Verified Reviews - MEASUREMENT
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

怎么又accepted了 2023-04-21

Oct 20, 2022: Submitted to Journal
Dec 14, 2022: Reject
Jan 17, 2023: Resubmitted to Journal
Mar 27, 2023: Major Revision
Apr 5, 2023: Revision Submitted to Journal
Apr 20, 2023: Accepted with Minor Revision
Apr 21, 2023: Revision Submitted to Journal
Apr 25, 2023: Accept
The current impact factor is 5.131, which is considered relatively high in the field of engineering.
The editors and reviewers are very kind, waiting for the proof...

ESTELA_ 2023-04-21

The word "bushoufei" does not have a standard meaning in English. It could be a proper noun or a term specific to a certain language or context. Without further information, it is not possible to provide an accurate translation.

wsxwsxmath 2023-04-21

How is this journal charged?

贝贝 2023-04-21

Is there any update now? I have been with the editor all this time.

ESTELA_ 2023-04-21

2023.3.14 major (20-day major renovation)

ESTELA_ 2023-04-21

2022.12.15 submitted to journal - Submitted to the journal on December 15, 2022.
2022.12.24 under review - Under review since December 24, 2022.
2023.3.24 major - Major changes required on March 24, 2023.
2023.03.29 revision submitted to journal - Revision submitted to the journal on March 29, 2023.
2023.04.19 decision in process: accept - Decision currently being processed, leaning towards acceptance, on April 19, 2023.

ESTELA_ 2023-04-21

Fortunately, finally received the first article~

leilei_lei 2023-04-18

2023.4.14 Submission
2023.4.16 with Editor

sdzqb 2023-04-16

The first reviewer has completed the review.

王老师ww 2023-04-13

Excuse me, experts, how can I know which editor is reviewing my article and what is the progress of my article? Where can I find the contact information of the editor?

dou 2023-04-12

Already rejected after submission, the editor took three weeks to decide on the rejection, wasting a lot of time...

abao 2023-04-12

Measurement Submission Record

2022.10.27 Manuscript submitted
2022.11.03 Under editor review
2022.11.14 Decision in process
2022.11.15 Under review
2022.11.25 Required review completed
2022.11.28 Under review
2022.12.10 Major revision
2023.01.04 Under review
2023.03.02 Emailed editor
2023.03.08 Email from editor
2023.03.10 Major revision
2023.03.14 Revised manuscript submitted
2023.03.19 Under review
2023.04.05 Rejection
First review: Two reviewers, one recommended revisions and convinced another reviewer.
Second review: Two additional reviewers were added temporarily. The previously remaining reviewer was mostly satisfied. One minor revision and one major revision were requested, both related to formatting and expression issues. The editor believed that the reviewers did not agree, resulting in rejection and the option to resubmit.

悲伤大麻花 2023-04-12

Hello, I would like to ask if the format requirements on the journal's homepage are not fixed. Can I use the template of other journals in Elsevier and change everything that can be changed to "measurement"? Is it possible to make further format changes later? Should I send the format to the editing department for them to make changes, or should I make the changes myself?

ZhongaChong 2023-04-11

May I ask if this journal has any requirements for the similarity rate?

Onlyou_li 2023-04-10

I hope my reviewer is also this good.

置身事内 2023-04-09

Can the revised submission be in LaTeX format?

passenger-L 2023-04-07

2023.01.04 Submitted to Journal
2023.01.07 with editor
2023.01.18 under review
2023.02.27 Decision in Process
2023.02.27 major
2023.03.17 Revision Submitted to Journal
2023.03.18 with editor
2023.03.19 under review
2023.03.30 Decision in Process: accept

audrey_zhao 2023-04-03

2022.9.26 Submission
2022.10.26 Reject and Resubmit Three reviewers provided more than thirty comments, mainly regarding the lack of sufficient experimental data.
2023.1.29 Resubmit, complete experiments
2023.3.13 Revision The first two reviewers stated no objections for publication, while the third reviewer pointed out around ten formatting and grammar issues.
2023.3.21 Submit for revisions
2023.4.3 Accept

Overall, the journal review process was quick, and the reviewers were cooperative. Even though my initial draft was not satisfactory, they provided valuable suggestions for me to improve the experiments.

sdzqb 2023-04-03

Ah, is there an acknowledgement in the manuscript? It seems like all the information about the author has been removed. Then the information was separately placed in another file for submission.

Azzzzzz 2023-04-02

@Durian Qun, is the number wrong? I couldn't find this qun.

狂吃大榴莲 2023-04-02

When did you resubmit? Has it been reviewed? Mine is still "with editor" as shown in the system, but I haven't received an email telling me which editor is handling it. Previously, it was also Luca De Vito.

我爱科研 2023-04-02

After I used my supervisor as the corresponding author, I can no longer see all the information. Can you please tell me if I have already submitted it?

棒棒来冲浪 2023-03-31

Submitted for nine months, it has been reviewed three times and rejected twice before being resubmitted. Then, there have been continuous changes in the reviewing editor. I want to withdraw my submission, but the editorial staff has been ignoring me. How can I contact the editor-in-chief to withdraw my submission?

棒棒来冲浪 2023-03-31

Holy crap, me too. I have been repeatedly rejected and resubmitted. After resubmission, a new reviewer was assigned. It has gone through three reviews. The editor is Luca De Vito, Ph.D. I am planning to withdraw my submission and have sent an email through the submission system, but the editor has not responded. How can I contact the editor-in-chief to withdraw my submission?

littlevideo 2023-03-31

Excuse me, if the acknowledgement is deleted from the double-blind peer-reviewed manuscript, does that mean there will be no acknowledgement in the submitted content?

sdzqb 2023-03-31

23/02/23 -- Submitted to Journal
23/02/24 -- With editor
23/03/30 -- Under Review
23/04/01 -- First reviewer accepts the review application

狂吃大榴莲 2023-03-30

May I ask which editor wrote your article? I would like to change editors because the rejection and resubmission process takes too long each time.

狂吃大榴莲 2023-03-30

Very slow, the editor rejected it and asked for a resubmission three times.

wentixv 2023-03-30

Translate the following text into English: "重投回去系统上显示先逐个接受审稿,但不到一周就收到其中一个审稿人回复了,然后过了几天审稿人就增加了一个,是不是就是有一个审稿人跑路了"

"When I resubmitted it, the system displayed that the manuscripts would be reviewed one by one. However, within a week, I received a response from one of the reviewers. Then, after a few days, another reviewer was added. Does this mean that one of the reviewers has dropped out?"

棒棒来冲浪 2023-03-30

Who should I contact to withdraw my submission? I sent a withdrawal email through the submission system, but the editor is not responding. It has been 9 months since I submitted and they are still inviting reviewers. The reviewers agreed to review, but it has been a month and they haven't reviewed it.

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