Verified Reviews - MEASUREMENT
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

待到花开静谧 2021-03-25

2020.12.23 until now, there has been no news for over 3 months (,,ԾㅂԾ,,)

做高尚的人 2021-03-24

Feb 19, 2021 Submitted
Mar 16, 2021 Under Review
Nearly a month in the hands of the editor.

菜鸟一枚 2021-03-24

Everyone's review comments came so quickly. It took me 4 months to reach the status of "Required Reviews Completed," and it has been two weeks since then, but there hasn't been any update yet. o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o

Jie_judy 2021-03-22

2021/3/22 major revision, 5 reviewers, over 30 comments, the lengthy process of editing has begun...

347 2021-03-17

Then I can rest assured, thank you, senior!

stud_chen 2021-03-17

Originally, I thought there would be two or three reviewers, so I wrote two review comments myself, thinking it should be fine. But it turned out there were ten reviewers, including one foreigner, who gave me three review comments and asked me to cite five of his articles. Is this a joke? However, it was quite fast. From submission to receiving the results took less than three weeks. In addition, the other review comments were quite helpful for my revisions.

颜颜颜 2021-03-16

It's okay, no need to confirm.

347 2021-03-15

Speaking of it, is it necessary to send a confirmation email from co-authors? Will it affect the speed of the submission? I hope senior colleagues can kindly give advice.

大头 2021-03-12

2020.11.16 Submitted 2021.01.22 Major revision 2021.01.29 Resubmitted after modification 2021.02.08 Email notification of modified highlights 2021.03.11 Accepted with minor revision and resubmitted on the same day.

我要中一区 2021-02-10

2020.7.9 submitted
2020.11.10 Required reviews complete
2020.11.20 Revision Required - major revision by 3 reviewers
2020.12.10 Revision submitted
2021.2.7 Accepted
Relatively normal, a colleague and I submitted to this journal together, and we received major revisions within a month with only two reviewers. After submitting the revisions, it only took a few days to be accepted. The overall speed really depends on the reviewers. This journal places emphasis on presenting and analyzing experimental results, and has high language requirements.

秋风暖暖 2021-02-09

May I ask how did you respond to the opinions of rejection?

Jie_judy 2021-02-03

Submitted on 2021/1/5. Waiting for a message...

我要发SCIE 2021-02-02

Received the first instance message a little over a month later. There were three reviewers, with two suggesting revisions and one rejecting. The editor requested major revisions. After seven days, the revised manuscript was returned. After 40 days, all three reviewers agreed and it was accepted directly.

新京雪飘 2021-01-25

The first time, four reviewers, major revision; the second time, minor revision; the third time, accepted.

小学渣 2021-01-24

The submission went through major and minor revisions and was accepted. The overall speed was relatively fast.
In the first round of review, there were three reviewers. One suggested acceptance, one suggested major revisions, and one raised some questions about the significance of the paper. The paper could be reconsidered and then edited for major revisions.
In the second round of review, there were disagreements in opinions, so two more reviewers were added. The suggestion was to accept the paper, and the edits provided were minor, mainly addressing the concerns raised by the reviewers with differing opinions.
In the third round of review, the reviewer with differing opinions was still not completely satisfied, but the paper was accepted by the editor.
Good things take time, as long as one responds seriously, there will be good results.

TTLLBB 2021-01-17

There seem to be two reviewers who have given rejections, but their reasons are not very sufficient, so the editor needs more time to resubmit for review. In addition, it is important to carefully and patiently respond to the reviewers' comments and provide thorough explanations. Good luck!

徐昂突然 2021-01-14

Hello, I am also in the field of fault diagnosis. I had 7 initial submissions, all of which were rejected and resubmitted. The second review also resulted in rejection and resubmission. I only recently submitted again. What was the reason for the rejection on your end? I saw one reviewer's comment mentioning that the method lacked core innovation. What changes did you make that ultimately led to success?

XNova 2021-01-13

9.20 submit
10.08 under review
12.10 accept after minor revision
12.18 resubmit
1.9 accept

Luckily, it was accepted after minor revision in the first review. Otherwise, I really wouldn't know how long it would take. But overall, the speed is still acceptable, and we finally got a result before the new year. The comments from the four reviewers were very fair, and they paid great attention to the rigor and comprehensiveness of the experiments. I wish the journal continued success in its future endeavors.

徐昂突然 2021-01-12

May I ask, did the author receive a rejection and resubmission for the previous edits? If it was a rejection, were any review comments provided?

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