Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

李宝丁 2023-07-06

What is the status of "Awaiting Reviewer Selection"?

李宝丁 2023-07-06

What happens next? Did the original poster get selected?

六个明天 2023-05-15

It has been a month since I applied, and there has been no news or progress.

一个小团子 2023-04-08

Hello, may I ask if this journal charges a fee?

一个小团子 2023-04-04

Hello, may I ask if this journal charges a fee?

comaclc 2023-02-23

2.9 Submit for review
2.15 Review comments returned, major revision
2.18 Submit for review after major revision
2.22 Accepted

This editor works really fast, and the reviewer's comments are very detailed. Many small grammar mistakes and details in the figures were pointed out. Very responsible.
I feel lucky this time to have encountered good editors and reviewers.

comaclc 2023-02-09

Yesterday I sent an email to remind, today the deputy editor has been assigned and the reviewer has been selected.

comaclc 2023-02-02

It has been two weeks, and it is still ADM: Not assigned. Lí lí yuán shàng pǔ.

yan1995 2022-12-15

26-Oct-2022, submission
30-Oct-2022, under review
01-Dec-2022, two reviewers, minor revisions, editor assigned minor revisions
11-Dec-2022, revised manuscript returned
14-Dec-2022, accepted
The speed is fast, the editor's handling is very prompt, there will be action within three to four days at the slowest. The editor-in-chief also replies to emails quickly. When returning the minor revisions, there was a problem with the system-generated PDF proof. I emailed the editor-in-chief through the system and the editor-in-chief replied the next day using their mobile phone. Worth submitting.

badromance 2022-12-09

August 7, 2022 submission
September 20, 2022 review
December 5, 2022 minor revision
December 7, 2022 revise
December 9, 2022 accept
The editor's handling was very fast. Thank you, editor-in-chief.

中辣中辣我中辣 2022-11-28

What progress are you at now? I have been waiting for a month and it's still Awaiting Admin Processing.

七月上 2022-10-11

Submitted at the end of June 2022, waited for a month, and the editor processed it only at the end of July. Sent for review in August and received major revisions at the end of August. There were two reviewers, and I didn't understand one of the reviewer's comments in the first round of revisions. Made another round of revisions later and after resubmission, it was accepted in just a few days. The process was quite fast, from submission to acceptance within three months. Wishing the journal an early promotion to the second zone!

密码忘了 2022-09-20

Send me a message on the contact journal, saying that the revision comments have been sent to me, but I haven't received the submission link, corresponding author, or first author. What's going on?

密码忘了 2022-09-20

Hello, I would like to ask, how can I get in touch with the editor?? They sent me a message on the "contact journal" saying that the suggested revisions have been sent to me, but I haven't received the submission link, corresponding author, or the first author. What's going on? Also, can I email the editor on the "contact journal"?

zlwzz 2022-02-16

Posted on November 14, 2021, until February 16, 2022, it has been awaiting reviewer selection. I sent an email in between to inquire about it, and the editor-in-chief asked the associate editor in charge of my manuscript to reply to me, but there has been no response. Now I don't know what to do. Can anyone provide guidance? Thank you very much!

cyclist 2022-02-10

The possible direction is relatively niche, and it is difficult to find reviewers.

zlwzz 2021-12-24

Submitted on 11.14, as of today (12.24), the current status of the manuscript has been Awaiting Reviewer Selection. I don't know what's going on. Can someone please enlighten me? Thank you very much!

钳子 2021-11-30

Rejected after twelve days of submission, the speed is indeed relatively fast.

钳子 2021-11-29

I have been waiting for 11 days and it is still "Awaiting Admin Processing". It means yours is considered fast.

钳子 2021-11-29

I submitted the manuscript on November 18th, it has been ten days, and it is still "Awaiting Admin Processing". How is everyone's time?

小海11 2021-11-29

May I ask if your submission has been sent now?

zlwzz 2021-11-28

It is a research paper.

小海11 2021-11-28

May I ask if you submitted a review or a research paper?

zlwzz 2021-11-28

Submitted for 14 days, still Awaiting Reviewer Selection, so worried, who knows what's going on, please let me know, thank you very much! First time submitting to this journal.

溯北流云 2021-08-16

The review speed of JRPC is still acceptable, and the impact factor and position of the journal have been increasing over the past two years. As a result, the requirement for the originality of papers has also become higher. Overall, it is a new generation composite materials journal.

mechanicsaaa 2021-04-07

Because of an issue with the fund number, it was rejected.

阳光 2021-03-24

When submitting, the external review is usually conducted approximately one week later, and then the feedback on the manuscript is given after about a month. At that time, there were only three minor revision suggestions. During the review process, a fund number was added (although it was not added online by the journal). Afraid of making a mistake, I resubmitted a version without the fund number. However, it was rejected. The editor said that the article is not within the scope of the journal's research. In conclusion, the review speed was still relatively fast.

Carola 2021-03-09

Has your paper's review comments come out yet?

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