Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

张睿 2023-08-08

Invitation for review has been sent x2 7/13
Invitation for review has been accepted x1 7/24
Review has been completed x0

王瑜琪 2023-08-07

The reviewer reviewed it so quickly, now I'm really anxious!

yiweiyihang666 2023-08-07

8.7 A reviewer has completed the review.

王瑜琪 2023-08-04

Record the submission process:
July 21st - Manuscript submission
July 31st - Under review
August 4th - One reviewer has already completed the review ?

It feels like the prelude to rejection!!!

张睿 2023-08-01

Record the submission process and will continue to update. PS: The first review took 6 months, it was really excruciating.
2022.11.14 submitted to the journal
2022.11.21 under review
2023.2.15 under review
2023.5.15 Major revision
2023.7.12 submitted to the journal
2023.7.13 under review
2023.7.24 under review

yiweiyihang666 2023-07-31

7.31 under review translates to "7.31 being evaluated."

不稳定选手36 2023-07-26

2023.6.18 submitted
2023.6.19 with editor
It has been over a month, and there is still no external review...

王瑜琪 2023-07-25

Thank you! I wish both of us a smooth reception.

yiweiyihang666 2023-07-24

Reply [Wang Yuqi]: I'm not sure if pure simulation will work either. We can give it a try.

yiweiyihang666 2023-07-24

Reply to [Wang Yuqi]: The last time it took 20 days from submission to receiving a rejection from the editor. By the way, I'll also update you on the progress of this submission. It's with the editor as of 7.24.

王瑜琪 2023-07-22

May I ask if articles based on purely simulation calculations can be submitted to this journal? Also, how many days does the editing process usually take? Thank you very much!

yiweiyihang666 2023-07-21

7.21重投 translates to "July 21st Recast" in English.

yiweiyihang666 2023-07-18

Refused me, but encouraged me to resubmit. The reason for rejection was poor language. Now I will take it to revise, and continue to submit it later.

ccmkud 2023-07-13

I have always had a special attachment to JSV (Journal of Sound and Vibration). I have been considering submitting to this journal since my undergraduate years. During my master's, I always wanted to produce a publication, but due to urgency, I opted for a shorter and quicker option. Now that I am pursuing my doctorate, I have finally fulfilled my long-standing wish. Publishing an article in JSV may not be considered a big deal in the current environment, but I am still very happy. In the future, I will be more focused on achieving results and hope to make truly valuable research contributions.

Speaking of submission, there were three reviewers, and after five months, only two of them responded. However, their evaluations were all positive, and the editor requested minor revisions. After making the revisions, an additional reviewer was added, and the article was accepted one week after resubmission.

yiweiyihang666 2023-07-11

"7.5 with editor" translated into English means "7.5 with an editor."

yiweiyihang666 2023-07-02

Record the submission process and there will be continuous updates afterwards.
Submitted to Journal on 2023.7.1.

魏亚静 2023-06-30

Is this journal editor fast in handling?

慢慢 2023-06-07

Submitted on 2022-12-20, the paper was sent to four expert reviewers, out of which two agreed to review it. The first reviewer provided feedback on 2023-03-04, while the other reviewer has not yet returned their feedback. However, on 2023-06-06, the paper was directly accepted for publication as a Full Length Article in the Journal of Sound and Vibration, without requiring any further review. I apologize for the unexpected delay caused by the lack of response from one of the reviewers. Nevertheless, I believe that the acceptance of your paper is positive news that compensates for the delay.

undefined 2023-05-18

Hello, may I ask how long has the "submitted to journal" status of your paper lasted? I have been waiting for almost four weeks, and it is still in the "submitted to journal" status.

undefined 2023-05-14

Is your manuscript under review now? I have been waiting for three weeks, and the status is still "submitted to journal".

dentdelion 2023-04-30

provas disponíveis para verificação - 30 de abril de 2023

top飞仔 2023-04-30

It should be because of the high number of submissions or articles, but it is difficult to understand why it is stuck at "Submitted to Journal". The technical review is also slow, which is the reason for my low rating.

top飞仔 2023-04-30

So slow, the efficiency of this journal editor is so slow. It has been 15 days and it is still "Submitted to Journal". I have reminded them once in the middle, but there has been no progress after the official reply from the editor. Personally, I think if it's urgent, definitely don't submit it.

dentdelion 2023-04-28

"Artículo publicado en línea - 26 de abril de 2023"

"Article published online - April 26, 2023"

dentdelion 2023-04-25

The text "received for production - 23 apr 2023" is already in English.

dentdelion 2023-04-23

The translation of the given text "Completed - Accept - 22 Apr, 2023" into English is:

Completed - Accepted - 22 April, 2023

dentdelion 2023-04-18

avec éditeur - 18 avril 2023

with editor - April 18, 2023

白小黑 2023-04-18

Nov 10, 2022 Initial Date Submitted
Nov 14, 2022 With Editor
Nov 20, 2022 Under Review
Dec 09, 2022 Required Reviews Completed
Dec 11, 2022 Revise (Major Revisions)
Feb 24, 2023 With Editor
Mar 01, 2023 Under Review
Mar 31, 2023 Required Reviews Completed
Apr 02, 2023 Accept

Apr 02, 2023 Received for production
Apr 03, 2023 Article published online
Apr 07, 2023 Proofs available for checking
Apr 14, 2023 Final version of your article published online

Nov 10, 2022 Initial Date Submitted
Nov 14, 2022 With Editor
Nov 20, 2022 Under Review
Dec 09, 2022 Required Reviews Completed
Dec 11, 2022 Revise (Major Revisions)
Feb 24, 2023 With Editor
Mar 01, 2023 Under Review
Mar 31, 2023 Required Reviews Completed
Apr 02, 2023 Accept

Apr 02, 2023 Received for production
Apr 03, 2023 Article published online
Apr 07, 2023 Proofs available for checking
Apr 14, 2023 Final version of your article published online

dentdelion 2023-04-14

Révision soumise au journal - 14 avril 2023

Revision Submitted to Journal - April 14, 2023

dentdelion 2023-04-11


Submitted - 7th February 2023
Under Review - 20th March 2023
Minor Revision - 10th April 2023

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