Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

Kevin Cui 2022-07-16

Gave major revision suggestions within one month, received many questions from three reviewers, made careful modifications, and returned. Three days later, made minor language revisions and received acceptance on the same day after returning.

你我的共同 2021-11-12

Overall, the submission process is relatively fast, with low requirements for the format of the article. It takes about one and a half months from submission to acceptance. Both reviewers didn't have many comments, one gave eleven points, and the other gave three points. The comments they provided were very sensible. It took about half a month for the first major revision, carefully making corresponding modifications based on the reviewers' suggestions. Afterward, it took about a week to wait, and an email was sent to inform that the article has been accepted!

Submitted on September 28, 2021;
Reviewer comments received on October 26, revised;
Revised version submitted on November 8;
Accepted on November 12!

有舍有得 2021-05-19

Title: Perioperative Anxiety Article, Submitted in November 2020, Accepted in May 2021, Underwent major revision once and minor revisions three times. The reviewers were very meticulous and careful! They provided over a hundred suggestions during the major revision, addressing numerous language issues, essentially polishing the entire manuscript. The editor's response to messages was prompt, and following acceptance, the manuscript underwent immediate proofreading with great efficiency. The impact factor is satisfactory, with a strong emphasis on statistics. Plus, it's free!

As a first-time submitter, I feel that this journal is definitely worth submitting to!

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