Note: Verified reviews are sourced from across review platforms and social media globally.

是周姑娘 2022-12-01

May I ask how many days does it take for RRC to release the results?

egs 2022-12-01

Posted on November 3rd, and still with the editor until the 5th, is this journal really this slow now?

vlion 2022-11-19

My RRC is also on November 15th. It has been 4 days now, and still no results. By the way, I submitted it in early October, and it was reviewed in three days, but the review process took a month and a half.

弘木 2022-11-16

10.26 under review - Date change
11.3 under review - Date change
11.16 Required Reviews Complete
Suddenly panicked

科研小鼠 2022-11-05

Before, my first trial took 4.5 months, but the second trial was faster, only 2 weeks. Fortunately, it was accepted later!
I think your response will come back soon. Good luck!

klgkk 2022-11-05

It's really too slow. It has been 4 months and it's still under review... Submitted on July 7th. With editor on July 8th. Under review since July 21st. Still under review on August 1st. Still under review on August 22nd. Still under review on October 8th.

弘木 2022-10-24

2022.10.18 With Editor - I hope everything goes smoothly.
2022.10.24 Under Review - I hope everything goes smoothly.

Mark 2022-10-21

After 11 days with the editor, I have also become "decision in process." May I ask how things are now?

你的波克比 2022-10-19

That's really disgusting. Who would dare to submit to him in the future? It has become a second-tier journal of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the impact factor hasn't increased much. It has been almost four months since submission, and if it gets accepted, it's somewhat better, but if it doesn't, I will be furious. What efficiency! Other journals like CEJ and AFM take just over two months from submission to acceptance, but my submission to JPS has been four months without any news. It would have been better to submit to a higher-ranking journal. I originally submitted to JPS because I wanted to publish my article as soon as possible, but the result is really disappointing.

你的波克比 2022-10-19

My almost four months have passed.

你的波克比 2022-10-19

It's been almost four months and it's still under review... I have no idea what's going on. If I had known it would be this slow, I definitely wouldn't have submitted it. It's really holding things up, as I was waiting to use it for an article, but I haven't received any updates in almost four months.

kong123 2022-10-18

I also encountered this situation. May I ask if you have submitted it for review? Thank you.

QQ密码106 2022-10-14

I've been in the process of making this decision for one week now, is there still a chance? Have all of you submitted for review?

可一可乐 2022-10-13

On which day after the required reviewers completed will it be accepted?
I have been waiting for several days without any response.

可一可乐 2022-10-13

After the completion of the required reviewers, how many days does it take to accept? It's so agonizing.

章鱼小丸子159 2022-10-10

Submitted on June 16th, accepted on October 9th, the end!

嘎嘎嘎子 2022-10-09

I'm also fed up with the Chinese Academy of Sciences, it's all about vested interests.

MMM快乐每一天 2022-10-08

Mine too, was yours rejected?

MMM快乐每一天 2022-10-08

Mine too, was yours rejected?

MMM快乐每一天 2022-10-08

Did my application with Edithor become "Decision in Process"? Is it doomed?

大力出奇迹1111 2022-10-08

May I ask how the situation is now?

不够丿纯 2022-10-07

This journal has become a second-tier journal of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, this...

qwerasdfgh 2022-10-04

The article "Journal of Power Sources" was published on October 15th. Why hasn't it been indexed in Web of Science yet? When is the latest date that Web of Science will include the entire issue from October 15th?

klgkk 2022-10-04

It has been under review for 3 months already...

歪歪贵贵 2022-09-28

Has there been any result?

歪歪贵贵 2022-09-28

Similar progress, still under review.

大力出奇迹1111 2022-09-26

Posted on August 13, 2022
Under review since August 22
No news until now
The child is anxiously waiting for graduation...
Sincerely hoping for a good outcome.

向上的纸飞机 2022-09-25

This comment has been deleted.

闪迪 2022-09-25

The submission on August 26th is still with the editor until now, it has been a month already. I will never submit to this magazine again, it's rubbish.
The manuscript submitted on July 21st is still under review, it has been two months!!! Even a turtle is faster than them.

葡萄不愤怒 2022-09-19

Can only say it's really super slow........waited for two months and got one fix and one rejection. Then got rejected.

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