Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

旅途 2023-08-09

I have been back for almost 20 days now, and I am currently waiting for the second trial report. This is too slow, I'm really fed up.

dawson_1111 2023-08-07

Create 1 PDF @pe

peer_xiao 2023-08-07

May I ask if the response for rework is to put the opinions of several reviewers in one PDF, or to separate them into multiple independent PDF files?

Dimoerr 2023-08-06

Good, it's my first SCI publication. If nothing unexpected happens, it will also be my last. Now I don't have to worry about my master's graduation anymore. The whole process took six months, with four revisions in between. I was hesitant about sending it for external review every time, mainly because of inconsistent editorial opinions. In the final revision, it was directly evaluated by the editor, and about twenty days later, it was accepted.

2023-02-02: Submitted
2023-5-17: Received first-round comments, revise
2023-5-23: Revised and sent for external review
2023-6-7: Received second-round comments, revised the following day, and sent for external review
2023-6-30: Received third-round comments, revised the following day, and sent for external review
2023-7-15: Received fourth-round comments, revised, and sent for external review
Then it underwent an editorial evaluation without external review.
2023-8-3: Accepted

acceptpaper 2023-08-05

Okay, during these 20 days, I updated my status twice. I thought you were coming back, but I ended up waiting for too long. This journal is indeed a bit slow.

dawson_1111 2023-08-04

Please wait a little longer, maybe just these few days. @acc

acceptpaper 2023-08-04

I want to ask, how long did it take for the first trial editor to make a decision? I have been waiting for 20 days and still have not received any news.

dawson_1111 2023-08-04

Today's status update, it's another major revision. The reason is that we invited a total of 7 reviewers last time, but in the first round of revisions, we only received input from 3 reviewers. We have been waiting for the opinions of the remaining reviewers, so it's slightly delayed.

dawson_1111 2023-08-03

Today is exactly 20 days.

举起手来 2023-08-02

May I ask how long have you been in this state, I have been for more than ten days.

dawson_1111 2023-08-01

Currently, it is also editor evaluation.

举起手来 2023-07-31

The current revised manuscript is taking so long for the second review process. May I ask how the current status of the manuscript is, OP?

dawson_1111 2023-07-30

May I ask if there is any update on your current status?

dawson_1111 2023-07-29

Currently, it is still editor evaluation.

dawson_1111 2023-07-26

May I ask what your current condition is like now?

JoshuaSYM 2023-07-25

7.25 is still Editor appointed.

让我中吧. 2023-07-25

Brother, how long is your first trial time?

举起手来 2023-07-23

I have also been in this state for four or five days, which is not very normal.

dawson_1111 2023-07-23

It has been 12 days since the revision, and it has been 5 days in the editor evaluation stage. Has anyone experienced this situation before? Hoping for good luck.

举起手来 2023-07-22

The revised draft I submitted on 7.19, still no news as of now.

旅途 2023-07-22

4.18 Remind to submit the manuscript
4.19 Official reply from the journal: Reviewing process takes 6 months
6.18 Remind to submit the manuscript
6.19 Journal reply: Forwarded the reminder email to the editor
6.22 Editor reply: Decision will be made in 3-4 weeks
6.25 1 Reviewer report received
6.30 Reviewer reports received / Ready for editor’s decision
7.2 Reviewer reports received / Ready for editor’s decision
7.6 Reviewer reports received / Ready for editor’s decision
7.9 Revision requested
7.21 Resubmission
7.21 Revision technical check in progress

旅途 2023-07-22

The manuscript has been urged, and then it has already been revised and completed.

小阿牛 2023-07-20

After the submission on March 14th, it has been in the "Editor appointed" status. One month later, a reminder was sent, and the machine replied, "About how much more time is needed for review?"

koves 2023-07-04

You can remind the assistant editor after three months. Usually, as long as it reaches the hands of the chief editor, it will be accepted within two months.

Ark.C 2023-07-02

May I ask if there have been any updates on your submission status? I have also been in peer review and waiting for the editor to be appointed for a long time on the homepage.

Dimoerr 2023-06-25

Whether it's major repairs or minor repairs, my rework only involves revising, without specifying whether it's major or minor repairs.

旅途 2023-06-19

I have been in peer review for more than three months.

旅途 2023-06-19

I am not the corresponding author, but I submitted the journal using my own registered account, so I can see it myself.

旅途 2023-06-19

23.3.3 Submission received
23.3.4 Technical check
23.3.5 Peer review
Another interface displays 23.3.5 Editor appointed

cflw 2023-06-13

Probably not mine.

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