is graduation, choosing OGR will require consultation with the boss, considering that the money can only be obtained from the boss.

amwbj1990 2021-08-25

Posted on 20210216,
Received feedback on 20210528, luckily there was only one reviewer, and their comments were relatively normal. The editor made some revisions.
Revised on 20210623.
The editor raised several questions on 20210724, but still made revisions.
Revised on 20210805, accepted on 0825.

Geostar 2021-07-02

On the 399th day of submission, there is still no feedback from the reviewers. Whenever asked, they say it is still under review. It has already been 59 days since the required reviewer completed it. OGR is really being messed around, haha.

懒得起名啊 2021-06-10

Maybe the editor-in-chief is too reliable, the processing speed is really fast.

梅花魂 2021-06-01

May I ask the original poster, is the quality of the journal determined by the proportion of submissions from Chinese people? That's quite surprising. May I ask where you are from, sir/madam?

久久岁月 2021-01-16

Not sour... that was chosen randomly.

homerlee 2021-01-08

Buddy, I saw the results of your submission on Asian geology. I know why you made such a sarcastic comment ^_^

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