Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

Silence_K 2022-06-23

March 16, 2022: Submission
April 6, 2022: Received initial review results. All three reviewers rated it as highly important, but there were many comments provided. Due to this, the editor requested a resubmission.
April 22, 2022: Submitted revised manuscript, attached a response letter of ten thousand words.
May 25, 2022: Received feedback. All three reviewers were satisfied with the revisions and provided some suggestions regarding citations. Made revisions on the same day.
May 27, 2022: Accepted.
June 17, 2022: Received proof and also invited to be featured on the cover. (The information provided after this is incorrect.)

Silence_K 2022-06-23

Post on 2022/3/16
Received initial review results on 2022/4/6, all three reviewers gave it a "highly important" rating, but there were many comments, so the editor requested a resubmission.
Submitted revised manuscript on 2022/4/22, attached a response letter of several thousand words.
Received feedback on 2022/5/25, all three reviewers were satisfied with the revisions and provided some suggestions on citations; made revisions on the same day.
Accepted on 2022/5/27.
Received proofs on 2022/6/17 and also invited to be featured on the cover.
Accepted on 2022/5/1.
Online on 2022/4/7.

科研民工007 2022-06-03

I reviewed for 70 days, then there was a minor adjustment. I don't know how angew has been recently, everyone please don't worry.

zhaojiang 2022-05-28

My article was submitted to Angew in mid-January 2022. It received feedback after 13 days of review, and both reviewers' comments were positive. However, the editor asked for revisions and resubmission due to delays caused by various reasons during the Chinese New Year. In April 2022, we resubmitted the revised article and it underwent another 13-day review, followed by a week of further revisions before being sent for review again. After 7 days of review, it was accepted. Overall, the process went relatively smoothly.

atomcai 2022-05-20

My submission was supposed to be reviewed on the same day, but it has been almost 60 days now, and it might have been rejected.

atomcai 2022-05-20

Submitted for review on the same day, it has been almost 8 weeks and I still have no information. The speed is not as fast as I expected.

atomcai 2022-05-20

The submission was sent for review on the same day, and now it has been almost 60 days...

一直单身一直爽 2022-05-16

The journal speed is very fast, worth a try.

chenyj 2022-05-13

Excuse me, has it been submitted for review?

chenyj 2022-05-13

May I ask if it has been submitted for review?

chenyj 2022-05-13

May I ask if the article was submitted for review later?

gkbz 2022-05-06

May I ask what field you are in?

lithiumer 2022-05-03

4.30 submitted - This means that something was submitted at 4:30.
5.2 with editor - This indicates that something is currently with the editor.
5.3 under review - This means that something is currently being reviewed.

LPGogo2717 2022-04-20

I am a bit fast. The review was sent back after 12 days with suggestions for modification. They asked for the modified version to be resubmitted!!!

大凡哥 2022-04-20

I have also been waiting for eight weeks, still no news. What's going on?

杨西西 2022-04-20

Submitted on March 24, 2022, and sent for review on the 25th. It has been four weeks already, and it is still in the "under review" status. The reviewer is too slow.

LPGogo2717 2022-04-18

Have you received the message now?

科研民工007 2022-04-15

I have already been 60 days.

科研是个啥 2022-04-13

It has been nearly 50 days since I submitted, and still no news. The procrastinating BT reviewer is really WU CHI.

科研民工007 2022-04-11

The original text is: "楼主7周收到意见,我8周了还没消息"

The translation is: "The original poster received feedback after 7 weeks, but I haven't received any updates after 8 weeks."

typeng19 2022-04-07

2022/1/25 Submission
2022/3/2 Received initial review results, with two reviewers, one highly important and one important. They provided some modification suggestions, and the editor gave 20 days for revisions.
2022/3/22 Submitted revised manuscript.
2022/4/1 Received feedback. Both reviewers are satisfied with the modifications, and the editor said to refine the wording and check the figures.
2022/4/6 Submitted revised manuscript, accepted two hours later.
2022/4/7 Online.
A very smooth submission experience.

阿宝vs汤大基 2022-03-31


SheepSuzzy 2022-03-30

2022.1.26 submitted
2022.1.27 with editor
2022.1.28 rejected

The journal is very efficient, with a quick rejection process that doesn't waste time. It's worth a try, and I'll come back next time.

Courage_Bull 2022-03-29

May I ask, after submission, does the status "with editor" change to "under review"?

CHENGYUJUN 2022-03-14

After submission, the first three days are with the editor. On the fourth day, it is under review. On the 21st day, the review comments come back, and there is a major revision and a minor revision. 21 days are given for modification. After spending 12 days on revisions, it shows "under review" again. After 15 days, it comes back, and one reviewer still believes there are some issues. It took an additional 2 days to revise it again, and it shows "under review" once more. After 12 days, it is accepted, and two days later, it is published online. In total, it took almost 2 months.

米兰的小铁匠 2022-03-14

What does "with editor" mean when the submission has been a week? Previously, it was either reviewed the next day or rejected.

我不是科研狗 2022-03-11

Who is your boss?

zyschem 2022-03-08

Submit for review after one week, receive review comments after 7 weeks, generally positive. One is in the top 5%, another is in the top 20%. After revisions, resubmit to reviewers, now both in the top 5%. After formatting changes, accepted and chosen as a VIP.

dedur 2022-03-04

It took a total of three months from submission to acceptance, with the first round of review taking nearly 40 days. There were two very important and one important reviewer. After revisions, another 40 days passed without receiving any feedback. When asked, the editor mentioned that one reviewer had forgotten to respond, but after being reminded, the feedback was received promptly. After making slight revisions based on a few minor suggestions, the paper was immediately accepted. If the second round of review exceeds the first one, it is appropriate to inquire. The editors at Angew are still very efficient.

youzi~ 2022-02-17

Angew efficiency is quite high. Good luck! I also made format and content modifications on the same day, submitted the next day, and immediately sent for review. I received the review comments in less than three weeks and quickly made the necessary modifications. The entire process, from submission to going live, took exactly one month.

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