Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

ZF 2023-08-03

2023.08.03 Submitted to Journal

Southeast-wind 2023-06-29

I don't know what the editor-in-chief is up to this year. Several papers from the lab are not being sent for review, claiming they don't fit the focus. It feels like the difficulty of getting papers reviewed has suddenly become very high, even though the number of manuscripts is not that many.

LKN 2023-06-05

The submitted institution-related academic content was rejected by the editor within three days, citing that the research direction does not match. If it was a formatting error, would they specifically mention the formatting error or simply state that the research direction does not match?

快乐出发 2023-02-16

MMT Journal, do all authors need to give their consent before submitting? Do all authors need to click on the link below before submitting? Please read the following statement and confirm your agreement by clicking on this link: Yes, I am affiliated.

清扬婉兮0701 2023-02-07

Is there a delay in receiving the registration confirmation email sent when registering for this magazine? I haven't received it for half a day. Have you ever encountered this situation?

清扬婉兮0701 2023-02-07

Have you ever encountered a situation where you haven't received the registration confirmation email from this magazine even after half a day?

Southeast-wind 2023-01-29

The editor is very responsible and has high requirements for content and format. In order to pass the editor's review, I made more than ten revisions before finally agreeing to submit it for review. The processing speed afterwards was very fast, thumbs up. The two reviewers afterwards, Reviewer #2 gave full affirmation to the article, while the other one sneered at it. After the revisions, I convinced all the reviewers and the editor decided to accept it. The dream journal, looking back, feels like a dream. I hope to keep up the good work in the future.
2022.10.10 Submitted
2022.12.13 Major revise
2023.1.25 Accept

yxcsatjzsj 2022-12-30

In general, MMT is considered a good journal in the field of institutional studies as it has fast review processes and publishes some high-quality articles. However, I personally believe that there are some issues, such as the presence of many articles that are well-developed but lack innovation.

起床了 2022-11-27

The text translates to: "To be considered for review, at least one person must agree on the same day as the submission."

fafa 2022-11-26

How are you doing now, friend? Has it been submitted for review?

起床了 2022-11-22

According to the chief editor's request, the edited images were resubmitted. It has been 10 days with the editor, and I don't know if the editor is struggling or unable to find a reviewer. Feeling anxious~

思行 2022-10-15

One major overhaul, one minor repair, and then hiring;
The review process takes one month, and the day after the minor repair, the hiring is completed;
The efficiency is very high.

newbeeman43 2022-10-15

Major repairs are carried out once, followed by minor repairs once, each taking about two months. The manuscript is submitted in early March and reviewed until the end of September.

问道者 2022-09-26

2022.04.15 submission;
2022.05.31 feedback, major revisions;
2022.06.28 revised;
2022.07.30 feedback, minor revisions;
2022.8.1 revised,
2022.8.8 accepted.
The reviewing process of MMT journal is very fast. Good luck to everyone!

武~~ 2022-09-02

5.20投 - May 20th departure
6.28返回 - June 28th return
7.22修改返回 - July 22nd modified return
8.25中 - Mid-August 25th

anda 2022-09-02

Agreed, it has become noticeably slow starting this year.

newbeeman43 2022-06-17

Update the status
5.31 major overhaul
Hope to pass

不懂吃的吃货 2022-05-16

Corrected "投稿结果" means that it has been revised and accepted. It was a mistake caused by typing on my phone, I might have clicked the wrong option just now during the selection process.

不懂吃的吃货 2022-05-16

This is my second article in MMT after last year. The main purpose is to share with everyone what to pay attention to when submitting a manuscript.

First, the line spacing of the manuscript should be set to single line spacing. This is mainly because some reviewers prefer to print the manuscript for review, which helps them save paper.

Second, try to enlarge the images in the manuscript, as well as the symbols and letters inside. In Word, you can adjust the size to 100% to view. If you can't see clearly under this condition, there is a high probability that the editor-in-chief will ask for modifications.

I have had two submissions returned for the above two reasons, so it can be considered as experience.

Lastly, if the editor-in-chief returns the manuscript and says there is a language issue, it is probably related to the abstract, introduction, and conclusion, so polish these three parts well.

After submission, the first round of review generally takes no more than two months. If there is a second round, it usually won't exceed two months either. If there are major revisions needed from the first round to the second round, the editor-in-chief may give you a rejection, but encourage you to resubmit after making the revisions. This is how my second article was accepted. After completing the revisions and resubmitting, it was accepted in less than a month, and then published online in half a month.

Therefore, the efficiency of this journal and publishing house is excellent! I believe MMT is highly cost-effective for articles related to institutional studies.

Annia 2022-05-01

Hello senior, I specialize in developing reliable optimization design algorithms, which is more technical. I would like to apply for MMT, but I'm not sure if I can. Could you please give me some advice?

XMC_yd 2022-04-27

Excuse me, do you have a reference number after submitting? Why is it that after I submit, the reference number is not displayed in the system, but it appears on the downloaded PDF with the submitted content?

newbeeman43 2022-04-22

3.17 Submission
3.19 With editor
4.17 Under review

VSA 2022-04-19

The comments from LetPub are very valuable for reference.

曾不错 2022-04-18

22.04.08 Review comments returned for minor revisions
22.04.14 Submitted response
22.04.15 Accepted

JJG 2022-03-24

Recently it has been very slow. I returned the minor repairs on February 4th, there were no technical issues, just language modifications. Normally, in this kind of situation, it would take 1-2 days to be accepted, but the result was that it was only accepted yesterday (March 23rd).

曾不错 2022-03-23

21.11 - Submitted twice and both times rejected. The first time was due to spacing issues, and the second time was due to image clarity issues. After making the necessary modifications, it was resubmitted and the editing process was quick.
21.12.09 - Currently under review.
There has been no progress so far. It has been almost 4 months since the first review and there is still no progress. Sob sob sob sob sob.

剑若江风舞 2022-03-09

Submitted on March 3rd, currently with the editor, unknown outcome. Will come back to fill in the details later.

Filling in the details:
Accepted on May 23rd.

shinianyimeng 2022-01-26

The review speed is indeed quite fast. The first review took about a month. It had major revisions and there were two reviewers who provided very constructive comments on how to improve. I took about a month to implement their dozens of suggestions. The second review also took about a month and only had a few minor issues. After making the necessary changes, the paper was accepted the next day after resubmission.

Additionally, it is advisable to seek native language editing for English. Reviewers generally pay close attention to language issues. Before submitting, I repeatedly reviewed the paper with my teacher, used various grammar software for error checking, and during the final review, one of the reviewers patiently revised the abstract and kindly suggested having a native language reader proofread it. It was only after their revisions that it sounded authentic. For the major revisions in the first review, I sought native language editing and indeed there were some issues with articles, determiners, adjectives, verb usage, etc. It may be the case that my original writing was not incorrect, but it sounded awkward. It was only after the native language editor made changes that it became more comfortable to read. (I have previously published two SCI papers without seeking editing. The editing was done for free by someone the editor found during the final publication process, and the extensive modifications were quite distressing. I even wondered why it was published in that state.)

nkwam 2021-12-18

Hello, has the problem been resolved?

nkwam 2021-12-17

Hello, may I ask if it is acceptable to insert pictures and tables into the main text for submission? The pictures should be placed below the main text, and if there are exactly two lines left on a page, it should continue to the next page. Is it considered unacceptable to have empty lines? How can this be resolved?

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