Verified Reviews - MEASUREMENT
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

天客 2023-05-29

2023-4-9: submitted to journal
2023-4-11: with editor
2023-4-13: under review
2023-4-29: major revise
2023-5-9: revision submitted to journal
2023-5-12: with editor
2023-5-19: necessary reviews completed

2023-4-9: Submitted to the journal
2023-4-11: Under review by the editor
2023-4-13: Currently being reviewed
2023-4-29: Major revisions required
2023-5-9: Revised version submitted to the journal
2023-5-12: Under review by the editor
2023-5-19: Necessary reviews completed

郭大胆 2023-05-29

Has anyone encountered a situation where two people reviewed a manuscript but the editor only returned the comments from one person?

浓浓 2023-05-28

Hello, may I ask which field is your engineering technology - artificial intelligence mainly focused on?

浓浓 2023-05-28

Hello, is there any news now?

浓浓 2023-05-28

Hello, may I ask what direction of engineering technology-artificial intelligence you are researching? I noticed that you submit to journals quite quickly, so you must be very skilled.

浓浓 2023-05-28

Hello, may I ask how did your investment turn out?

浓浓 2023-05-28

Hello, may I ask you to briefly describe the specific direction of engineering and technical research you are studying in the field of artificial intelligence?

叶子001 2023-05-24

Posted on May 12th, with editor on the 13th, under review on the 15th. Continuing to wait.

浑水摸鱼打老虎 2023-05-24

Currently, it is still "with editor." Maybe the quality of my article is not good. I plan to withdraw it and submit to another publication this weekend.

Chocolate 2023-05-24

Hello, it has been nearly two months since I submitted my contribution, and it has remained "with editor" all this time. May I ask how you are handling it? What is its current status?

Chocolate 2023-05-24

Hello, I am in the same situation as you. My submission on 4.16 is still "with editor". Do you know the reason for this?

StevenTian 2023-05-24

5.23 Under Review, I'm moved to tears.

论文中中中 2023-05-24

投 means "submit" or "send"
四月底 means "end of April"
到现在 means "until now" or "up to now"
一个月 means "one month"
还是 means "still" or "yet"
with editor means "with the editor"

So, the translation of the text is: "Submitted at the end of April, until now it has been one month and still with the editor."

StevenTian 2023-05-22

How long does it usually take with the editor for this journal? It seems like this step didn't take that long for my previous submission.

zzz1573 2023-05-22

I submitted on May 9th, and until now it is still with the editor.

StevenTian 2023-05-22

Submitted on May 10th, until now there has been no update with the editor. I am very worried if it has been rejected.

浑水摸鱼打老虎 2023-05-13

Submitted column with editor on March 31, 2023.
It has been 6 weeks so far, and there has been no change in status.
It hasn't been approved for review, nor has it been rejected. No one responds to my emails, and I feel like it's going to be rejected again.

灯灯灯 2023-05-10

Dec 27, 2022 submitted; Feb 26, 2023 major (received comments from reviewer#1 and reviewer#3, overall, they were relatively mild); Mar 11, 2023 revision; Apr 2, 2023 accepted with minor revision (received comments from two new reviewers, as well as one reviewer who agreed to accept the paper with no comment); Apr 13, 2023 revision; May 3, 2023 accept (both reviewers from the second review agreed to accept, surprisingly, the reviewer who initially had no comment also agreed). Here are my personal thoughts: 1) Received first review comments two months after submission, after analyzing most of the comments, I consider this to be a normal pace, so personally, I think the review process was quite fast. 2) I was confused by the change in reviewers between the first and second review, as the addition of new reviewers led to new review comments during the second review. This was a somewhat troublesome aspect. 3) I did not choose an editor during submission, so I am not sure if different editors would have affected the review speed. Luckily, my manuscript was handled by Editor-in-Chief Paolo Carbone. In conclusion, my suggestion is that for newcomers like me, if you feel that your paper fits within the scope of the journal, go ahead and submit it first.

lingbaishi 2023-05-10

1. Apart from writing a letter of extension, there has been no communication. Waiting is the only option without any news.
2. This journal is more comprehensive, and different editors may have significantly different processing speeds.

好运爆棚的研究森 2023-05-10

Hello, I would like to ask, after submitting, do all authors need to register and confirm as co-authors? Or is it sufficient for the corresponding author to receive the email?

烟火而居 2023-05-10

After urging the submission platform given by him, the deadline has changed, but the feedback from the reviewers has remained the same. I have reminded them twice already. This journal seems to respond quickly to topics related to artificial intelligence and comprehensive engineering, but slower to other instruments and devices. Let's wait and hope for a positive outcome.

论文中中中 2023-05-08

I worked with the editor that day, and it has been two weeks now and the situation has not changed. I don't know why, as I see others progressing quickly.

littlevideo 2023-05-05

March 31st submitted
April 2nd with editor
April 3rd under review
May 5th, finally found a reviewer
Hope everything goes smoothly!

wentixv 2023-05-05

21 Dec 2022: Submitted to journal.
8 Feb 2023: Rejected and resubmitted with 3 reviewers and over 40 comments.
12 Mar 2023: Resubmitted to journal.
18 Mar 2023: Under review with 3 reviewers, likely the same as before.
28 Mar 2023: Review complete.
6 Apr 2023: Major revision with 3 reviewers and 11 comments.
16 Apr 2023: Revision submitted to journal.
21 Apr 2023: Required reviews complete.
3 May 2023: Accepted.

烟火而居 2023-05-04

Hello, have you written letters to the editor and communicated during this period? Since February, I have been waiting for feedback after receiving one comment, and the other two plus reviewers haven't given any feedback yet. I'm really anxious.

lingbaishi 2023-04-28

Mid-February 2023, three reviewers, overall attitude is relatively mild.
Late March 2023, revision postponed for two weeks.
April 28th, 2023, accepted, one reviewer did not provide comments, editor directly decided to accept.

Overall, the editor is very fast, able to handle it on the same day, completed during the first review at midnight and then major when waking up.

leilei_lei 2023-04-25

2023.4.21 Rejection

audrey_zhao 2023-04-25

I haven't gone through the plagiarism check stage, so I don't know how high the requirements are.

狂吃大榴莲 2023-04-23

Everyone can communicate about issues related to submissions.
3.30 submitted
4.2 under review
4.19 Required Reviews Completed (received minimum reviews)

微凉的衣柜 2023-04-22

The paper is related to hand-eye calibration.
Submitted on 29th December 2022.
Rejected on 12th February 2023.
(The rejection comments were actually okay, it's just that the second reviewer mentioned that the content is not very relevant to the field of measurement.)
Resubmitted on 16th March 2023.
Accepted on 22nd April 2023.
Overall, the review process for Measurement was relatively fast.

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