Verified Reviews - OPTICS EXPRESS
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

凌月 2023-08-07

My second submission has been reviewed, and I am still waiting for the reviewer to reevaluate it~...

12344444 2023-07-22

Really? The major renovation is not subject to review?

我迪迦在东北 2023-07-20

Reviewer 1: Agree (30th May 2023), Complete (13th June 2023)
Reviewer 2: Agree (30th May 2023), Complete (14th June 2023)
Reviewer 3: More Time Approved (30th May 2023), Complete (12th July 2023)
Reviewer 4: Agree (30th June 2023), Waiting, Due (14th July 2023)
Last Reminder Date: 18th July 2023

我迪迦在东北 2023-07-20

Now the OE is too slow, right? It's been almost three months and the first review is not yet complete. With so many reviewers, should we push for an update on this situation?

Assign Editor: May 16, 2023 - May 16, 2023 - Editor Assigned
Peer Review: April 29, 2023 - May 16, 2023 - Editor Declined
Assign Editor: April 28, 2023 - April 29, 2023 - Editor Assigned
Quality Check: April 27, 2023 - April 28, 2023 - Quality Check Passed
Submit Manuscript: April 27, 2023 - April 27, 2023 - Submission Complete

Yangzhi 2023-07-19

This kind of situation is very rare under OSA.

Yangzhi 2023-07-19

There is rarely a second review process in OE, usually the editor makes a decision directly after making the necessary modifications.

12344444 2023-07-19

Friend, did you not submit your second review? Did you submit it again to the reviewer?

12344444 2023-07-19

I have urged twice, and it took half a month for a major revision. Now it is in the second review, and I feel the editing is particularly slow.

letpubSCU123 2023-07-17

June 23, 2023 Author Revision
June 23, 2023 Major Revisions Required
June 23, 2023 Reviewer Rating Completed
June 23, 2023 Peer Review Complete
May 03, 2023 Editor Assigned
May 03, 2023 Quality Check Passed
May 03, 2023 May 03, 2023 Resubmit Complete
May 03, 2023 Quality Check Failed
May 03, 2023 Submission Complete

letpubSCU123 2023-07-17

Please provide a case for reference:

May I ask if there is any way to apply for a discount on the fee for this journal? The article is too long, and the fee is expensive.

Production 17 July 2023
17 July 2023 Production
16 July 2023 Manuscript Accepted
16 July 2023 Content Revisions Complete
10 July 2023 Content Revisions
10 July 2023 Provisional Acceptance
10 July 2023 rereviewerrating_RatingComplete
10 July 2023 Rereview Complete
03 July 2023 Repeat Review
03 July 2023 Author Revisions Complete

星空啦啦 2023-07-16

Final Preproduction Review 24 July 2023
24 July 2023 Manuscript Accepted
20 July 2023 Author Revisions Complete
12 July 2023 Author Revision
12 July 2023 Provisional Acceptance
12 July 2023 Reviewer Rating Completed
12 July 2023 Peer Review Complete
23 May 2023 Editor Assigned
22 May 2023 Quality Check Passed
20 May 2023 Submission Complete

Mkk11 2023-07-15

It should be the same reviewer.

scoott 2023-07-12

I think maybe they have changed the reviewer for you.

Mkk11 2023-07-11

Reviewer 1 gave minor revisions (including units and references), but after completing all the changes and resubmitting, Reviewer 1 directly rejects the submission. I have never seen such a speechless operation before.

Hanggg 2023-07-10

The reviewers are quite professional and their speed is acceptable. I hope they will continue to improve.

qwert 2023-07-03

Final Manuscript Decision - 29 June 2023 - 29 June 2023 - Manuscript Accepted
Author Revision - 19 June 2023 - 29 June 2023 - Author Revisions Complete
First Manuscript Decision - 19 June 2023 - 19 June 2023 - Major Revisions Required
Rate Reviewers - 19 June 2023 - 19 June 2023 - Reviewer Rating Completed
Peer Review - 30 May 2023 - 19 June 2023 - Peer Review Complete
Assign Editor - 30 May 2023 - 30 May 2023 - Editor Assigned
Submit Manuscript - 28 May 2023 - 28 May 2023 - Submission Complete

lihui_thz 2023-06-30

What dishes are these?

q1025hb007 2023-06-28

What's the situation with 5.32?

小新小白 2023-06-28


Submitted on 2023.5.2, the first round of review ended on 5.29. The author revised the paper on 5.32, and it was accepted after revision on 6.7. The process was quite fast. The journal is average, OA.

12344444 2023-06-27

The first review has been almost two months now. The comments on my manuscript have been with the editor for ten days and I still haven't received them. They said that Oe is fast, but it doesn't seem so.

Yangzhi 2023-06-16

The review process was fast, with a total of 12 comments from two reviewers. The editor requested major revisions, which were made in about a week, and the paper was accepted directly. The reviewers from the journal were indeed very professional, and the revised manuscript showed significant improvement in both quality and language.

Yangzhi 2023-06-16

The review process was fast, and the two reviewers provided a total of 12 comments. The quality of the revised manuscript has greatly improved.

Mr.小越越 2023-06-16

2023.4.7 submission, 4.27 rejection.

凌月 2023-06-14

reviewer 1 waiting, due (16th June 2023)
reviewer 2 agree (13th June 2023) waiting, due (27th June 2023)
reviewer 3 waiting, due (16th June 2023)
reviewer 4 waiting, due (16th June 2023)

凌月 2023-06-14

Reviewer 1: Waiting, Due (June 16, 2023)
Reviewer 2: Agree (June 13, 2023), Waiting, Due (June 27, 2023)
Reviewer 3: Waiting, Due (June 16, 2023)
Reviewer 4: Waiting, Due (June 16, 2023)

凌月 2023-06-13

08 June 2023 Resubmit Manuscript
08 June 2023 Quality Check
08 June 2023 Assign Editor
09 June 2023 Peer Review

It has been a week since Peer Review began, but we still have not received any information from the reviewers...

letpubSCU123 2023-06-10

Hello! May I ask if the request for an extension of time, which has already reached the deadline for review, has been reviewed? How did the editor handle it? Thank you.

12344444 2023-06-06

Siblings, does anyone know how long we have to wait for the editors to invite reviewers? The final deadline is just one week away, should we continue waiting for them? Oh, there have been so many reviewers going crazy recently.

zuobaoma 2023-05-30

May I know where can I find the comments on major revisions in the submission system?

归~ 2023-05-25

After the distribution of editing, one day was allocated to review the quality of the manuscripts. After the review was completed on the same day, they were sent to three reviewers. On the 2nd and 3rd day, both reviewers agreed to review them. Once the reviewers agree to review, the completion time of the review can also be seen in the system.

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