Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

微笑小香香 2021-10-13

Possibly will accept articles on computer applications, engineering technology, etc., but the review process is very slow! The official website states it takes 180 days, but it may actually take even longer. Usually, there are four reviewers, but the editor may invite up to ten reviewers. After consolidating all review comments, the editor sends them to the author. Overall, the publication is good, but the speed is too slow.

paper boy 2021-10-10

This journal review is still very responsible. In the past few years, I have reviewed 8-12 manuscripts for this journal almost every year. Each time, I usually invite 8 reviewers, and generally 5-6 of them provide timely feedback on the review. The difficulty is a bit high, after all, I usually review no less than 4 reviewers. Keep up the good work!

努力发SCI的东 2021-09-26

9/26 2021 Accept
Thank you to the editors and reviewers, the speed of Springer is forever god-like! Yesterday it was revised, today it was accepted! I received my first SCI paper in my first year of research! I'm so happy!

努力发SCI的东 2021-09-25

Good luck to myself!

努力发SCI的东 2021-09-24

Thank you to the editors and reviewers for revising the paper!

努力发SCI的东 2021-08-26

2021.6.1 submitted
2021.6.2 Editor Assignment Pending
There have been several reminders in between, and the responses have all been polite. Tonight's feedback was actually very good. Regardless, thank you to the editor for submitting it! They promised to give a decision in 4-5 weeks, which is not bad!
2021.8.25 under review
Wishing myself good luck!

jjyifan 2021-08-21

Share the timeline, this journal is still reliable.
2021.4.6 submission
2021.8.5 First review comments received, around 30 suggestions, took 10 days to make revisions. After revisions, the paper became 20 pages, initially it was 10 pages.
2021.8.16 Revised manuscript resubmitted.
2021.8.20 Acceptance confirmed.
In my personal opinion, as long as there is an opportunity for revision, it is basically equivalent to acceptance. Answer the comments one by one according to the suggestions, and the editor usually takes 2-3 days to accept it.

Devour 2021-08-05

2021 .8.5 Just received the email today.
4.18 submitted
4.19 editor assignment pending
One reminder was sent in between, and then the reviewers were assigned.
7.3 under review
Shortly after, it was mentioned that results would be given in 4-5 weeks.
7.5 reviews completed
7.9 reviews completed
7.11 reviews completed
7.21 reviews completed
7.31 reviews completed
8.5 major revision
Currently in the process of revising, with one month given for modifications.
I submitted two months ago, which is a reasonable timeframe. If they are rushed, there is a possibility of rejection. I suggest sending a reminder midway through, as many people reviewed my paper, resulting in a lot of suggested changes. Overall, it is still quite good.

小学渣123 2021-07-15

Has your situation changed now?

努力发SCI的东 2021-06-28

Excuse me, everyone. How long does it usually take to request a manuscript? I have been waiting for a month since I submitted it, and it was assigned to an editor. Is it not good to remind them to expedite the process? Thank you, everyone.

unicoconut 2021-06-28

The following text translates to English as: "It has been urged. On March 11th and April 6th, it was urged separately. The first time, the editor-in-chief said that if there was any news, they would inform me at the earliest, which was a very official reply without specific information. The second time, I politely inquired in my email about when we could expect a result. The editor-in-chief replied that they had already tactfully urged the editor and forwarded the reminder to them. Soon after, the editor replied and said that the paper's result would be available in 5-6 weeks. And indeed, the first review result was returned within the given time."

caojian 2021-06-26

LZ, waited for over two months before it was under review, did you write a reminder letter during this period?

unicoconut 2021-06-24

1.28 submitted
1.31 Editor Assignment Pending

4.7 under review

5.6 reviews completed
5.12 reviews completed
5.13 minor revision

6.8 Revision Submitted
6.9 Editor Assignment Pending
6.19 Accept

等风南吹 2021-06-22

2021.02.08 submitted
2021.05.27 Minor revision
2021.06.22 submit revision
2021.06.22 Accept

就问你六不六 2021-03-14

2020.12.29 Submission
2021.1.27 Major Revision
2021.3.8 Rework
2021.3.9 Accept
2021.3.11 Final Disposition Accept
My first SCI article, I feel the review process was very fast, CCF-C, very cost-effective!

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