Verified Reviews - NATURE
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

肖姚二仙 2022-03-23

Boring, I have already had three articles published in my third year of high school. This kind of journal is simply not challenging for current high school students. I suggest those who lack writing skills can submit their work to "Nature" to try their luck. Anyway, I have to reject the invitation from the editor of Nature again. This time, I plan to give the "Super Invincible International Journal of Nature" a try. Oh, I forgot to mention, my research is specifically focused on the behavior of humans exaggerating and spouting nonsense.

被拒稿后脑壳痛 2022-02-25

The dream of becoming an academician is just one step away, but we still need to remain hopeful.

跑哥 2022-02-01

Absolutely excellent journal. It was with this article that I was promoted to professor. It only took 15 days and they accepted it without any chance for revisions, but I am already satisfied.

皮卡丘!使用电光一闪! 2022-01-23

Hello, I would like to inquire about your age.

狗儿狗 2022-01-07

Last December, I wrote a groundbreaking article. The idea was just right, and I had just started writing when my phone rang. Who knew that Cell, Nature, and Science were aware that I was about to write my paper? They all wanted to be the first to reserve it for publication, and they ended up fighting over it. As a result, I was reported by residents of Chaoyang District and had to go there to mediate. Ah, it really delayed my writing.

yhfeng 2022-01-05

Please state the name of your school.

zeolite 2021-12-28

Hello, I am a doctor from the Chinese Hospital of Neuropathology. Given your statement, I believe I should remind you to pay attention.

石头剪刀布 2021-12-25

Submitted an article on the correlation analysis between rock deterioration and marketing. Received an acceptance email as soon as I went to the restroom. Such a great journal, will continue to support in the future.

Lee 2021-12-23

Hello, I am a doctor from the Chinese Neurology Hospital. In light of your statement, I believe I should remind you to pay attention.

NickN 2021-12-22

Very good journal. I submitted DNF but then decided to submit this N. It seemed good so I went ahead and submitted it. The review process was fast, both the submission and the review. It only took a few days in total. They accepted it, so everyone is welcome to cite my article. The title of the article is "Bragging not to draft." As the saying goes, the shorter the title, the better.


Awesome, this is really amazing! I will try to submit an article in the next life.

jovi. 2021-12-16

Naruto's editor is very efficient. I submitted it at 5 PM, and he directly sent an email to receive it in the middle of the night. I was about to go to sleep at that time when suddenly the boss called and said the article was accepted. He even mentioned that he hoped I would stay on the job, but I politely declined because I still need to go and search for Sasuke.

Zixin Wei 2021-12-13

I hope to have a great first day of N. Hurry up, hurry up.

5689 2021-12-11

This kind of journal is quite mediocre. Although it is difficult to publish domestically, it is completely unrecognized internationally. I have previously sent several manuscripts and they were treated as spam by the system. I didn't pay attention to it.

Einstan 2021-12-03

I previously submitted a high-level paper on "Postpartum Care of Sows" which was accepted for publication. Several months later, they contacted me again to urge me to submit another article. This time, I wrote an article titled "Analysis of Pork Texture in Scientific Pig Farming Based on Big Data" and was planning to submit it to the Journal of China University of Petroleum. The editor-in-chief of NETURA called me directly and said they wanted this article. I told her it was in Chinese, and she said they can still publish it directly. I mentioned that I had already submitted an article to them before and gave them face, so I hung up the phone directly. After all, I am doing it for China University of Petroleum (Beijing).

King SCI 2021-12-02

Hahaha, every day I rely on the experience sharing blog of all the scientific talents who submit to Nature to cheer me up ?????

surreal 2021-12-01

I hope to win next time haha ~( ̄▽ ̄~)~

teddybaby 2021-11-27

I'm sorry, but "netura??" doesn't seem to be a word or phrase in any language I am familiar with. Can you please provide more context or clarify the term?

西北地区唯一彭于晏 2021-11-26

I didn't plan to submit to Netura before, but later Shao Bo mentioned that he just had one of his articles accepted. He's currently in the process of revising it, so he recommended me to submit as well. Unexpectedly, out of the three reviewers, only one suggested minor revisions while the rest accepted it directly. It turned out to be a pleasant experience of submitting an article.

Zhaoxiaoxiao 2021-11-18

I thought it would be really difficult, but after trying it out, I realized that leaving comments is actually quite easy. I should write more.

张子强 2021-11-16

"Nature" and "Science" have too few letters, they don't seem like good journals at first glance. Recently, I submitted to "Nature and Science". The African reviewers, in order to protect the environment, don't use computers. They are preparing to send the manuscript by mail. I hope it has a higher chance of acceptance. After conducting more research, I plan to submit to the "International Journal of Progress in Nature and Science". I heard that winning that journal's award directly awards the Normandy Prize.

星峰 2021-11-07

I work on simulating the model of the grand unified theory of the universe. Do you think the chances of being hired are high or low?

Einstan 2021-11-07

In terms of my personal experience, this publication has the highest success rate for submitting classical Chinese articles. Please make it known.

GL 2021-11-05

Screenwriter, hahahaha

关灯吃面肝论文 2021-10-29

Recently, I wrote a summary about the development plan of Marxism. Nature somehow found out that my paper is almost finished and has been sending me spam emails to contribute articles to them. I have no choice but to accept their invitation for the progress of scientific research in our school. However, due to the excessive length of my article, the editor said they would give me a column to serialize it. I will update it whenever I am in a good mood and write about a hundred or so issues. Nature's impact factor will definitely exceed 400. The editor became more and more excited as he spoke, and a satisfied smile appeared on the corners of his mouth.
- "From the Lhasa branch of the Eastern Fortune in Tibet"

关灯吃面肝论文 2021-10-29

The text "楼主真棒 ✿✿ヽ(°▽°)ノ✿" translates to "OP is awesome ✿✿ヽ(°▽°)ノ✿" in English.

afaojhgoir 2021-10-28

I am so awesome.

Mingchen89 2021-10-28

This is my third article. Three reviewers. Accepted without revisions needed.

012456 2021-10-27

It's okay, I translated the rejection from CSCD and directly applied again. Got accepted in 3 days. The teacher said Chinese is still better.

llxaky 2021-10-15

Recently, I have been studying how to turn a toad into a celestial being. Eventually, my research found that by allowing the toad to run on the grassland for a long period of time, it can gradually become more beautiful. This research was directly accepted after submission to Nature and received unanimous praise from the editors. They also believed that this research has the potential to win the Nobel Prize. After the publication of the paper, scholars gave me the nickname "Grassland Toad" to encourage me to continue striving for even better research.

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