Verified Reviews - Journal of Signal Processing Systems for Signal Image and Video Technology
Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

JSPS无良期刊 2022-11-15

This is a garbage journal, the editor has no moral responsibility, so don't submit to it in the future, and I also advise people around me not to submit, so as not to be deceived. Everyone's time is precious.

Sandra_Lam 2022-10-07

What was submitted on June 1st, it is now October 7th and it is still in the state of "Editor Assignment Pending". I don't know if it hasn't been updated or if this is really the status. I have already sent a reminder once and was asked to be patient, but isn't the median time 61 days? It has been 120 days for me... For those in a hurry, I don't recommend submitting to this journal.

JSPS无良期刊 2022-05-18

As soon as I urged, they refused. The editor is really arrogant. It depends on your luck, good luck.

JSPS无良期刊 2022-05-18

From November of last year to May of this year, the manuscript has been in the hands of the editor without being sent for review. It has been half a year, wasting my time. Unable to bear it, I sent an email to inquire when it could be sent for review. The result was a direct rejection, without any comments. I have never encountered such an irresponsible editor before. Even editors from top journals are not as arrogant as the editors of this journal. Were they planning to drag it out indefinitely if I hadn't asked? If you want to reject it, can you do it faster? Is other people's time not valuable? I only submitted to this journal because the official website stated that results would be given in 61 days, otherwise, who would submit to this journal? First of all, this journal is not a good journal, and the editor lacks morals and responsibility. I advise everyone to consider this journal carefully, especially those who are in a hurry to graduate. In any case, I will never submit to this journal again. Lesson learned the hard way.

joylele 2022-05-10

Excuse me, is there a submission Word template for the Journal of Signal Processing Systems for Signal, Image, and Video Technology? I only found the requirement for double column on the official website, but couldn't find the template.

Christine2020 2022-04-22

Excuse me, has there been any result? I have also been in the editing status for a long time, should I send an email to remind them?

科研人 2021-01-08

Engineering Technology, Image Processing direction. Submitted on 11/20, it has been showing "Editor Assignment in progress" all this time. I'm getting anxious. Is it because the assigned reviewers' status is not being displayed, or are they really still assigning an editor? I hope this journal doesn't neglect manuscripts. According to the official website, they should provide the first review feedback within three months. Sigh, I'm getting really nervous.

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