Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

ppappp123 2022-06-01

The classification of Chinese Academy of Sciences is very unreliable. This journal is very classic. For chemistry, it should at least be classified as a second-tier journal, and it shouldn't be classified as a third or fourth-tier journal.

流浪化院 2022-05-31

The submission was received very quickly, within a month. However, it took over a month to receive the publication. I guess it might be because my advisor delayed it, but I'm not sure.

王小黄 2022-05-27

What date is it being reviewed?

没有伞的孩子 2022-05-25

Thrown at 4.20, now it is 5.25 and there is still no outcome, please confirm receipt.

lilyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 2022-04-27

Quite fast, I am the one who tends to procrastinate.
January 28th - submission
March 6th - major revision, three reviewers, one rejection and two major revisions, the editor requested.
April 9th - submission
April 26th - acceptance, waited for a long time and finally got accepted! Grateful, graduated on time. Hope my junior colleagues can also work hard and submit their articles early!
A whole three months, spent one month on major revisions, it was still my own issue. Need to make good use of the remaining one and a half months~ should be able to submit in two months.

表面活性剂勾兑学徒工 2022-04-18

Feb. 17th-Submitted
Mar. 11th-Major Revise
Mar. 30th-Revision Submitted
Apr. 17th-Accepted
Apr. 18th-Published


Feb. 17th-Submitted
Mar. 11th-Major Revision
Mar. 30th-Revision Submitted
Apr. 17th-Accepted
Apr. 18th-Published

神奇的我我我 2022-03-31

Hello, may I ask if the order of the authors when you sign the authorization letter is consistent with the original text? In my authorization letter, the order of the authors is reversed: Corresponding author, fourth author, third author, second author, first author. Does this have any impact?

alabada 2022-03-29

2.8 Submission
3.13 Review comments returned, 2 reviewers, minor revisions
3.19 Revised
3.27 Accepted

Kinglle 2022-03-29

3.28 Minor repairs, four questions, repaired on the same day.

Lionhart 2022-03-25

2022.01.22 Submission
2022.01.26 with editor
Around two weeks later, sent for review
During the review period, there was a period of time when it was back with the editor
2022.03.08 Major revision
2022.03.14 Revised
2022.03.17 Submitted for review again
2022.03.25 Accepted
The journal's speed is very impressive. The article had been rejected twice before during the review process, but this time there were two reviewers, one requesting major revisions and one accepting it. The major revisions only had four questions, all relatively simple. Overall, I feel the journal is quite good and I recommend it to everyone for submission.

Kinglle 2022-03-23

How many reviewers' comments did the original poster receive after their resubmission?

Kinglle 2022-03-23

Reply 3.23 is still under review, frustrating.

Kinglle 2022-03-03

Seeking acceptance! Will come back to fulfill the promise!

Li_h 2022-02-21

Posted on December 17, 2021, revised comments on January 26, 2022, revised on February 14, 2022, and accepted on February 20, 2022.

微风df 2021-11-28

The first article I wrote was accepted, and I am very happy. I would like to share my submission process.

19-Aug-2021: Submitted
22-Sep-2021: Reject and Resubmit
During this period, I switched between "with editor" and "in peer review" twice, probably in search of reviewers. The decision letter stated that there was only one reviewer, and their comments were quite negative. They raised a few questions and provided rejection advice. However, the editor, Gregory C. Welch, was very good, and I am grateful to him for giving me the opportunity to resubmit despite the rejection. I made revisions based on the reviewer's suggestions and resubmitted.

02-Oct-2021: Submitted
17-Nov-2021: Major Revision
20-Nov-2021: Submitted
26-Nov-2021: Accepted

忘川 2021-11-15

28-Aug-2021 SUBMITTED - Submitted on August 28, 2021.
25-Sep-2021 Minor Revision - Minor revision made on September 25, 2021.
10-Oct-2021 SUBMITTED - Submitted on October 10, 2021.
27-Oct-2021 Accept - Accepted on October 27, 2021.

xiangchiputao 2021-10-08

Received the reviewer's comments after about two months, made major revisions for half a month, and received acceptance in ten or so days after submission. Happy! Thanks to the editor and reviewers for their suggestions. First SCI paper, looking forward to graduation!

科科盐呀 2021-09-19

May I ask how long the modification cycle of this journal is? The system did not display the deadline given.

开心小不点 2021-09-09

It is really fast, my review comments are quite difficult, and I made changes for 1.5 months. Thank you, editor-in-chief. There was no second review, thank you.

Joyce269 2021-07-29

Came to fulfill the vow.
6.11 submitted
7.6 minor revision 1
7.23 minor revision 2
7.26 accept
Both reviewers and the editor were very quick in the review process. This is my first SCI article, and I am very satisfied. I hope NJC will continue to improve. I recommend it to colleagues who are eager to publish.

小木1111111 2021-07-24

I have become just like you, and this is the reason why I have sought several reviewers.

小木1111111 2021-07-08

Possibly given to the reviewer, if the reviewer does not review it, it is passed on to the editor, and the editor finds new reviewers several times back and forth.

陈益烜 2021-07-06

What is the matter with this?

陈益烜 2021-07-06

It has been nearly two months, and there has been no news.

小木1111111 2021-07-05

Looking at everyone's comments, the review process is quite fast. Why has my "with editor" status been two weeks already?

panpanlin 2021-05-25

This magazine doesn't seem to be as fast as everyone said, or maybe my results are not very good! Submitted on February 17th, received first-round comments on April 22nd, submitted revised version on May 14th, and until today, there has been no news. From submission to now, it has been almost three and a half months.

rippxp 2021-05-25

Hello, has 2021 become a paid journal?
According to online information, it is written as "Online only 2021: ISSN 1369-9261 £2,045 / $3,441."

rippxp 2021-05-25

Hello, has 2021 become a paid journal? Online only 2021: ISSN 1369-9261 £2,045 / $3,441.

rippxp 2021-05-25

Hello, has 2021 become a paid journal?
Online only 2021: ISSN 1369-9261 £2,045 / $3,441

好难饿啊 2021-05-07

Jan 05, 2021 Submit
Jan 08, 2021 Under Review
Feb 09, 2021 Major Revision
Mar 21, 2021 Resubmit 1
Apr 04, 2021 Major Revision
Apr 12, 2021 Resubmit 2
Apr 14, 2021 Accept
Three reviewers, sharp questions, took two revisions to get accepted, the editor was good.

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