Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

dacainiao 2023-02-16

Submitted on November 12th, 2022
Returned on January 10th, 2023, one very important and one highly important
Revised on January 20th, 2023
Accepted on February 13th, 2023

xinliang 2023-02-02

12.29 Submission
1.2 Under review
1.23 Received reviewer's suggestions, major revision
1.30 Responded to reviewer's suggestions
2.1 Accepted

小太阳2022 2023-02-02

Hello, I recently submitted angew in the catalysis field. There were two reviewers. Before the new year, I received comments from them. One mentioned important points while the other mentioned highly important points. One mentioned minor inconsistencies while the other mentioned the manuscript being fully consistent. One reviewer suggested two experiments to be conducted, while the other mentioned a few minor and format-related issues. The editor requested a resubmission. I wanted to ask if the chances of acceptance are high. Thank you very much! Congratulations and best wishes to you, may good fortune come your way!

小太阳2022 2023-02-02

Hello, I recently submitted a paper called "angew". The first review took 40 days, with one reviewer suggesting it was "important" and another describing it as "highly important". There was also a comment about "minor inconsistencies" and one mentioning that it was "fully consistent". The editor requested two additional experiments, so I resubmitted the paper. Do you think I have a good chance? Thank you very much! Congratulations and good luck to you too!

gaossunion 2023-02-01

2022.12.31 Submission
2023.1.03 Received reviewer comments, one rejection and one acceptance, the editor wants to accept
2023.1.26 Responded to reviewer comments
2023.1.27 Editor directly accepted
Didn't expect it to be so fast...

XYZ 2023-01-30

January 27th, submitted, January 27th, with editor.
In the year of my zodiac sign, I have reached my fourth year in college, and it's only my first submission. I can't afford to be hurt anymore, please consider my request.

XYZ 2023-01-30

What happened in the end?

XYZ 2023-01-30

After submission, how long does it usually take for the next update from the editor, reject or under review?

Yang091 2023-01-25

Submit the first draft on July 21, 2022.
Return on September 13, 2022. Three reviewers, one important, one highly important, and one very important. Editor requests resubmission. Supplement with a large amount of experimental data during this period.
Submit the revised draft on October 23, 2022.
Return of results on January 19, 2023, with satisfactory responses from the reviewers. Editor raises some formatting issues. Minor revisions requested.
Return on January 23, 2023.
Accepted on January 24, 2023.

XYZ 2023-01-24

May I ask if the cover letter should be submitted in the system or sent by email to the executive editor? I have never submitted one before, so I am not sure.

XYZ 2023-01-24

May I ask if the cover letter should be submitted in the system or sent via email to the executive editor?

yangbo1995 2023-01-18

The only choice in chemistry, more comprehensive, fast processing of manuscripts, but it is a professional editing team, not necessarily frontline scientists, academic evaluation is left to the reviewers. Therefore, it is recommended to have beautiful figures and well-written content to pass the review. Secondly, the academic value of the topic should be high, to pass the reviewers' assessment!

Adv mater 2023-01-15

Originally an excellent publication, it has been drifting further away from its original quality in recent years. Fortunately, the situation is not too terrible, and there are still many outstanding articles within it. Overall, there is a significant deviation.

niu 2023-01-03

Hello everyone, may I ask if this journal requires a fee for color images?

chaoren 2022-12-25

Here is the translation of the text into English:

Additional submission process:
8.28 Submission
8.29 Review
9.19 Rejected and resubmitted. Three reviewers, one Very important, accepted with minor revisions; two Highly important, both accepted with major revisions. All three reviewers emphasized the importance of the research findings. One of the reviewers highlighted the need for additional evidence to support the conclusions. The editor believed that the required additional content would take too long to be incorporated, hence the rejection and resubmission.
11.1 Resubmission, experimental data supplemented based on reviewer's comments.
11.3 Review
11.8 Second review completed within a week. The reviewer who requested additional experiments mostly accepted our results, but pointed out inaccuracies in our presentation, as well as some formatting errors. The editor still did not accept our submission.
11.20 It took over a week for a response.
11.21 Accepted the following day.

chaoren 2022-12-25

The manuscript review was very quick. My article is about nanocatalysis, and there were three reviewers, each with a different research focus, all of whom were very professional. The manuscript went through two rounds of review, the first round taking 21 days and the second round taking 14 days. The efficiency was quite high, and the comments provided were very constructive. After making revisions based on the reviewers' suggestions, the quality of the article indeed improved significantly, and I also learned a lot. It was a fantastic submission process for my first master's article. I am grateful for the teacher's help!

无语了 2022-12-24

10.19 Submission
11.25 Three reviewers: two minor revisions, one acceptance. Editor gives minor revisions. Three weeks for revisions.
12.12 Revised manuscript returned.
12.13, 7 PM Official acceptance.
12.13, 9 PM Online.

嘻嘻哈哈1234 2022-12-06

with editor for 3 weeks
First review for 2 months
Took a month and a half for revisions, mainly due to the inability to conduct experiments during the pandemic
Second review for 2 months
Never encountered such a slow process, frustrating...

Molybdenum 2022-11-25

Submit a draft for feedback in a month and make minor revisions in half a month. Acceptance will be granted two months later.

whf123 2022-11-24

Hello, are there major changes to be made to the resubmitted manuscript? Do we need to make significant changes to the title?

yzf 2022-11-22

10.18 Submission
10.20 Review
11.2 Minor revision
11.21 Acceptance
Efficiency is very high, the first angew article, the editor thinks highly of it, very fortunate.

Leve 2022-11-21

Hello, may I ask how long it took for you to find the third reviewer after your second appeal?

细胞外囊泡 2022-11-15

The results are out, switch to small.

细胞外囊泡 2022-11-15

Submitted on November 11th, and still with the editor on November 15th.

童大大 2022-11-13

It has been almost a week since the submission, and it is still "with editor." Is this normal?

niu 2022-11-07

Analytical chemistry in the first issue is too difficult. Analytical chemistry articles in Angewandte Chemie tend to focus on imaging and biological aspects. Is it better to submit a communication rather than an article?

yzf 2022-11-01

Posted for two weeks, under review.

longzu1984 2022-10-29

What was the final result? How long did it take to change the status?

XYZ 2022-10-09

Please ask, what matters should be paid attention to before submission?

Yes2022 2022-09-23

The second trial also takes so long, my first trial took more than 40 days.

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