Verified Reviews - LANGMUIR
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

放你们撒大家 2023-02-23

Submitted on December 3, 2022, sent for external review around the 10th.
Notified for revisions on January 12, 2023, with 3 reviewers, all of whom are industry experts. They provided constructive comments and recommended relevant papers.
Returned on January 20, 2023.
Provisionally accepted on February 20, 2023, with a request for formatting changes.
Accepted on February 22, 2023, for a very good journal.

研究 2023-02-22

2022 12.13 Submit
2023 01 28 Rework
2023 02 17 Resubmit
2023 02 21 Minor repair
2023 02 22 Submit and accept

Zheng Hui 2023-01-29

Posted on November 2nd
Received comments from reviewers on December 15th, three reviewers: one minor revision, one major revision, one other
Received revision comments on January 4th
Editor pointed out some formatting issues on January 11th
Editor pre-accepted on January 20th, but TOC needs to be modified
Resubmitted TOC on January 25th (delayed for a few days due to the Lunar New Year)
Officially accepted on January 28th
Overall, both the editor and reviewers were quite helpful. The questions raised were targeted but not too difficult to answer. Due to personal issues, there was a slight delay. It was my first time submitting to this journal and received a nice result. Wishing the journal continued success!

艾克阿达费 2023-01-26

Reviewing took five weeks, and the speed was still fast. All three reviewers recommended major revisions, and the editor also suggested major revisions. It is a prestigious and authoritative journal. I wish you success in reaching the top tier soon.

KINGFAKU 2023-01-12

Return of editorial comments in one month, with three reviewers, one accepted directly, and two minor revisions. Surprisingly, the minor revisions required me to conduct animal experiments, but I firmly pushed back and accepted the revisions within one week.

xhdsi 2023-01-02

Posted on November 17th, the second day was directly under review.
Received reviewer comments on December 14th from three reviewers – two major revisions and one rejection.
The rejection comments were mainly about lack of innovation, but minor issues were related to formatting.
Received revised manuscript on December 28th.
Provisional acceptance on December 30th.
Editor pointed out some formatting issues and indicated acceptance upon revision.
Received revised manuscript on December 31st.
Accepted on January 1st.
This article went through a year of circulation in the third-tier range, but in the end, it only took two months to be accepted on the first day of 2023.
The editors and reviewers of this journal were very friendly and provided many constructive suggestions. Highly recommended!

right now 2022-12-23

May I ask which editor it is?

我能中! 2022-12-23

Brothers, on 12.22, I finally received it!

Ether 2022-12-17

11.3 submitted
11.8 with editor
11.10 in peer review
11.30 major revision
12.10 revise
12.11 in peer review
12.17 accept
Thank you to Editor Zhan Chen for the high efficiency. I hope the journal will continue to improve and I also wish all research colleagues success in publishing!

xdlovejj 2022-12-08

12.07 proof translates to "twelve point zero seven proof" in English.

xdlovejj 2022-11-25

11.15大修,写错了 translates to "11.15 major repair, wrote it wrong."

xdlovejj 2022-11-25

8.7 Submission
9/20 Major revision
10/15 Major revision
11/25 Acceptance
The interface chemistry direction I worked on has a decent overall speed. The reviewers were very responsible and even looked into the referenced literature, recommending some recently published works related to mine. The suggestions they made indeed improved the quality of the article. The editing process was also extremely fast!

我能中! 2022-11-21

November 9th, another major repair is coming. November 20th, it will be repaired back. Hoping for good luck.

书呆子 2022-11-19

September 14, 2022 - submitted
October 24, 2022 - major revision
November 14, 2022 - r1 submitted
November 17, 2022 - provisional accept
November 17, 2022 - r2 submitted
November 17, 2022 - accepted
November 18, 2022 - front cover notification

小奕在努力 2022-11-17

October 15, 2022: Submitted
November 09, 2022: Minor revision
November 09, 2022: R1 submitted
November 17, 2022: Provisional accept
November 17, 2022: R2 submitted

pxshso 2022-11-13

8.25 Submission;
9.22 Three reviewers, one major revision and two minor revisions, a total of 21 questions, editor's major revision, 20 days;
10.9 Revised;
10.10 Accepted, a total of 45 days
10.18 online

某医科大学附属口腔医院院草 2022-11-11

8.21 submit - Submitted on August 21st
8.23 associate editor assigned (山东大学 Professor Jingcheng Hao) - Assigned an associate editor (Professor Jingcheng Hao from Shandong University) on August 23rd
8.23 in peer review - Undergoing peer review since August 23rd
9.22 major revision (四个审稿人 两大修 一拒稿 一其它) - Received major revision comments from four reviewers (two major revisions, one rejection, and one other) in total with 20-30 questions. Given 20 days to make revisions. Reviewers requested additional experiments which couldn't be conducted due to lack of resources. However, responded diligently to other questions.
10.7 submit revision - Submitted the revised version on October 7th
11.11 accepted - Accepted on November 11th

xdlovejj 2022-11-10

Is there any news?

新辰 2022-11-07

The first feedback was two major revisions and one rejection, but the editor was very good and gave the opportunity to make changes. I replied with more than fifty pages of revisions and when I submitted it again, it was accepted immediately.

我能中! 2022-10-28

8.13 Submission
Received first-round comments on 9.18. They rejected my submission after providing solid reasons and evidence. It's hard for me because the reviewer raised issues that touch on my weaknesses. Luckily, the editor allowed major revisions.
Revised on 10.07, I carefully addressed each comment from the reviewer.
Then it was sent for a second round of review. It's already 10.28 today, and there is still no news. It's agonizing, and I have nightmares every day.
Wish me luck.

华氏911 2022-10-08

The Langmuir journal is really slow.

科研民工小张 2022-09-14

Received major revision comments over a month later, submitted revised manuscript half a month later, and received acceptance one week later. It is a great traditional journal in the field of physical chemistry, with fast manuscript processing. Thanks to the editors and reviewers. The journal focuses on traditional and fundamental research, with a relatively low impact factor. It should be slightly improved in operation, otherwise it may miss out on some emerging cutting-edge work.

逮虾户 2022-09-12

The well-established journal in the surface field has published many innovative achievements.

xiangyu123 2022-09-09

2022-09-08, In peer review

MissU 2022-09-09

To check the specific status at ACS Publishing Center, click on "Instructions and Forms" in the upper right corner of your page, and it will redirect you. However, please note that this status will be updated with a one-day delay, so it is still more convenient to check your email if you are the corresponding author.

xiangyu123 2022-09-08

I also submitted ACS AMI first. The editor suggested transferring to Langmuir. On September 6th, an Associate Editor (Prof. Zhan Chen) was assigned. I hope it will be accepted.

xiangyu123 2022-09-08

2022-08-25, Submitted to ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
2022-09-04, Editor deemed it not suitable for this journal, suggested transfer to Langmuir
2022-09-04, Agreed to transfer to Langmuir
2022-09-06, Associate Editor Assigned (Prof. Zhan Chen)

ShimianXRen 2022-09-06

May I ask where to check the submission status? It has been a week with no response. Also, the submission is just under review. Is it the same for you, that the submission is under review as soon as it is submitted?

MissU 2022-09-04

5.23 Submission
6.20 First review comments: 2 minor revisions, 2 major revisions
7.22 Submitted revised manuscript
8.16 Second review comments: The editor returned the manuscript to the two reviewers who previously requested major revisions. This time, one accepted the manuscript and one requested minor revisions.
9.2 Submitted revised manuscript
9.3 Accepted, provided formatting changes.

guoer1 2022-07-23

Posted on March 7th
Revised comments received on April 2nd, with minor revisions, major revisions, and rejection, but the editor expressed interest and gave 20 days.
Revised and submitted on April 29th, I delayed it myself and also requested an extension.
Then there was no progress for a month, it turned out they found someone for a second review.
Second review comments received on May 30th, with minor revisions.
Revised and resubmitted on June 9th.
Accepted on June 16th.
Overall, it was quite fast, if it wasn't for that second review.

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